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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Very good of you to keep the bike in the family Jim, I certainly hope you dont plan on leaving us here. If so you will need to head back over seas to get away from us, many of us are prior military and WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!
  2. Very nice work, I love seeing fellow metal maulers making cool things
  3. .....nothing more
  4. Nice Chevelle....and a big Cheesey moustache
  5. Hate to say it but if the econmy doesn't pick up we wont be going anywhere but local meets. Were going to put the house up for sale in the spring and all the extra monie we have (which is very little) will go toward tweaking the property for sale. We'll be at Maintenance day, but other than that....I don't know
  6. Good on ya Gary, keep right at it and you'll get better everyday. Once you can start working out you'll get stronger and feel better
  7. Avon Venoms is my 1st choice in tires and Michelin Commanders is my 2nd.
  8. Never even heard of them....you could always be the Gineau Pig
  9. Hell that place be rights here in Michigan
  10. Hell that place be rights here in Michigan
  11. I like it Chief
  12. I've lost a bit over 5 lbs, but I'm definitely getting stronger and in better shape. That being said I need to get to the doc's and have them do some blood tests to check and see if my Thyroid is working right. I have drastically changed my eating habits and doing 600 steps everyday at work along with some weight lifting. Just going to keep going with it as I haven't been to the Chiropractor in 3 months.
  13. What year is it Jeff
  14. Unfortunately it seems Paul is pretty wrapped up and is having a hard time with getting some cables made. If you need some help with the cables like measurments shoot me a PM and I'll give you a hand, I used to be the one that made them here on the site.
  15. Looks good to me
  16. Thats a good upgrade, $800 for the difference...Good on ya
  17. Very similar in design to the Unigo, and I know we have a couple of members here that pull the Unigo and love them. Talk with Dennis Traynor (MidRSV) in Kentucky, I know he has one and me thinks he put up a thread about his. I am going to make a single wheel trailer here shortly , so if it's something you can afford I would say do it
  18. Mark, 1st off Welcome home my friend, and thank you for your dedication to our country. Many moons ago I was in the same spot with coming back from deployment. I hate to say this, but did the culprit that backed over your items offer to cover some of the costs? Not wanting to start a war but to me that seems fitting if they did. The carb boots, I would take your shop vac and vaccume out the space, probably no harm done. Sounds like your on the right track with the greasing of the rearend components. While the tire is off check your fuel lines and replace the fuel filter. As your looking at the bike from the rear it will be on the lower left side by the swingarm. As always if you run into problems come back on and we'll get you squared away
  19. You know some of the miles that Lonna and I put on I can honestly say that for a weeklong trip I want to have a trailer behind me, and we stay in motels and dont camp. I just hate to see someone talk about the close calls that could be aleviated if they didn't have the bike overloaded BTW I am in the process of building another trailer, this one will be a 1 of a kind....like everything else I like to build
  20. Chief, Don will never do a membership fee, we had to threaten to kill him to put the donation button up top I talk with him fairly often and he's doing OK on the donations, but it's good to keep it in people minds as as busy as many of us are we tend to forget
  21. Tim, Here's Piggy Backers website http://piggybacker.stehltow.com/ Not trying to sell you on a trailer but I will say that it's way safer than trying to load up a Venture for 2 people for camping on a long trip. Depending upon where your going you will need all your clothing for different weather situations. I have been in below freezing out west in August, so be mindful when your thinking about what your taking.
  22. Just my I would invest in a small trailer to pull behind the bike. Keep your equipment in there, I have loaded many a Venture up and it's just not feasable to try to get all that stuff on it. As mentioned the Piggy Backer can be purchased for about the $650 mark and you dont have to worry about being overloaded.
  23. Good ideas, but check for spark 1st. We had the same thing happen at a M&E here in Michigan and it turned out to be the kickstand switch. Had the bike half torn apart and plugs pulled, a little voice said put up the kickstand and try it. We did and it started right up.
  24. I have seen that one before, I imagine the fella was changing his shorts after that
  25. You know you could probably make a nice profit making those Very nice work
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