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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Folks heres the thread that Lonna started for ordering your stickers http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36024 If you could post your responces there it will be much easier for her to keep track of them. Make sure that you PM or email her and stay in direct contact with her. It can be hard to follow everyone just saying what they want on the posts....Thanks
  2. Here you go
  3. Yeah that was a lot of burger Best wishes to the family Russell, sorry to hear of it
  4. Good to hear it went well Randy
  5. Lonna is going to be handling this, I dont have the time to do it. She will be going to the printers tomorrow and have more made up, only 2 colors Silver or Black. Contact Lonna (Sweetnothing) and she'll get a running order up and get in contact with those that are interested. We'll have a bunch of them with us at Maintenance Day, she'll start a new thread on this tomorrow.
  6. Sean Morgan is very reputable and I would buy from him again without hesitation
  7. Living up to your namesake there, eh NaughT
  8. What in the hell are you doing with a Metzler on that bike
  9. We want pics of it! Remember, no pics...it didn't happen
  10. Good answers, but just because your battery is new doesn't mean it isn't defective. The trunk light is a culprit, but I would also check that battery very hard.
  11. The Bubs will be louder than stock HD, even with the baffle plates out.
  12. Nice looking scoot there Phil, I do think you need to bring it to MD at Don's so we can see it
  13. I have to stir the pot sometimes dont want you folks to think I'm getting soft
  14. Nice looking trailer Jopie, looks to be a lot of room inside...looking forward to seeing it
  15. Those came out real nice Ruffy and you can't beat the deal, I'll bet he sells a bunch of them
  16. Obviously those folks have never heard you pipes
  17. Looking forward to meeting you Jonas, safe journey on your trek to Maintenance Day
  18. Come on Rooster.....you know better than that. We could care less about what you ride, I expect to see Swifty on a wing in less than a year. As long as your comfortable and it works for you....it works for us, see you at Don's on the 6th
  19. You know that your our poster child for this Right Tom!
  20. @ Freebirds house in Oberlin Ohio, heres an information thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35176
  21. Back up top with this,were getting close to D-day and the weigh in, still time to donate for the lbs lost by the volunteers. I'm still working at it and will bring money with me as I'm sure that I wont be meeting my 35 lbs goal All the monies will go to St. Judes so pleae if you can spare some cash donate towards the lbs lost
  22. Earl....have you ever actually ever met these 2 (Dan and Shari) in person?
  23. I did....back in '88 on a 1200 Sporty
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