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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Are you excited yet Good to have you in our country Jonas, looking forward to seeing you at Don's
  2. Kawi missed the mark with the new Voyager. The finish is very "Cheap" feeling and I too noticed the lack of rear speakers. I also didn't like the rear trunk lanyard and how it was right in the middle of the storage area. Kinda arrogant of the salesman to think that is a superior maching to a bike that comes standard with more stuff and hasn't changed in 10 years
  3. I ain't sayin' nothing! Just beware to all you land lubbers
  4. We'll have to see you at Don's as we'll be leaving on Thursday night. It will be good to finally put a face to you
  5. I have made 4 trailers over the years and you can get away with making them for less than $500. The diamond plate truck box was the 1st one I made and what I liked about it was the room for, as Muffin mentioned, my golf clubs. I am looking to make another one, but will go with a 48" box this time. I also liked that the trailer was no wider than the bike, if the bike would fit through it, so would the trailer. I have towed that particular trailer for over 20000 miles and it pulls beautifly. Longer tounge is a great idea and makes the rig much more stable. Here are a few of the pics of it and another one that Lewis posted for a friend a year or so ago. If you have other questions PM me or my #'s are in my profile.
  6. Buddy I was looking forward to meeting you at Don's, sorry to hear of your mishap. Heal up fast and we'll catch up with you soon.
  7. Cool Beans Art! I hope you get many miles out of the Kawi, I rode Lowells in Colorado and it is a very nice machine, good balance and power
  8. Jonas, Looking very forward to seeing you at Dons, safe trip my friend and we'll see you in 6 days
  9. Mike, It was our pleasure to have you at our home, this door is always open to any and all that decide they want to make the journey. I'm happy to hear that your hands are doing better, although the rightwristitis can make for worse gas mileage, it makes for lots more grinnin' I must have sewn many seeds as what I reap from the people on this site is more than anyone can expect. Lonna and I both dig having folks come over, I dont mind helping anyone with anything and I'm glad that your bike is better than when you pulled in the driveway. Looking forward to seeing you again at MD....and little Mike, I'm glad that our 1st impression was a good one
  10. I haven't heard of anyone moving the G2 trunk back Bob, but that rubber piece would definitely be in the way
  11. Were leaving after I get off work on Thursday, we'll catch up with you in Ohio my friend....be safe.
  12. No I do not, sold out of them a few months ago.
  13. I do not have any brackets left
  14. Mike, I have done several of them and they work great! if you want to take a ride out to Marine City this weekend I'll install it for you, takes about 30 minutes....you wont be disappointed with it
  15. We'll be there Friday too to help Don set up, I like the idea and would be glad to sit in class on the carbs
  16. Very nice workmanship! I'm looking forward to seeing that trailer up close here as son as I can. I was pondering the same swivel setup as I want to make a single wheel trailer and hook it to the bike like that. Excellent job
  17. Quit yer cryin'....."forced me to have dessert" Yeah right!
  18. To all our Warriors, Present and Future....Thank you for all the sacrifises that you have and do make. AMS3 Bradley F. Newby
  19. It's different and thats cool
  20. No I didn't
  21. Mike, It's good to hear you got some wind in your face, I'm sure it's been too long coming. Good looking scoot you have there, especially those driving light brackets Be safe and start pounding the miles on her
  22. Good to see you on Mike I just sold my '08 due to the uncertainty of the economy and wanted to free up the payment. My job too is linked to GM so I am lightening my load in case it goes very bad with GM and DTE decides to cut it's losses. I have already told Lonna that if I get laid off to stop paying the house payment and start packing. This job is the only reason we are still in Michigan, otherwise it's Texas or Tennessee....a job loss might not be a bad thing for us
  23. There will be some at MD
  24. Thats a good looking scoot Rooster and may it bring you as many enjoyment as the 1st gens did.
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