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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. As far as I know this is just for the main H4 headlight bulb. Unless your driving lights have H4 bulbs in them, they wont be compatible.
  2. JT, I have to apologize my friend, I didn't even think of getting ahold of you, just assumed you knew. We did represent well as quite a few of the Houston crew were able to make the celebration of life ceremony. Again I'm sorry that I didn't search you out, the way things were headed with Don, it was a blessing in disguise.
  3. Were ready for you and Beth down here Gunk Can't wait to see you 2 again Be safe and have a great ride!
  4. On the 1st gens "Richard" (sorry Darrin can't run with this one ) There is a dampening knob that has 4 settings to reduce or increase the rear shock rebound rate. 1 thru 4 is on the dial, the higher the # the more the rebound dampening....I'm here for you buddy
  5. Tom, It somewhat depends upon how heavy you are and how still you like the suspension. I am 280 lbs and like my suspension a bit stiffer for running the twisties when I get the chance. Now mind you mine is a US model and we are PSI as the measurement increments. I have mine set at 45 to 50 psi rear shock and nothing in the front due to having Progressive springs in the '89. I usually ran about 12 to 15 lbs in the front shocks before I installed progressives. I have my dampening at #3, it's all a matter of how you ride and want to feel on the bike. Experiment with it a bit and you'll find your sweet spot.
  6. Does that supposedly go for all the photos that are seen of you behaving
  7. Right back @ you brother
  8. Oh, I'm sorry....were you trying to convince ME of that It is good to have you home brother
  9. Dan.....I'm proud of you my friend, I can say strait faced I wouldn't have been able to do what you did. The part of being an adult that sucks is having a sense of responsibility when you want to act on your emotions. Bravo Zulu Seargent, I know you don't think you did the right thing, but you did...Good on Ya.
  10. You're so sweet Patrick!
  11. He may be kidding, but I'm here to tell you that those hooligans WILL get you into trouble! I know, I have broke bread with all of them and they are terrible
  12. I know I speak for many here in the fact that I thank you for supporting such a good cause. I too have a few goodies that I am going to add to the St. Judes auction. I just hope we can make the run this year
  13. David, If I can remember to do it, I'll take some pics of the '89. I moved the trunk on it back to give Lonna a bit more room as she couldn't handle the long ride to MD without it. It's really not that hard and for only a few bucks and about an hour your in business. Send me a PM as I KNOW my CRS will kick in.
  14. Happy Anniversary Jerry and Jane!!
  15. George, I too remember you being on the site, although we never have met yet. I hope we can remedy that and get you and your wife to a M&E here in Texas. Quite an amazing story of your trial and tribulation, sucks that it happened, but glad that your still here with us. I do hope that you feel comfortable enough to hang around with us here. This really is a family here and regardless if your driving or riding your part of this group. Might say when you joined that the assimilation began. If there is something that we can help you with, spurring your memory or whatever, please let us know. Perhaps we can get a M&E over by you and yourself and Momma can come and have lunch with us....all the best to you with your recovery
  16. Yeah...I bet I know him too
  17. I believe I have that at home on the computer there. Could have sworn that it was located here on the site somewhere If it's not brought up on this thread I'll post it up when i get home if my CRS doesn't kick in
  18. Good looking trailer, is it an aluma?
  19. All the best to both of you, very stressful on both of you. Good to hear she's on the mend
  20. Can't fix stupid! Kinda looked like something out of the Dukes of Hazzard
  21. It's actually quite simple, the Valk outsold the Goldwing for a couple of years. Honda didn't want one of their own line competing with the wing and after 5 years put the quash to it. Besides they had to sell more wings to pay for that new at the time 1800 engine...all a matter of economics. I seriously thought about a Valk interstate before I got the '99 I have now from Moose.
  22. Avon Venoms...stick like glue, get decent mileage out of them, are quiet and good in the rain. Sorry but my distinct preference is for the Avon
  23. Bumping this back up top, FWIW I have 4 Gray shirts left 2 size XL 2 size 2XL James, Ruffy Kevin & uncledj your shirts will go out today
  24. I do hope that whatever the mfgr sells on this buy is of decent quality. Unfortunately I just keep hear and seeing of them failing, and that would suck at the wrong time. I am a fan of them, they really light up the road well, but obviously need to be able to handle the rigors on being on a bike.
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