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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Don't know how much you weigh, but have you tried more pressure in the rear? I ran 40 most the time solo and all the way up to 55 when 2 up and loaded. Still thuink that your shock needs some attention.
  2. Ain't they cute
  3. Chris, Another thought is that you need to let the swingarm spring back into it's neutral position. There is a 12mm bolt that tightens the axle shaft on the right side of the bike. Make sure that after you tighten the axle nut and put the cotter key in, you loosen that 12 mm bolt and let the swing arm relieve tension. My #'s in my profile, call if you need to.
  4. Your rear shock could be the culprit, vibrations and noises have a way of travelling around the bike. If you found some oil under the rear shock I think I would address that 1st seeing your bike is 9 years old. The rear shocks are notorious for going bad.
  5. It's been handled
  6. Frank, I can only speak personally, but the 1st gens can be a bit uncomfortable depending upon your leg length. I'm not really tall, about 5' 11" with a 32" inseam, but I find my knees dont apprewciate the foot position on the 1st gens, even though I now own an '89. Best piece of advise I can give you is to get a good set of highway pegs that you can stretch you legs out with. The floorboards are hard to come by and really dont change your footing position that much. You might want to think about having Rick Butler redo your seat and I dont know if you have a backrest, but to me that is a must for long times in the saddle. The highway pegs will GREATLY improve your comfort, thats what I would address 1st.
  7. Well if the shoe fits......
  8. I fully agree with David here, this seems to be a hot button issue, so please refrain from public bashing here on the site.
  9. It scares me that a professional dealer can't get a tire on a rim. I have never not been able to mount a tire on a rim, there are lots of trick to make that happen. Atleast you got a tire and are going to Vogel, that will be fun
  10. I should have read that a bit better, the noise is gone after the lube....my bad, your fine, keep riding. guess I should read a little slower
  11. That doesn't sound like anything I have ever heard....take it into the dealer.
  12. Weeellll alright then
  13. From inside to out it should go wheel with spacer inside the seal, bracket that holds caliper, small washer, and axle shaft and swing arm on the outside.
  14. UuuHHHMMM pics please Oh and go out and do some riding will ya
  15. Kreg didn't make it to St. Judes this last year, I'm starting to know about that CRS
  16. As long as that chair will hold my rearend that is a great price and a small package. The others are nice, but not for that kind of money for me
  17. Urishi Black and Marshall Gold only other color on the US models was the 2 tone brown
  18. I have always liked that color...now your gonna make me age more waiting, you sure are hard on a fella
  19. Dave.....welcome to the "Holy crap my brakes locked up" club. Great thinking on your part to have the 8mm handy, I have had to do that with my newest '89. The biggest culprit, besides being too full with no room for the fluid to expand into is crud (for lack of a better word) contaminating the system and plugging the expansion port in the rear master cylinder. I have removed and cleaned a dozen 1st gens that had gelled up fluid tht block the hole and locked the rear brake up. If you haven't completely cleaned your rear reservior or master cylinder you might want to think about doing that. Nice thinking on the fix and be safe
  20. Kreg, Lonna and I had a great time with you at lunch. I was talking with Gunboat and it's been a year and a half since I have seen you, December of 07 Sure doesn't seem like that long...but it was. Do appreciate the good chi coming from you folks and everybody thats wishing us well. Hell ova thing to pack up your life and move 1500 miles from what you know. You folks are making it real easy for us to be able to come to our new home with friends already here.....Thanks Buddy
  21. Motel 6 ....they'll keep the lights on for you ...sorry I couldn't resist
  22. Hello!...it's been 2 whole days and you still haven't put up pics Dont make me come there and have to take the pics for you
  23. Hey Skinny, I have never said that I didn't like the 1st gen, I have only said that for 2 up touring the G2 is hands down the better of the 2 bikes as far as comfort. I know the 1st gen handles quicker than the G2, I've had 4 of them now ....and yes that grin was on my face after the Jasper Disaster....I'm not that old either I'll still be your buddy no matter what you call yourself...even Skinny Squidley
  24. I see you caught up with Darryl and Rhonda Barnes (Brick on the site) from Kitchener Ontario. Great folks and we have rode a few miles with those folks ourselves. It does appear that you abused the ol '99, but she took you there and brought you home....nice job
  25. Your just full of changes, avitars, names...where does it all end!! Pretty soon you'll be on a second gen
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