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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. If you look at the tread design on the E3 it's VERY similar to the Avon Venom Give the E3 a shot, we need more test pilots to see what they think of it.
  2. Earl, No offense taken here by me or anyone, I understand where your coming from and appreciate your taking the time to get right down to the basic bolts of how it's done. Perhaps it's just me in the fact that if I go verbatum by the book the valve is already starting to load up. I'll play around with it a bit more and see if the timing mark is just a "in the area" reference. Thanks again everyone, this is a very informative thread and I appreciate all the input
  3. You'll do just fine, and thats a great bike your getting. Randy has taken good care of her, just sad to see he has to let it go. Be safe and were looking forward to your report once your back home.
  4. Dan, The manual is very vauge on all of it, I'm definitely not impressed with it. It will give you the mark for TDC on #1 and then it states that you rotate so many degrees to get to TDC on the rest of the cylinders. I have to say that I appreciate all the input, especially from you Lutz, but this manual is a PITA. I have helped build 11 second V8's and have always checked my valve clearances 1 way for any and every motor, it has never changed. I went out and read the book several more times and everytime the lobe is starting to engage the shim where the book says to measure, it just isn't making sense to me. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do, I might sleep on it for another night in the hopes of some Japaneese epiphany. Thank all of you folks again for the help and sharing of your knowledge PS I have given thought of timing jump but the bike never indicated anything like that.
  5. I understand my friend, we'll just have to get together and ride with whatever you have Looking forward to seeing you and the missus again soon
  6. Those #'s sound right as the fronts are different than the other 2
  7. This is exactly what I am saying, I was always taught that you needed to slide the feeler gauge completely through the opening to be sure of an accurate measurement. When I do it by the book, I can get the feeler somewhat through, but then it engages the lobe of the camshaft. I'll try to take some pics tonight to perhaps get a better understanding that we can all focus on, Thanks for all your comments
  8. It is strange how people observe things, especially tires. I wont recommend the Dunlops due to just the opposite of what your friend is saying. This isn't a slam on him, perhaps for him it is this way. I have found Dunlops, especially the 404's to be horrible in the rain and they will track a tar snake like nobodies business. Perhaps it's all about the bikes they are on, but I hate Dunlops on the Ventures. I have run the Avon Venom on several different Ventures and find they are good in the rain, but I also slow way down when it's raining, interesting comparison to be sure
  9. Nice looking machine you got yourself there I have no doubt that you will enjoy it.
  10. Larry is one of the best guys I know, we ride with he and Joyce often and have always had a great time with them. The lift adapter is top notch and you'll wonder how you got along without it
  11. Hey I remember that one too Good to see you back on Chuck, and I hate to say it...but I would be putting someone in the hospital after all the BS you have gone through with painting your bike
  12. Ok Fellas, I'm working on an '86 with 38000 miles on it and we are checking the valve clearances. Now I have always checked for valve clearances with the lobes facing upward 180 degrees away from the valves. The manual, like everything Yamaha does, is complicated to say the least. I find when I measure it my way that all the clearances are good except the intakes on #2. How the manual states is to go by TDC and the lobes should be facing away from eachother. My issue with this is that the lobe is already starting to load up on the shim as I can't get the feeler gauge all the way through. I need some help for you boys in how you have done this and what you know...PLEASE
  13. Ah yes...the 1st ride of the year, right at the point where your ready to chew someones head off for nothing, I do love that 1st ride of the season
  14. Congrats on making it, I tried my own business once, I'm a much better welder/fabricator than I am a businessman
  15. Looks real good there Dennis
  16. Hard to say Lutz, our economy has been beat to hell so bad that several other unknown factors could be the demise of this place. I agree with your thinking in that he should have atleast some trickle business, but unfortunately we dont have all the facts. He could just be relocating his business out of MB to make a statement to the citizens and the City Council in hopes that others get mad and demand some better thinking
  17. Good to see you back on here Kiddo, and a ride on the bike really clears the head out too Looking forward to seeing you again, hopefully at PIP4
  18. I have bought the 1st gen ones at Autozone, about $5
  19. Holy Hell Kid where have you been!!
  20. I agree with Lutz 100% I had the same thing happen and the inside of the master cylinder was clogged. I have also seen the freeplay in the petal too cause this, those are the most likely culprits.
  21. Jeff, When you remove the tire to install the new one, clean the hell out of the beading surface of the rim. The aluminum has a clearcoat that over time will deteriorate, especially with you being as close to salt water as you are. I have seen this many times on auto rims and all that I had to do was clean the bead with some scotch brite and put some bead sealer on the rim after the tire was installed but not seated on. That should take care of any bead leaks that you encounter and if you want you can still put the Ride-on in for peace of mind.
  22. Thanks for the info Steve, I have a feeling that many of those items are gone already. BTW your going to LOVE Larry's lift adapter
  23. Mark, I'm somewhat ignorant on all the techy stuff as far as audio and all the Doo-dads (I got to say it too ) that are available these days. I dont know if you have already looked, but Crutchfield is a very reputable company that sells high quality electronics. You might want to check them out and see what they have to offer. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-4PCcaROg5Bz/
  24. I have to disagree Lutz, there are many businesses that revolve around specific events, some being rallys. I know of many here in Michigan that 1 or 2 events form the base of their yearly exsistance. When tourism is bad these folks starve and I could absolutely see that shop folding due to nobody showing up at Myrtle Beach for the bike week that used to be there. Problem is this is just 1 small business that has been brought to our attention. There are Hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the United States that are failing or going to because of VERY bad governing from the federal all the way down to the local community level
  25. Dan, Have you just thought about buying the ring and pinion gear and installing them in your pig? That or the Sportmax that does the swap, sometimes it's easier to pay the money and have a finished product that you can just bolt in
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