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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Send the Mafia....makes for much better story tellin'
  2. I do the shop Vac as I dont have a leaf blower
  3. Jeff, Do what you have to do and get back home, we'll keep the lights on for you....be safe my friend and God speed.
  4. Now thats a true friend there
  5. David, That might be a possibility as we may head over to see our neice in Chalotte NC. Remind me in a few days or call me and we'll see if we can't make something like that happen
  6. I like your thinking Joe
  7. Rick, My cell is 810 531 5128, would love to get hooked up with you while your here....be safe and have a great trip
  8. You can use DOT 4, I use a Valvoline Synthetic thats compatable with both DOT 3 & 4.
  9. Just to let you 1st genners know I put an exhaust extention in the classifieds, make an offer and it might just be yours
  10. I hear you my friend, we'll make it happen
  11. I'll check my last recepit, but I believe that with all the connectors and the fuse block it's just over $20. I'll make a trip there and pick up a few of them
  12. Thats doesn't surprise me with Cliff, Bravo Zulu Jeff....you be safe, we love ya brother
  13. If you can get here, we'll find it and do a carbtune
  14. Gary, Did you post these up in our classifieds?
  15. Don, I get them locally here in the Detroit area at a place called Terminal Supply. If I'm not mistaken, Lonestarmedic is buying items from them too and having it shipped to his house. Here is the website http://terminalsupplyco.com/Default.aspx and the fuse block, I use as it's an 8 position one instead of the 6. http://terminalsupplyco.com/Store/Product.aspx?pc=ATO-FB8 I also use a heat shrink connector on the wires http://terminalsupplyco.com/Store/Product.aspx?pc=SBB-9263 Let me know if you want one and I'll get it rolling for you:happy34:
  16. I agree, I need a job....down in Texas Thanks for the kudos, I like to make things neat and easy to use when I can
  17. Good to have you on Laura, enjoy the site and we'll catch up with you folks again soon
  18. Squidley

    New Ride

    If you got a running Connie for 8 bills you should be arrested for larceny
  19. Looks great, hopefully we'll get to see it soon, perhaps when we head back to St. Judes this year
  20. I said my mind....you'll know it's me
  21. Not necessarily with yours, but I know that I have cleaned and tightened ground straps on the engine blocks of frame and that was the culprit on a few of them.
  22. Hey Dan, Here are some of the pics I took of how I did the '89 yesterday. It's a bit different than what Skydoc has done, but the same result, let me know if this helps you out
  23. Took the words out of my mouth
  24. Good talking to you this afternoon dan and I'm very happy to hear that your back making some money
  25. I understand Curtis, I have seen the results of a plug and what it can do to a tire. I'm just very cautious when it comes to tires, due to some of the things I have seen while being a tire store manager
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