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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Larry's adapter is top notch, he is a master fabricator in my book, and I have been doing it for better than 20 years. I have one as well and have used it numerous times. Anyone with a G2 that does their own work needs to have one in their garage.
  2. Dennis, It has a 5 year warranty...let the dealer look at it if you trust them. I would also check the steering head bearings, I know it sounds dumb, but I have found strange vibrations disappear by tightening the steering head and the swing arm.
  3. I have wanted a pot belly pig for some time now, I think they are pretty cool. I was going to name him Ham or Dinner
  4. Oh man SLEEPERHAWK! good luck to you bud, you wont make it home sane after time with THAT crew
  5. Cars are actually my 1st love, I'm a gearhead from back when I was in my teens. I would still be into them, but it's so expensive to redo a car anymore, and I dont have that kind of cash Those are some very nice rides, I especially like that VW Bug with the V8 in it. That would be one squirrely car even if the motor wasn't built
  6. If you have a large piece of glass or something VERY flat, thats what I would use. I actually set the sandpaper on the flat surface and swirl the plate on top of it in a circular motion. This is how I have done all of the clutch upgrades that I have, which is about a dozen now, with no issues. I have installed all but one of them with the PCW kit, you wont have any problems with it
  7. Dont know how I missed this thread when it 1st came out but my very 1st bike (other than a mini bike) was a 1980 Kawasaki KX125. My very 1st street bike was a 1975 Kawasaki 750 triple 2 stroke, that was a VERY fast bike. It was good reading the responces, like many of you, I have been on 2 wheels for a long time
  8. When we had the '07 International rally in Ft. Collins, CO. I didn't get the chance to ride anywhere nears what I wanted to. I do know that the Candian crew did about 2K miles there when we attended the rally. My greatest regret is I didn't get but 300 miles in there, but I'm looking to go back
  9. I have used 400 grit wet/dry on a very flat surface, you dont need to go crazy, just take the glaze off. What clutch did you end up getting? I have had great luck with the PCW out of Schenectady NY.
  10. See what you started Tim
  11. Looks good Tim, I'll be interested in seeing how much you can get them for
  12. You folks are loosing your minds Dont you have a curvy road you need to be on
  13. Mike, You can look in the forum under the Rides and Rallies area at the M&E section. This will have all the M&E that are being planned around the country. 2nd option is post up a M&E in NC and have one of your own. There is a saying here "Plan it and they will come" find a decent restraunt or Ice Cream parlor and set a time and date, it's really that easy
  14. Karl, If you need someone to drive you to the docs just call me, I'm not working so I have lots of free time...all the best my friend and we'll keep you in our thoughts.
  15. Steve, Those pics are awsome! I love the individual ones and the one of Dano
  16. Wouldn't quite be the same nostalgicly
  17. I'll 2nd the fuel pump, listen to hear if it's working and I would tap on it to see if it intermittenly clicks. Did you pull a plug wire off and stick a plug in to see if you do have spark. Also wiggle the ignition key around a little bit, might be the switch is going bad. Fill in a few of the gaps here and we'll help you figure it out
  18. Good to see that you haven't forgot how to stir up chit Charlie
  19. Squidley

    New Tires

    I have run the Avon Venoms for many years and love the tire. Problem is tires are very subjective to how you ride and the conditiond you put them through. I have heard good things about the E3's, but they are going to have to be spectacular to change me over from the Avons. You wont be sorry with the Venoms.
  20. Happy Anniversary Wayne & Robin May you 2 have many, many more together...enjoy your ride
  21. Thats cool Buddy
  22. Holy Hell Art! Not a good start to the new digs, but atleast you were there with him when it happened, so their is a blessing in disguise. If you need any help let me know, it's not like I'm working All the best to the family my friend.
  23. Folks...you know me better than that, I dont change for fashion, if I like it I wear it. I dont try to keep up with the Jonses....I bring them down to my level
  24. Gunny, Perhaps you didn't get all the air out of the lines. I know that I am still chasing some air in my brakes, perhaps another round of bleeding will do the trick
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