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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Unfortunately testing new theories out cost some money. I have spent my fair share of cash on things that didn't quite work out like I would have liked them to
  2. Good age to start him out, I started with minibikes about 9 and @ 12 had a KX 125. I ride my street bike just like I learned to do my on my dirtbikes. Downshift to be in the powerband, and use the rear brake a lot. Good on you both as it will be a great experience for both of you!
  3. Those are very cool, good on the family that will protect it's deceased members. There are many people these days that could learn from these examples.
  4. Just a word of wisdom here, make sure you do not get loctite on any of the bikes ABS plastic parts. It will make them brittle and break
  5. Dan, PM me if you want some help with getting some pics up. If you like you can send them to me in an email and I'd be happy to post them up in this thread and the classifieds.
  6. SWEET!!!!
  7. Good on all of you, glad to hear he's back where he belongs. As others have echoed here, Thank him for his service to our country
  8. This is very promising to hear, good on y'all for getting out early
  9. Wonder where he learned that from GRANDPA
  10. They'll never be that big Jeff, unless I get implants
  11. I hope that you are able to get ahold of your kids Kevin. I never had any, but have inherited a couple. I have friends that have gone through what your doing. Good luck with it all and the money can be replaced, your kids....thats another story.
  12. Hate those driving light buckets! I know exactly what your saying Bob, you cant adjust them without removing the light from the bucket. I had a set of adjures that I got off BuddyRich on my '08 that could be adjusted outside on the mount. I will be looking for something like that with the '99 when I get her back together. If I locate something I'll post it up.
  13. There still on a trailer Just sayin, thats all
  14. No....My boobs aren't big enough
  15. I hear you Bob, I hate those 4 letter words W....O....R....K
  16. Jay, As much as it may surprise you, I am very happy to see your name in a post again I wish you all the success you want with your new endeavor and hope the surgeries take care of your ailments. Would your product happen to be called Mona Vie? Looking forward to seeing you again at MD, take care of yourself and we'll say a little prayer for you....no really I'm not kidding!
  17. You big SISSY! Do the mod, just spend a few less minutes doing something here
  18. How do you get the idea in your head to take your boob and use it as a sledgehammer
  19. Squidley

    screen name

    Oh...wait a minute...Booo Hoooo Hooo You eeegit!
  20. Sad news when someone so young has this happen, we'll keep him and his family in our thoughts.
  21. Several things can lead to burning of oil. On auto engines valve seals will produce that effect as well as worn oil rings on the pistons. Do you actually see any evidence (blue smoke) when you start the bike up? Another thing to think about is do you possibly have an oil leak that either is hidden so not to actually drip on the ground, but be trapped in a valley or cavity where it might dissapate? I know others will chime in but thats what I come up with off the top of my head
  22. All the best to all your family Ben....
  23. Squidley


    Too late, they had snow down here last year in Houston and didn't run me out. They actually liked it as they never seen it before....I was a HERO! Chief....you know the way, and the door is open. Cheesecake can be ready in 20 minutes
  24. Squidley


    Come on Bob....your only going to be froze in for the next 5 months ....and thats a big reason I moved south too
  25. Funny you mention that as I still have the Bakerfield Dirt in the garage somewhere
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