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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Bigger is better in this instance, 12" wheels will spin less for the same amount of speed than the 8" I have towed my homemade trailer with 8" wheels for over 20K before I sold it to Marcarl and I never had issues with it. I pulled it @ 80 mph regularly. I put bearing buddies in it so I could shoot grease in them before a long trip....the weight rating on the 8" tires should be way overkill for how much weight you'll actually haul in that thing. Buy the trailer and use it, you'll be fine
  2. I have been fortunate that I can spell pretty good, Mom worked with me @ a young age and I actually retained a lot of it. I still have my off days when I spell like a caveman
  3. The '86 up trunk is bolted directly onto the rack, so the '87 is the same thing. The '85 trunk, although it looks the same attaches differently as I believe it is removable like the other 1200 MKI's. I know some of our boys with the '85 will correct me if I'm wrong
  4. You ain't just whistling dixie there brudder!
  5. From a liability standpoint your second statement rings true, it's not "designed" for that. The 1st part....there are a LOT of dumb people who pretend to know what they are doing and shouldn't be touching anything. I'd be willing to wager that 90% of the people that do work on tires have never seen a tire blow up. If they did, they would NEVER put that much air in them. I hope you get some sort of resolution out of it all.
  6. I hate to say this, but I doubt either will honor it. @ 80 psi, it exceeded the recommended air pressure for seating and I can't believe they will replace it. I know guys have talked about seating these tires with 75 to 110 lbs of pressure, that is nuts! I have never used that much pressure to mount any tire in my life. If it doesn't seat after about 55 lbs, let the air out and break it down and re lube it, try again and keep doing that as it will stretch the tire. I know others have talked about leaving it set in the sun for a few hours at it will expand from the heat and be easier for it to seat
  7. Just stop by whenever you get a chance, there will be people there from Friday on, and I'm sure the BS will go far into the evenings both Friday and Saturday
  8. I was wondering who was going to be the 1st to catch that Great list BTW
  9. Hey Folks, Got a call from the Boss last night. He's in Minisoda at a conference and they have his laptop for upgrades. He wont have it back till more than likely Thursday Evening. So if you need to get ahold of him be paitent as he has no means to communicate with us here. If you have questions for the site contact myself or one of the other Moderators. He apologises for the inconvienence and will get back with everyone as soon as he is able. I kinda like it that he hopefully can relax a bit without worrying about this place
  10. That was me Jeff...and you said you were my friend
  11. Looking forward to seeing you Perry, if you get the part, bring it and we'll put it on at the house
  12. Supertramp Live is Paris is an awsome album, a phenominal concert as the crowd was VERY into it. Stoned Temple Pilots-Interstate love song Eagles-Sad Cafe The Doors-Riders on the Storm, The end...pretty much all of it Skynard-Freebird, Down South Junkin, Simple man...again all of it Queen-Live Killers...awsome live album Too much to try and think of, Jethro Tull, Nazareth, 38 Special.....
  13. Thats the spirit brother! We are glad that you 2 are OK
  14. I think it's kinda cool
  15. Change it over, your not going to hurt anything.....welcome to the site.
  16. Thanks for the pics Jeff....we'll leave the lights on for you and are looking forward to your arrival
  17. Cool Beans!!!
  18. Finally at peace with no more suffering, a loss to us, but a reunion to others that left before him......all the best to the families.
  19. Ponch and I were just talking about this 5 minutes ago. I have ridden Gunboats '99 with the Kumho on the rear and the Avon Cobra radial on the front and didn't notice any real issues that I couldn't live with. The mileage is nice out of the CT as Ponch has over 12K on his and has no visible signs of wear. As much as I have warned folks about using a CT I haven't had any issues with the 12 to 1500 miles I have rode Gunboats bike with one on it, I may try one on the '99 to get a 1st hand feel.
  20. Thats a very generous offer, you wont have them long.
  21. You couldn't have said that in a loud enough voice!
  22. Now thats a good one, I dont even have a smart alec responce for that one
  23. I was just following your lead there puppymman, you know when in Rome
  24. Ah, I see...a big secret!
  25. Yeah, the cylinders have to go on someway I haven't looked at mine hard but every bike I have ever seen uses the same concept for installing cylinders on an engine. I stand corrected, I just looked it up and you have to split the crancase to get at the pistons...learn something new everyday.
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