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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Kingbird, I have a 450 Zumo and love it! I'm not into talking while I'm riding so the Bluetooth wasn't a big deal for me. The system can be used with your stereo as mentioned through the AUX on the bike. Here is a shamless for the bosses Zumo he's selling in the classifieds http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2949&title=garmin-zumo-550-with-xm-antenna&cat=12
  2. Booo Hooo, were not there
  3. Thats what I did Forest and made it so the router would allow the Firefox to operate. I wont be going back to IE as I called Microsoft for a bit of advice, they wanted $60 for their advice....told them I didn't think it was worth that Thanks again for your help in posting that link to the Green AV virus
  4. I could run up there and get it Lewis if that needs to happen, there's room here too if need be.
  5. Answer C Looks good Dave...for a teacher
  6. Hey Folks, I gotta tell you, if I ever run into one of the pukes that makes these viruses, I'm going to string them up from a tree and use them as a pinata! I finally, thanks to all of you good folks, got the computers back running. It took me all afternoon and the evening yesterday and about 4 hours this morning to make it happen. I ended up using the "anti maleware" program mentioned by The Marshall and ran it in safe mode 3 times on each computer. I then reinstalled the AVG on both computers and ran 2 virus scans. That got the pop ups gone, but then as a parting gift, the virus made it so my internet explorer wouldn't connect me to the web So I ended up going with Mozilla Firefox (it was installed on the PC already) and got to the internet on the big computer. The laptop was more of a pain in the rear as it wouldn't hook up to the net as it said the proxy server wouldn't let it. Spent an hour trying to figure out how to make that happen, but I did. Now the laptop is running on Mozilla also as the IE was pooched on it too. One hell of a learning experience that I wish I didn't have to do Thank you all again for all the emails and phone calls and posts here. I seriously doubt I could have done it without you folks.....beers on me when we finally hook up again!
  7. Ken, Thanks for the info, thats exactly why I haven't liked Norton as it was a resource hog. Perhaps they have got it right and I need to take a look at it. I can't fault AVG, which I have had excellent luck with. It just seemed too convienent when the only site I could to was "AV" and I assumed it was part of AVG. Keep the posts coming in, I'm learning a lot here:thumbsup2:
  8. Thank you Mark, Sounds almost identical to whats happening here, sneaky bastards. I'm going to print these off before I head home so I can use them for reference. Thanks again everyone for your input
  9. The AV site, I'm printing this page out....Thank you my friend
  10. Forest and Lewis, I have got a few calls on just what you have mentioned and will do it when I get home. Thanks for all the support fellas I really appreciate it. I'm going to print the link you posted Forest for removing the av suite
  11. Got a question for the geeks, I have been using Grisoft AVG anti virus, the free version, for a couple of years now. All of a sudden I get a virus, that now we can't get online with either the laptop or the home computer. Convienently it will go to AV's website and allow me to buy their anti virus. Now I believe that AV has something to do with this, I'm not that into computers, but it's too much of a coincidence that their website is the only one I can get to. 2 questions 1) Has anyone been having this problem with AVG free anti virus 2) Who uses what as far as anti virus programs, mind you I cant get online to download one onto my computer. I wont use Mcafee as I have used them in the past and been screwed. Norton isn't a popular option with me either unless someone can really give me a very good solid reason to use it. Any help is appreciated, my cell # is in my profile as until I get this fixed I can't get online from home.
  12. Jeff, Thats not a bad idea, might be a little tough to facilitate it, but we might be able to come up with something.
  13. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=29737&highlight=Fuse+Block Here is a thread with some ideas post 13 is mine and is what I have used on all my RSV's. It's a buss 6 position and can be bought at any autopart store.
  14. Electrosport anything is JUNK! I went through a nightmare with my old '99 from putting an electrosport Regulator/Rectifier on it. My bike was down for a month trying to get answers from them. I ended up putting a new factory Yamaha back on and didn't have any troubles with it. I posted my findings and displeasure with dealing with Electrosport, take their junk off and go back to stock....sorry, off rant
  15. Are you stirring the pot Allan could it have been one of the conversations we had when we were at the house
  16. I couldn't agree more, but I wont host it again there as I was so busy working I didn't get to ride at all. There was so much we wanted to do there, but didn't have the time. It just doesn't have to be there either, we could go south towards Colorado Springs. Someone else will have to step up to the plate though
  17. Glad to hear about the old '86, it was/is a great bike, Lonna and I put quite a few miles on it. Your in some of the best riding this country has to offer, enjoy yourself and be safe
  18. Were ready anytime you folks are Randy! Just get down here and we'll take care of the rest!
  19. I'm here for you bro besides it's only hot outside, we can always go into the A/C house The door is always open....year round
  20. Hey Buddy! Just wanted to know how difficult it was to get the Ford out, damn that soft ground. I hear it had to be removed by a 4wd....could you shed a little light on the details for me buddy
  21. I'll host one if you fellas want to come down to Texas
  22. Good question Dave? perhaps he really IS loosing his mind
  23. Thats funny....and scary as it would be true
  24. Squidley


    FWIW....I have tried several different brake mfgrs with different materials. The best I have used is the EBC HH pads, both 1st and 2nd gen. If they would have made a set for my '79 Electraglide I would have them on it too
  25. It pivots to twist with the bike as the bike leans.
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