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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. It would appear that we moved down to Texas at the right time
  2. You folks are killin me! But atleast your leaving some innocent person alone...and yes I remember that pic Charlie. We were at a rest area in Ohio on I 75 when you, Freebird, Eddie, Lonna and I were on our way to the 1st Vogel back in '05....betcha though I wouldn't recognise the pic EH! Oh and by the way, this fat guy can still touch his toes
  3. Herb, Make sure that they replace the spring plate in there, thats what is causing the slipping. I find it extremely hard to believe that the discs were worn down. Not saying it isn't so, but I have done at least 8 clutch upgrades and the friction discs on every bike were the stock thickness. Another mention here too is that they clean the steels in between the frictions discs good as when they got heated up it put a glaze on them. This is of course if they dont put new steels in as part of the warranty job. Glad they are taking care of you, but know what they are going to do
  4. Lewis you are just ate up!!! but I LOVE those Beagles
  5. It's pretty humorous when you start to think about how many of the bikes on this website have gone through multiple members hands one to another
  6. Like perhaps you David
  7. He'd never get to enjoy it Jeff, the warden would kill him!
  8. Good on you Jeff! Keep it up, you will not regret it
  9. My sentiments exactly, I have wanted to go to Austrailia since I was 7 or 8 years old. It's my #1 spot to visit before I leave this planet. I hope that someday Lonna and I can make that happen.
  10. He's gonna fit in here just fine ...and whoda knew that an awsome possum looks just like a PUG!
  11. Remember to actually save some money for the trike kit
  12. I doubt it did, dis thread will likely be around as long as dat other thread Why?
  13. I dont know Ramona@ Bigdaddy.com kinda sounds like she soliciting from a house of Ill repute....I'm just sayin' You know I love you Mo, all in fun
  14. Thanks Steve
  15. Depending upon the state that you come into, you would have to plate the trailer according to their laws. Some states dont have plates on small trailers, others do. You would just have to jump through the states hoops and then you can go wherever your heart desires
  16. Remind me not to have you predict for me Congrats to the Saints Now we know you have been North too long, predicting against a southern team
  17. I have had yahoo for many years and dont really have an issue with it. 1 thing I will say is that here on the site a lot of our spammers use the Gmail accounts and I get a lot of spammers through craigslist on Gmail, so I'm not a big fan of it
  18. I'm joking my friend, but if you make up templates I'd be willing to be folks would buy them as a kit
  19. I rode it with you...Big Dummy!
  20. I was gonna tell you to not look so happy in that 1st pic It should be a very good game....Go Saints!
  21. That looks really good Mike, wanna do it to a G2??
  22. What am I going to do about you Jeff!
  23. Best of luck to her in finding another job, I can tell you 1st hand it is BRUTAL trying to find decent work at a liveable wage
  24. Can't help you with the info on your 1300, perhaps Dragon Rider has some lead on that type of stuff as he owns one. Welcome to the site and we do hope you stick around for awhile
  25. This is a very valid point! Sorry about the hijack Ron...but you know how we are I'll reiterate, your boys aren't going to feel you let them down, trust me I lived the life for 6 1/2 years. Just get yourself taken care of, life will go where it's supoposed to
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