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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I didn't know you had a 2nd gen??
  2. Dallas is only 250 miles...thats easily doable, "post it and we will come"
  3. He's just jealous that I am an EXPERT with a hammer, not merely an apprentice
  4. Kinda cool little toy
  5. I had done the same thing on the '99, made covers for the stock air cleaners and a plate for behind the passenger floorboard....looking good!
  6. Dont push that leg too hard there sister, have a great time!
  7. It will be good to see you again, unfortunately I wont be bringing the shovel. I have quite a bit still to do to it and get it solid as far as hopping on it and going where I please. Not legal yet either and funds are tight for that Be safe on your trip down and if you run into any trouble call, my #'s in the profile
  8. Have a great day Bob!
  9. Let me know when you want to do it Kreg and I'll come over and help you get it done.
  10. Sweet!
  11. I'm tellin ya, you could busier than a cat covering crap if you decided to do this mod for others Mike
  12. Nice to hear your coming down Bob, is Momma coming too??
  13. Thats something that I would like to do also, I can't imagine all the bad habits I have acquired over the 30+ years I have been riding.
  14. Actually it's a Bendix/Zenith butterfly, but I am going to upgrade it to an 40 to 44 mm Evo CV when I take it down to redo it. I just wanted to rebuild the carb on it now so I can put a few miles on her
  15. Not everyone can be a beautiful as that Pug and me
  16. Nice work you 2, the pic with the look on Vic's face is priceless
  17. Good to hear you made it Patrick, hopefully we'll get to hook up at some point soon!
  18. Why dont you come over to Kbran's in Bogalusa on Saturday for the Maintenance Day he's having
  19. Randy, I looked into that too, and I think it can be done. If you look at the parts breakdown the gears and almost all the attaching harware seem to be identical with where everything is placed. If I can come across a G2 to part out for my '99 I'll get with you and we'll get the trans in your hands.
  20. I'm right with you Kevin, my '99 is way stripped worse than yours. Looking forward to seeing how your turns out, myself I'm thinking of a Bronze/Copper color with a some irridecence in it for color change, I'm going to paint mine myself too if I can find the venue to do it...good luck with the project
  21. :rotfl:....no, wait a minute....:rotfl: How is...dare I say it, Grandma taking it Really congrats to you 2, now the fun really begins!
  22. Nice looking scoot Jerry, I hope you get LOTS of miles on her...the H/D looks real nice too
  23. I was working on my H/D yesterday with Ponch, I actually rebuilt the lawnmower carb on it and she fired right up. Thats probably going to be my main bike to ride since I sold the '89 and the '99 has a lot more to be done to it before it's road worthy.
  24. Like I mentioned, just lightly seat all of them and then just a small tweak, 1/8 of a turn is all. The spring acts just like a lock washer, they wont loosen up
  25. Shane, No worries man, I have broke a few of those bolts in my day. They are like 6 or 7 ft lbs I believe. Basically you just snug them all up to where they lightly bottom out and give just a wee little tweak. I never tighten them with anything other than a 1/4" drive ratchet. Just pull the old bolts out and install the new ones. You didn't hurt the spring at all, just remember to criss cross the tightening sequence like your tightening the lugs on your car rim...it's all good bud
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