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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I know there are folks here that run and love the Dunlops, I'm not one of them. I can't stand the Dunlops, atleast the 404's, I have a set on my '08 and can't wait to change them out. Now I have about 10k on the set that is on there now, but they are cupped even though I take meticulous care of them and keep them at max pressure. I hate how they handle, expecially on wet roads. I have heard many times that members but replacements to the 404's that came on their bikes only to get crap for mileage the 2nd set. Perhaps there are different rubber compounds in the same tire that we as consumers aren't privy to, but I'll never go out and buy a set of Dunlops for any of my bikes.
  2. The 7 lbs is only for the 2nd gen, the 1st gen you can push up to about 20 lbs as it's forks are designed to handle that pressure.
  3. Max sidewall pressure means max load rating, underinflate, loose load rating of tire. I always run mine at max pressure and tune the suspension for the ride.
  4. An '03 for 10K is a bit of a push, but the mileage is low and if it's in mint condition with some chrome extras, it might not be too far out of the park. As mentioned lots of info in the tech library, and these are fantastic machines....welcome to the site
  5. Post it...and they will come
  6. We'll try to make it Carlos, been busy as all get up, thanks for posting it up
  7. Jay is right on the money with his statement, you need to have some tounge weight in order for the trailer to track properly. I have logged better than 30000 miles pulling a trailer and have had to adjust the tounge weight from time to time to get the right balance. You might have too much weight in the front as this will make the front end light and cause the wobble, you'll have to practice with it to find the happy medium.
  8. I'm the 3rd with not seeing that coming, but I'm sure the pay will be good. I dont envy you Jeff, I spent 9 months over in the middle east. Let Mini know that if she needs something to let us know and if you need something over there you do the same, good luck my friend and we'll look forward to seeing you at Skids.
  9. Good advice by all here, but if you haven't changed out the brake fluid in all the master cylinders of the bike, I would suggest you do it. Check and make sure that the oil hasn't been changed to an energy conserving one, stranger things have happened.
  10. Keep the faith Randy, it's been a rough road for you and Marcie, but were still here for you my friend....all the best.
  11. Were still all with you Kiddo, it WILL all work out one way or another...trust us
  12. Nice thinking out of the box Mike I'll bet you have some folks PMing you to make a setup like that for them
  13. That sounds like a fair deal to me, but then it would cost me about $200 to come down for the weekend and get them
  14. Get on a 2nd gen and you'd be riding...not fixing
  15. This is exactly what I would do, and I have in the past
  16. Reed, I am assuming your talking about an accessory wire that will switch power to the relay when the key is turned on and off. What I did was take a continuity tester and start reaching into the plug end on the wiring harness and finding which one was switched power and just tyapped off of it. I also went directly to the battery as my powersource for the lights. Dont go through the ignition switch for any of your power needs as the switches on the Vneture aren't very good and many have had them crap out.
  17. If Momma's happy, everybody is happy, you and I must be kindred spirits in the inserting foot in mouth disease
  18. Thats a '99, look at the seats # 1 and yes the badge is correct for a '99. Somebody painted it black, thats all. How much they asking for it Dan?
  19. Thanks for taking us on the trip with you Mike, looks like your having a great time
  20. I have seen RSV's and TD's in Orange and I liked them. I know some of the boys are passionate about the MM's but paint it whatever color you want, it will truly be unique then and have your signature on it. I was going to change the color of my '99 to a 2 tone orange and copper color before the rear tire blew out and totalled it
  21. Your spirit is good and your tenacity is right there as always. Good to hear you got home safe, your always in our thoughts my friend and we look forward to seeing you again
  22. Let us know what you find out, there are a lot of resources on this site, but I do feel your pain
  23. Nothing worse than seeing a machine not get used, now she'll have a life and be enjoyed....it's all good my friend
  24. Very creative...I like it
  25. No it wont Jack, it's setup to the frame dimentions of the G2
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