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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. There's some boys up there in Minniesoda and Wisconsin that have carbtunes. It's a relatively quick process. I'm sure you'll get a few that will pop in and post up. If you were closer I would show you how to do them and then you could do them in the future, but it's about 1500 miles for you to get here. If you want to come down we'll leave the light on for you though
  2. Rick! Dont inflate his head anymore than it already is!!
  3. Check your vacuum lines and the caps on the intake manifolds, also do a carb sync on it. I have carbtuned a few bikes that had backfire issues and the sync took it away. Thats what I would start with and let us know how it worked out, we'll get you rolling.
  4. The MKII's had the turn down spouts because of the saddlebags, the MKI is strait out. I think there wouldn't be any issue besides the cosmetics of the spring retaining clip on a set of MKII pipes.
  5. Not a whole lot north of Monroe until you hit some of the southern Detroit sprawl. I would head back south into Toledo and go to Tony Packos!
  6. Sad news to hear Joe, I hope there is some comfort in knowing she is in a better place with loved opnes who passed over before her.
  7. All the best to you and your family Larry....
  8. I was always a Mopar guy in high school having a couple of them, Chargers and Challengers mostly. The best one I ever owned was a '67 Formula S Barracuda with a 340 3 duces and a Muncie 4 speed, Dana rearend and very fast! I could keep up in the 1/4 mile with the big blocks with that one, best was 11.1 in the quarter, could never break the 10 second mark thought!
  9. SWEET! it will be good to see you and Mollie again
  10. No...not talking, actually admitting in public that Doodle was right DOH!
  11. Dont over do it Bob!!!
  12. You have no idea how much it hurt saying that
  13. As much as it pains me to say this...Kreg is right If all you can handle doing is changing plugs and carb syncs then thats what it will be. It really turns into a huge BS session anyhow If your not apprehensive about splitting the front fairing you could hook up Y splitters and run an aux line for using an MP3 player. Give plenty of time for folks to plan for it and others with additional experience will more than likely show up.
  14. I would check both front and rear shock pressures, he should probably be running about 45 in the rear with 2 up loaded and I would say 4 to 5 in the front
  15. Gunny, I have relocated several TCI's with no heat related issues. I also believe that you would have had a lot more heat in the stock area, there is more between the heat source and the TCI now to reduce the heat that will make it to it. I have put several thousand miles on various 1st gens with relocated TCI's and never had any issues
  16. Have fun and be safe!
  17. Darren, Pick a date and a time, you can put a poll up to see of the interest in it, but I assure you that if you set it in stone folks will show up. Try to make it so it doesn't conflict with any other rally's or such and just do it. Also dont try to micro manage it, once they get going they have a mind of their own, just bump it in the right direction every now and then. You wont believe how much fun you will have regardless if 5 or 25 people show up. Have it a dish to pass and maybe throw some dead beast on the grill....but I warn you, they are addictive!
  18. Sorry to hear of it Joe, never an easy task to do...all the best to your family and your mother.
  19. Squidley


    I had good luck with Boston Acoustics in the past as I used a set on my '84 and was happy with the results. I noticed this set on Crutchfield and how it has a lower RMS which would be good for the stock amp on the bike. http://www.crutchfield.com/p_065S45/Boston-Acoustics-S45.html?search=4+inch+speakers I wouldn't hesitate to buy another pair to install on a 1st or 2nd gen...
  20. I have run both sizes, personally I will never go back to the 130 for the reasons stated above. I never felt the bike was solid on the slabs and we did a lot of slab running. The 150 has more meat to the ground and we dont get blown around as much....
  21. Always check your pressures when the tires are cold.
  22. Kill Switch, or tap on the starter while pushing the button, perhaps the starter solenoid.....shots in the dark at a quick response. There are also the 4 spade fuses that are fwd and right of the main fuses on the battery, check them too.
  23. It's on the cover of the one I pulled off, says boost sensor on it...
  24. Check to make sure the running light wire to the back isn't severed...
  25. I think we can educate you on the proper use of it
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