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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Jack, Maintenance Day is held at Freebirds house on June 6th in Oberlin Ohio, here is a thread about it http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35176&highlight=Maintenance Your only 60 miles away and it's the most fun you'll have with your clothes on
  2. When the hell did you get a sportster
  3. He's still coming down off the trip
  4. Hey Rhonda.....it's time you learned how to fix the bike, we all know better than to think your a Sally when it comes to getting dirty ...and really how hard of a fix was it if DAVE fixed it
  5. Jack, I dont know where in Ohio you are but if you can make it to maintenance day we could take a peek at the bike and get a better understanding of whats going on. If your not that far into Ohio I could shoot down on a weekend and see what we can come up with.
  6. She'll take care of you Ian Good to hear the surgery is good, but if she can travel in the cage, we'd love to have you folks with us. It's really about the food and folks...the bikes are somewhat second
  7. Well we really didn't see Russell on a Venture either....you might be on to something here Buddy
  8. And there you have it! Lutz your pretty handy to have around here with us
  9. You're so sweeeet thinking of Pinkman that way
  10. I'm with Ruffy on this too, I run exactly the same as he described. I will only run Michelin Commanders or Avon Venoms on my Ventures, some folks are talking well about the Dunlop E3's but you couldn't sell me a set of the 404's
  11. Looking forward to seeing you folks there Randy, we'll be heading out Thursday after I get off work and help Don set the place up for the masses. Be safe going down and we'll catch up with you there
  12. That'll work, thanks for the effort in making the kit Earl, I know there will be some very grateful folks for this
  13. I expect nothing less from you Phil, good to see your face on here
  14. Nothing better than putting some wind in your face, sounds like you had a good time
  15. To all you "Mothers" (Female or Male) out there in Ventureland, Happy Mothers Day
  16. Yeah thats a good idea too, didn't think of that one
  17. I'll try to remind you Thursday night when we get there
  18. Glad your back with us Fred, can't help you with the parts, but sure am glad that your here again
  19. If you bought that bike for $300 you scored big time
  20. Thats why were here
  21. Earl, Thats not a giveaway as they used the same casing on many of that era Yamahas. The only was I know of is to look at the gears inside the pig. If the ring gear is a 9 tooth then it's a Vmax if it's a 10 tooth it's a Venture. If I'm wrong with that statement you will have answers quickly to dispute my statements
  22. Old Hippie just ordered one from Buckeye Performance and I installed it in his '92. Give Rick a shout and he'll make it happen.
  23. Sorry to hear of your mishap buddy get yourself healed up good and proper. I'll bet you some of that good ole cajun food your fabulous wife makes would speed up the healing time....or atleast make your stomach feel better
  24. Earl, There is a phillips head screw on the inside of the grill, remove the screw and the grill will pull out and to the outside to come off. Just take your time doing it as there are 2 tabs on the inside portion that hold it into the fairing and then the screw holds the outside.
  25. There is a precise measurement for the floats and yes these carbs are a PITA, I did Dave Pankows over the winter There is a mark in the center of the diaphram cover that you need to measure down between 14 to 16MM for the correct float level (It's in the repair manual) Making sure all the diaphrams are good and all your pilot screws are all turned out the same. I'm no carb expert but I know others will chime in and confuse the crap out of you like they did me
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