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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Jeff, Drain all the oil as when you pull the cover on your level trike, not slanted sideways to the left, all the oil will come out The reason on a regular bike with a sidestand can be done with minimal oil loss is that all the oil is setting on the left hand side of the crankcase. The clutch cover is on the right side.
  2. I wish I had a pic of them after the '08 crash we had, american flags they were
  3. Something I will throw in on the narrower front tire. I had one on my '99 and it did make the bike feel more neutral and steer quicker, but you loose a bit of stability in a heavier wind. I like the 150 as it adds a bit more meat to the road and this makes the bike more stable at highway speeds when it's a bit windy out. If your inseamed challenged, leveling links wont work well for you. Thats where lowering the front end helps out, if none of this matters to you...tear it up!
  4. Flip it over and it is a left foot
  5. I helped do Walters and Gunboats and we just came back from Bogalusa doing between 70 and 80 mph and Don didn't have any problem. I would be looking somewhere else for your problem Kitesquid, I dont think it was lowering that did it to you
  6. I have never heard of anyone doing that, but you could be the guinea pig if you want to
  7. Thats a cool idea
  8. Thinning the gene pool it seems like to me, thats beyond nuts
  9. Best of luck with the surgery Jay, atleast it isn't a season ending surgery
  10. I dont think you'll be disappointed Lewis. I have a set of the Tour Masters on the '89 and I thought enough of them to put a set on the Electra Glide. Just did 800 miles this weekend and didn't have any trouble, including 300+ miles of wet roads and rain. I have about 3500 miles on them right now and they still have great tread left on them and are quiet to ride.
  11. Good to see you back on a scoot you can be comfortable on. Go easy on Charlie folks, that '99 ended up being the best payoff I ever had, bought it for $5200 and got almost $9K when it was totalled And we got to go to Arkansas to boot!
  12. What a weekend!!! I have never been to a M&E or a MD that wasn't a good time, this was no exception. Fridays trip SUCKED! no easy way to sugar coat it. Started raining on us in Beaumont and continued off and on all the way to Hammond LA when I finally said I was done and was getting a room. Saturday shaped up quickly and we made it Kbrans by 10:30 and started jumping right into the tasks at hand. Boomer showed up shortly after 11 and the Scooter Bob and Walter with his wife Betty. We pretty much had Boomers bike completely apart and made sure he was all good to go for a hopefully heavy riding season for him. In all we did 3 tire changes, which included a 3 hour trip to find a valve stem (right Kenny ) Driveshaft and hub lube. 3 Carbsyncs, a complete fluid change on Walts '99, 2 rear brake jobs, a weld job for Boomer. A windshield cut down, oh and replaced a blown fuse for Gunboats driving lights...I think that was it? Lots of fantastic Cajun cooking, yes Lewis that was me with the little bit of Crawfish pie infront of my mug and it was fantastic! Some Gumbo, and Jumbyliah and too much other good eats...cheesecake too Lonna and I had a great time, it's definitely what the doctor ordered as we needed to get out of Houston even if it was only for 3 days. Kenny and Beth, thank you so much for the hospitality, you know you both are 2 of our favorite people to spend time with. Kudos the 1st Loozianner MD and lets hope it's not the last. Boomer...It was a pleasure my friend to finally meet you, anytime any place, the phone is on. I'll work on getting some pics up today...head still feels like it's going to blow up. Thanks again to all and Bob...be safe you nut case! Guy has Brass testes riding from Wisconsin, it was great to see you again.
  13. No need to ponder it...do it! my '86 I had ran the best it ever did after I basically beat it running 90 mph on the interstate when we were late for a M&E. Bike purred the rest of the day after that
  14. It's only gonna get warmer, be safe Bob and we'll see you in Bogalusa
  15. Thats what I was thinking
  16. Thats a good idea, another thing I'd like to ask is does the smoke linger? If for some reason it's burning oil the smoke would linger around where a water type vapor will disperse fairly quickly. BTW where in Texas are you?
  17. Wayne, Have you made any headway with your jack?
  18. Squidley

    Ponch Thanks

    Thats a fine looking picture
  19. I understand your frustration, the last time he signed into this forum was November 18th of last year. Not defending him, and he could still lurk without signing in, but when was the last time you actually talked with him? I dont want to think the worst, but lets see if we can get ahold of him again.
  20. Be safe my friend, it's all getting warmer the further you go Close enough on the spelling too.
  21. Squidley

    Ponch Thanks

    I ain't skeered of that Texan! Besides, I happen to know he has a liking for Harley Davidsons, a birdie told me he sat on one the other day
  22. Awwww Love you too, Fat Bastard FWIW this is an ongoing joke between Ruffy and me.
  23. Squidley

    Ponch Thanks

    Hi Buddy....Long time no see
  24. Bob....where you at right now??
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