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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I would swap out the regulator and if you can swing it, put a new battery in it. I had the regulator go out on my '99 and I played hell tracking it all down.
  2. Carl, Keep me in mind for one of those please
  3. It's good to see all Y'all making the boss run
  4. Squidley


    A nation that forgets it's past is doomed to repeat it. RIP to all the ones that lost their lives...I will never forgive or forget.
  5. Annie that is so true, he has bumped his head MORE than once
  6. Dennis, I see your in South Lyon, I'm about 70 miles away in Marine City. If we can get a good time to hook up perhaps you could come here or I could come to you and we can get it figured out. If your positive about the battery being good then something is obviously staying on and draining the battery. Give me a shout if you want to meet up, others will chime in here I'm sure.
  7. Gary, the good thing is your here to tell us the story. I have been down and it's no fun, I do get sick of hearing about the circumstanses that lead to it. Your in our thoughts for a quick recovery and that the pic is nothing to worry about. Take care of yourself and as you already know, the spirit up stairs is in control...all the best.
  8. Ah yes the infamous Alan of Aussie Annie lore, great to have you aboard mate I like the story of the name, that definitely would put a knot in your nickers Hope to see more of you here and we do enhoy the missus and all her schenanigans
  9. Wow a Picture!
  10. Here we go again!
  11. Great pics Noddy, looks like, as usual, everyone had a great time. Seeing pics of Gary and Ann is a welcome sight, they both look great, Gary sure is loosing a lot of weight
  12. No worries Clive, I find that if your long legged that the 1st gens can get cramped. Another big deal for me is that my wife likes to ride with me. She sat on the back of the 1st '99 that I owned and said "Your buying this" There is a ton more room for the passenger and she can get a lot more comfortable. I suppose it's all in what you want to do with it. The 1st gens are very nimble and will carve a road well and be able to carry a decent amount of stuff. The G2 is no slouch and holds the road well, and is VERY comfortable doing it. I have done 800 mile days on both 1st and 2nd gens and the G2 wins overwhelmingly for me as far as being more comfy.
  13. PIP is always a great rally, I only wish we could have made it. We had a great time at the 1st one, but haven't been able to make it back since then Nice pics, thanks for sharing them
  14. Jackie, The gaskets are a PITA to change, you'll have to take a lot of the plastic off to get at them easily. I would recommend pulling the plastic as it will make life easier on getting the covers out. A trick I use is to flip the cover upside down and put a very small bead of RTV in the channel. Then press the gasket in and let it set overnight, this will great reeduce your headaches trying to install the covers back on. There are only 2 bottom gaskets and 16 of the upper plug style washers, I would replace them all at 1 time
  15. Apples to Oranges.... I much prefer the feet fwd on the G2, it's better on my back and I like to stretch my legs out. I have had both bike's, 3 G2's and 4 1st gens and my knees and back like the G2 better. It's really all personal preference and you should really take the one you dont have out for a long ride to get the feel of it. You can't make an informed decision of riding one or the other with 30 minutes of riding. Get in the saddle for 2 or 3 hours and get the feel of the bike. I just did 950 miles over 50 or so hours on my '89 and I am paying for it. That wouldn't have been an issue with my G2's
  16. Looks good, I'm always looking to make a better mouse trap myself
  17. GIANT ICE CREAM CONE! I then knew I could get Lowell to slow down as NO Venturerider will pass up an Ice cream, but much to my surprise there also was....
  18. Looks like a great time! I sure wish we could have been there, I know how much fun the 1st one was Looking forward to seeing more pics too
  19. Folks are just catching on to that, Clay was actually the 1st one. As it stands my heart is in Texas, but my body is still in Michigan...but only till October 2nd
  20. SWMoto is getting bad, I do hate not being able to talk with a human being. I dont blame you Kenny, I think that I would have done the same thing. It seems now that the Honda dealership has taken it over that it's going to hell with the service. If you can get them cheaper, I'll tell anyone to do it, customer service is what initially kept me with them. if it's not there now, then they wont my/our business here on the site. Perhaps an email to them is in order
  21. Ol' Ponch is pretty handy, thats a great looking job and REALLY gets your attention, good job to both of you
  22. Cool Beans!
  23. Have fun you Old Bird
  24. I have been wondering why my notifications are coming sometimes a day behind. I just recieved Pm from 2 days ago in my inbox
  25. Nah...I think you would be good as Venturous
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