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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Brad (nice name) You have hit upon the 2 questions I would quickly ask, full of lube and tire pressure. My next question is what kind of tires are on the bike? Some are just known for being loud. There were some issues with early G2's where the rearends had issues, I haven't heard anything with the later models. If it was me I would take the rearend out and make sure the splines are greased properly (I have seen some make it out of the factory with no grease) and insure the fingers in the hub are properly greased. I know it's a new bike, but this is why were here, I have seen "New" bikes need lots of work....I know others will chime in also.
  2. Yeah...it is, especially if it's got only 17K onit for miles. Looks can be decieving, lots of folks look at the '89 I sold Cliff and tell me how nice it looks. Let me tell you that it didn't look anywhere near that good when I got it. Lots of elbow grease has been put into it, I could make that MM shine like a new penny. It's not a terrible price and he is accepting offer on it. If that could be got for about the $4K mark, that would be a very good deal I think.
  3. No sweat...thats why were here
  4. Item # 31 92014-05025-00
  5. Dont laugh, I dont want to keep putting miles on Cliff's '89 that I have here. I am most likely going to be riding the Shovelhead up to Potato creek. I will probably fly Lonna up there as she wont be very comfortable on the H/D. We can ride around while were there and I'll fly her home. I have to get busy with it and make her so she's dependable enough to make the 2500 mile round trip. Besides....we had an Ultra at the 1st meet 5 years ago that belonged to PhoneDoc's inlaws, might as well be me that make sure another H/D is there for this one
  6. I'm here for you Brudder! I have a Deka battery in my '92 Chevy Wagon, probably about 4 or 5 years old right now. That battery doesn't hesitate a second to spin right over, and spin fast. Like mentioned thats what I'll be putting in my bikes from now on
  7. Welcome to the H/D side brother! Beautiful machine and I know we have talked about this before. Just enjoy the hell out of it and get down here to Texas so I can see it...or take it to the International in Potato Creek
  8. This place is pretty cool
  9. I got your back Chief! I ain't skeered of Mini or Diane
  10. Fred, What your describing to me sounds just like the oil is too full. If you put much over half full in the sight glass it can go right into the airbox. What does your sight glass say?
  11. Mark, I know many here will not like what I am about to say, but Interstate batteries are junk! I have used them in the past and had 2 of them puke out within a couple of years. The Deka batteries have been around a long time and I have heard very good things about them. I will be buying 2 of them 1 for the Shovelhead and 1 for the '99. I would replace the battery and see what happens, doesn't sound like yours in worth a crap
  12. Don & Patti, Your son if a fine man and I am glad that I was fortunate enough to meet him on the St. Judes ride 2 years ago. He is a professional and the best at what he does, his training will keep him safe and we will keep him, and all the other warriors that protect us, in our thoughts...all the best to all 3 of you
  13. Mini Hit it on the head, Lonna and I have been down, totalled a '99 RSV going 75 mph just west of Baton Rouge. I was ready to get back on in a couple of weeks, she was a bit more hesitant. I totally understood her fears and respected that if she didn't want to ride again then I would be on a different bike more than likely. I WONT give up riding, I'll give up life 1st. I dont let fear make my decisions for me, when it is my time, and our crash in Lousianna should have been it, I'll leave this planet knowing that I ran my life...and not fear. It's momma's decisions if she wants to ride, as long as she understands that our passion is a more dangerous one, good on her for not letting fear run her life
  14. That was pretty cool!
  15. Ohhh that was low....but kinda funny It's a 3 bedroom house Rhonda ....and we still have the futon in the living room
  16. Eh!?
  17. Duff, I dont know how familiar you are with this V4 thats in the Yamaha. They inherently have a whistle sound that is just how the engine sounds. There is also an issue with the latter Royal Stars with clutch baskets that indeed make noise. I just wanted you to be aware that under normal circumstances the engine is not whisper quiet. Welcome to the forum and hope you stick around
  18. Perhaps.....
  19. Uh...page 17
  20. 50 degrees here this morning in Conroe Brrrrrrr!
  21. I'm sure he's thought of that too Mark Gonna be 70 degrees here today fishman....we even have a spare room just for you
  22. Cool Beans! Now the puppies will get big on their own
  23. Allan, Replace the battery dude! Cheap insurance for down the road, you got your monies worth out of the original
  24. 3 1/2 with the filter changed, adjust so the level is mid window, too high and you can puke it out into the breather box.
  25. Put it back together and ride it, when it starts to show it's age further strip it to the frame and redo it if you'd like. The '83's were prone to frame failure by the centerstand and 2nd gear could become an issue. Get a few seasons out of it and then I'd probably think about doing a restore
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