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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Can't beat that with an ugly stick, even a stick uglier than Kregerdoodle. You definitely have got your monies worth fixing that one up
  2. I have to say that I agree with you Forest, just revamp the Strat and there you have it.
  3. More like a gallon or just a bit under that, when the light comes on you better be getting gas within the next 30 miles.
  4. 1st or 2nd Gen? Only purple one I know of is RandyA's '83 out of east Tennessee
  5. init cute
  6. Ventures are very finecky about air flow and unless you jet it differently, your not going to get any additional benefit from the holes. If you want to have a different air box I believe that I have a spare one, let me know if you want to swap it out.
  7. Cool Beans! looking forward to seeing it
  8. I hear you Gil ....atleast I didn't change his name to "Little Cupcake"
  9. Yes there is my friend
  10. Welcome to my world....suck it up!
  11. HMMMM I wonder what that might be
  12. OK.....Curious
  13. Keith, 1st thing I'm going to mention is put more air in your rear shock. Even solo I would want over 30 lbs in it. Take the trailer tires down to about 20 lbs. Make sure that your hubs are tightened properly on the axle, and then that the rims are all the way against the hubs. When I have hauled a trailer, riding 2 up and the bike loaded behind a 2nd gen I had my rear shock @ 50 lbs. Your not going to hurt anything with having the trailer tires with lower pressure as you dont even come close to the load limits of them. Just a couple things to think about.
  14. :whistling:
  15. Yeah, I suppose you do have a valid point there
  16. Ask the guy who kept getting lost in Indiana
  17. I will be the black sheep here, I had XM about 4 years ago and after our month long trip in '06 I got rid of it. They played all the same songs the radio stations play and I heard them repeatedly within a couple of day period. My thought is if I'm going to pay for music I want to hear 50 years worth of music, the stuff they dont play on the radio. I wasn't real happy with it and thats why I got rid of it. Now Freebird loves his, and thats cool, but I just plug my MP3 player into the bike now and listen to all the music I want and what I want to hear. It only repeats if I want it to
  18. Yep, been using them for years, they work great!
  19. Bummer way to go, so young.... all the best to his family
  20. Yours is full...but look at Rednecks and you'll REALLY see full
  21. We'll be thinking about you when we are riding in January and your in 3 feet of frozen Humidity
  22. Looks like a mini horse trailer...nice work!
  23. Les, You can use a mighty vac to bleed the system out or one of the pneumatic bleeders from Harbor Freight, I have one of these and it works great. Where abouts in Texas are you, we could get you hooked up pretty easily as the bleeding isn't too long of a job. I'm just north of Houston in Conroe.
  24. Only trying to help a brother out Gil
  25. Looks good my friend, I'm glad that I could help you out with it. BTW I did get the Progressive spring a few days ago. I'll be installing them as soon as time allows
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