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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I like that last pic of Dee waving goodbye It was great to be able to spend time with you 2 again bro, thanks again for the "house call"
  2. Thanks for the updates Mini, he's in our thoughts too
  3. Cindy, Glad to see your back home and we had a great time with you and Dale. I know every step you went through as it was the same way in Colorado in '07. I have said it before and I will again, you did a fantastic job as well as all the committee members in making this rally happen. You all should be very proud on a job well done, but you especially with all you were going through at the time. Great job Kiddo....thanks for the memories
  4. Hey Bud, Good to hear you 2 are safe at home, and we had a great time spending some of it with you. We'll catch up with you in a couple of weeks when we make it back to Michigan
  5. Sounds like a good story to be told, you and your committee did a fantastic job Bill, you should be really proud of yourselves
  6. Yep here we are in Houston at Gunboats house. I have to say that this heat will take some getting used to Gonna start to work on finding a job and hopefully Monday be able to get some face time in with perspective employers. Just figured we'd give Y'all a heads up...see I'm already geting the lingo down BTW, Tom In Blanco, how this.... TEXAS!!!
  7. I'm glad that it came through my friend, it's like a cult here....you'll never escape no matter how hard you try
  8. I am currently running a set on my '89 and besides taking a lot of weight on the front to balance, they seem to be working well. I just ran them through the twisties in Arkansas and they didn't slip once. So far, for the money, they seem to be OK.
  9. Thanks Aniie, Your donations went over well and we really appreciate all that you did. Matter of fact I am typing this on the new laptop I wont last night Didn't quite make it to Houston, were in nacodoches Texas...but life is good
  10. Thanks Dan, we looked at that on the manual in the thumb drive I brought, but we have no power t that control panel. I guess what were looking for is if there is a relay connected in there some how. All the fuses are good and the brake light micro switches are working properly. Thanks again Buddy and we'll keep checking this post
  11. All the best to you James, I know all too well about tires blowing out. Best of wishes on the healing and let us know if we can help you.
  12. If you can wait till we get back from Texas in about 10 days, I'll meet up with you mid state and bring my carbtune with me.
  13. We did keep it a pretty good secret thanks to a handful that knew. I'm glad that it played out the way it has, we really would have hated to miss this one. Having a great time and meeting new folks and seeing old friends.
  14. Thanks again folks for all the ideas and comments, keep 'em coming, we all know that I need all the help I can get
  15. Thats pretty sweet You have the best of both worlds now
  16. Kinda neat, I have a fishing kit that is the size of a violin case, maybe a bit smaller that is pretty trick. For $40 buy it and be out guinea pig
  17. Squidley

    Road Rage

    I had one happen yesterday, no gun pulled, but she did absolutely try to hit me with her car. She didn't do it, but she knew that I wasn't happy. I have to shake my head and keep my mouth shut, one day she will run into someone that is carrying and then she will probably regret her actions
  18. Trying to reform....yeah right Wrench, you didn't step on any toes, Kent is a very ambitious person who is anal on many things....but we love him just the same You post up any questions you have whenever you have them, it's all good my friend!
  19. 1st thing I would say is make sure all your vaccume lines are in good shape. 2nd would be to plug the AIS, I had a lot of popping on my '99 and discovered that I had forgot to completely seal one of the vaccume lines when I removed the AIS
  20. I'll tell you where not to stay, Knights Inn. Lonna and I stayed at one down south and it was a disaster, I'll never stay at one of their chains again
  21. Thanks James, it will be good to finally get to meet you
  22. Jack, Let me say that Lonna and I both love Tennessee, it's a beautiful state and we love being there. Right now you have all the damn yankees that you can handle coming down. I have been watching prices on housing down there double in price since we started looking 2 1/2 years ago. I dont like to be a pessimist, but Tennessee is going to go through some growing pains here very soon. It has never been an industrialized state and now all of a sudden it's booming, that will come to an end too as there is only so much it can handle in a short time. Sorry about the ramblings, but My guts tell me Texas is the place to go....but we'll definitely come to Tennessee for a visit
  23. You bet, if I did though I would call you up and ask you to help pack...seeing I couldn't Buddy, I did notice that and I would go for a door to door. The price that was quoted for what I believe we'll need is $2600. I would be that plus some with a rental truck and the fuel, little own flying a 3rd driver either up here to drive a vehicle or or back here after it's done. I'll work on the price a bit, but the ABF is looking really good to me
  24. Just for grins, and not knowing that I stated the miles above. Just by looking at my bike from these pics, how many miles would you think are on it
  25. I'll bet you would....that might be going too, not that I have that much
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