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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. You ain't right!!
  2. The headlight bucket should just come out of the nacelle, probably just beligerant and needs a little coaxing.
  3. Some folks do this and it does work, but spend the money for the Carbon One lift. I have had 3 of them and love them. 2 of them I gave away to friends with RSV's and they love them too
  4. Buy some heated pants and use a full face helmet, I know here your coming from. I rode to work (when I was working) 52 miles 1 way in 27 dgrees, I had GOOD chaps on and my legs got cold on my RSV. Heated clothes are awsome for cold weather riding....have a nice ride home
  5. David was good enough to let us know about it, I only wish we could have been there with you all. I know you had a good Bday with all those nuts there
  6. Looks very nice Patti, I'm not a flame type guy, but those are minimalist and look good, the B2 is just the icing on the cake
  7. Kreg is on the money, if it just pukes as soon as you put it in gear I would suspect the kickstand switch also. The brake bleeding can be a tedious job, dont know where in Tennessee you are, but there are a few members there that ar very helpful and knowledgeable. RandyA is the 1st one that comes to mind in Johnson City.
  8. It's a great hotel and they wait on us hand and foot, you wont be disappointed
  9. Get what your heart wants Ron, as always, the grass isn't always greener. I have an older shovelhead and I have been able to ride it around a bit. I will say that yes the newer Harleys are better than the old, but still shake badly. My Harley was a gift, and for that reason I will never get rid of it. I have sat on many bikes and rode an awful lot of them. The RSV is the most comfortable bike that I have ridden on. I like the thought of having the best of 2 world for my soul, the RSV when I want to ride without concern and the H/D when I tink that my grandfathers had theirs, make me feel closer to them even though they have long sinced passed on. Go with your heart, if your not into 3, 4, 500 mile day trips perhaps the H/D is a better fit. Life is too short to not follow your heart when it comes to a toy like a bike.
  10. My 13 yo neice in California loved the '99 I had when we went there in '06. She got 3 rides on it and the last one was a ride to school. She had me pull right up to her girlfriends as she got off and put the leathers and helmet in the bike...she was stoked to say the least
  11. Great pics, y'all had a great time as told by the photos. I truly wish we could have been there, being poor sucks! Glad that George had a great birthday
  12. That looks really really good, those lights are some of the coolest things I have seen, thanks for the link BTW nice score on that trailer!
  13. John, Have you checked into the Oberlin Inn? They have rooms blocked out specifically for us for MD and lots of folks have stayed there before, including us. There are also several hotels north of Rt 2 where others have stayed. The info should be in the thread as to what hotels are around and as I recall they were all pretty well decent.
  14. Talk with Pegscraper Jack, he knows just about everything thee is on the older Royal Stars.
  15. Good to hear your back home Bob, had a great time seeing you again and reading of the adventure. If we had an award for brass cahonies....you'd win it hands down
  16. We'll keep her in our toughts, you too bud...sorry to hear of this but let us know what either of you need.
  17. Nice work Patrick
  18. I have had them in tht stage of undress and further...glad you got after it buddy
  19. I know you can Kiddo, it's all about busting his chops
  20. Jeff, You will just sandblast the steels between the friction discs. You can also sand them on a flat surface with the sandpaper facing upwards and press down on the steel to get it to take the glaze off. That is all you are doing this for is to remove the glaze tha happens when the steels get hot, it helps them bite better. Also too you will not need to purchase any of the steels, you will use the old ones.
  21. Because she knows better
  22. I have seen a couple of posts about installing these at MD in Ohio. Although it's an easy swap, if your clutch has been slipping, you really need to clean your steels between the friction disc good, as they will more than likely be glazed. I just replaced the spring, or should I say doubled it up on the '89 with a new full friction disc. Ponch was kind enough to snadblast the steels for me and I will tell you that the bike never pulled so hard. I will from now on be sandblasting the steels, just something to think about if you decide to do this swap ...and for those of you that dont know Earl, he is top notch in everything he does. You can bet if he talks it up, it's because thats exactly how it is
  23. Congrats Skid!!
  24. Hell Larry....I'll paint your helmet too if you show up down here
  25. I see you grabbed US33 out of Ravenswood WV, I have gone that route several times and I would have liked to done it on a bike. Your trip is awsome to read Bob, I am so glad you got to get out and down south here. It was great spending time with you in Loozianner and reading of your tales. Tons of great memories on this trip...good for you my friend!
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