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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I wish there were words to comfort other than we are here for you both. It is not easy watching folks you love suffer and battle these diseases. I truly hope that you 2 can get these times behind you and do the long trip you deserve together. We love you both and wish nothing but the best for you 2...your in our thoughts my friend. As always the phone is on should you need to vent.
  2. Gotta bust some chops every now and then
  3. No news today, so that can be a good thing as now it's going to take time for David to get some strength back. I will probably call Kathy and see if there has been anything significant, but it's more than likely going to taper down for a while. Keep David in your thoughts and as soon as I have any news I will absolutely let you know.
  4. Fuzzy....It's just you
  5. Unless your inseamed challenged, I would stay away from the 130 front tire. The leveling links bring the rearend up a bit and changes the front fork geometry to give a more neutral feeling on the bike. Now I dont know how big a guy you are, but I'm right at 6ft and 300 lbs. I like a bit stiffer suspension on my bikes and I run 4lbs in the front forks and about 35 to 40 in the rear solo. You'll have to play around and see what fits your riding style best. the 150 size tire has a bit larger contact patch on the road where the 130 is not so much. Like mentioned the 130 will cause the bike to get blown around a bit more than the 150 due to less rubber in contact with the road. This can suck when your on the slab and it's windy BTW welcome to the club
  6. Brake fluid for the clutch, if there is an inkling of slippage in the clutch do the upgrade kit. If you haven't done a Carbtune, or changed the fuel filter, I would do those too
  7. Walt, I have seen a couple of the shafts have weld spatter on them and right where that seal goes over. You might not be far off with the shaft needing to be polished a bit better. If you find that the rough grind caused it I would see about a claim on it and when the new one arrives polish the whole thing up. We have to remember that the HF trailer is a China made unit with pretty crappy QC...
  8. Thank them for their service and the whole family's sacrifise. They may be the ones over there, but it definitely affects the whole family....Semper Fi.
  9. We'll cross that road if it comes to that, David has insurance and short term disability...no worries right now
  10. Kathy and Shannon stopped by the shop 5 minutes ago and gave some more encouraging news. David is completely off sedation now, but still has the ventilator installed, 1 step at a time. He is still responding to various forms of stimuli, matter of fact Kathy gave us an up close rendition of how they wake David on Monkey Boy. Lets just say that it's a very agressive process and we laughed like hell when she "Attacked" him beat on his chest as she claims the RN's have been with Ponch His body is healing, and thats going to be the slow process. The swelling has dramatically gone down. Ponch has folded both his arms in front of him across his chest so his range of motion is improving. There is a great hope from many of us that one of the nurses asks him to pull their finger! I'm sure he will supply the "Fragrance" quite gleefully. Now is the time when things will start to slow down. The initial strides have been very promising and there is hope that perhaps his eye isn't as bad as feared and he may possibly still be able to keep his sight in that right eye. They are hoping that by this weekend they will pull the tube out of his skull thats been monitoring the pressure on his brain. That has been showing more normal readings on his brain. Kathy and Shannon are VERY appreciative for all the thoughts and prayers. I too am very humbled by all of our members here that have sent good vibes and prayers to God. This is not the time to let up, there is a long road ahead and even though these initial days are a good step, they are no where's near the steps that have to be completed. Thank you all again for your efforts and passing the word. There are so many thousand of people praying for David, kind of gives me a little more faith in humainty....more as I know it.
  11. No worries Fuzzy, if I had the time to tinker then I absolutely could and would build something like that. For less than a grand when you factor in your time it's almost not worth it. I'll definitely keep this in mind when it's time to have another trailer
  12. You and I are thinking the same thing, tapered fwd top to bottom and a flip lid with some gas struts. At some point I might make a move on a trailer like this, I really think it's a nice looking setup
  13. Just got off the phone with Monkey Boy and we have some more good news. After lunch today they started to wean David off the pain meds, probably to start to get him to be more awake as pain has a tendency to wake you up. He is sleeping on his own though, so the sedation is wearing off which is what they want. The swelling is continuing to go down on his brain. He is understanding what is being asked of him, they asked for a thumbs up and he gave them half a one. Same thing when asked for a peace sign, half of one, he's obviously still weak. When they wipe him off he is squinting his eyes, probably from pain, but his motor skills are there and working. They have him on low doses of pain meds right now. Kathy mentioned that his face is starting to come back to normal as the swelling is starting to go down. Later in this afternoon after one of his sleeping spells he woke back up and tried to grab the tubes and pull them out of his mouth. Feisty bugger he is, he also looked directly at Kathy and Shannon, they waved at him and he waved back, so he recognizes them. This is great news as hopefully he doesn't have any amnesia. I am cautiously optimistic and hope that he continues to make strides in a positive direction. Keep in mind he is no where's near where he needs to be, but seems to be improving by the day. If our power in numbers prayers are working then lets keep it up. I am very excited about this and my only wish is to get him where he can have some visitors and go and see him
  14. Here is a thread that has a lot of information on it http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=29737&highlight=Fuse+Block #13 is my post with pics of what I use. There will be others to chime in and give you some advice....
  15. Rich, Just a question, are you going to have the lights on all the time? If so you may just want to omit having a switch on them and just wire it strait up to a relay. I have done this in the past as I always run with the spots on for being more visible to other vehicles. I would have a relay on them regardless if you had a switch or not. Wire it with it's own dedicated fuse directly from the battery for maximum brightness. The original lights had a less than adequate switch on the side of the housing that nearly always failed over time.
  16. Easy man it was just a bit of humor....
  17. I have some news.....and its GOOD! David, for the 1st time in 2 days....opened his eyes! Monkey Boy just 15 minutes ago talk with Kathy and was filled in on a few things. He is coming out of his sedated state, slowly, but he is coming back to us. He was instructed to wiggle his toes verbally, and he did...all of them. Obviously he can't talk as there are tubes and such in his throat, but he was awake He was also instructed to move his arm across to the other side of his body and he made it about half way before he fell back asleep. Obviously he is very weak and with a lions heart made his best attempt, which fell a little short but thats ok, it's a start I know you can tell from my writing that I am excited, I am, more than I can express here with words. I also want to keep myself in check, we are not out of the woods yet. There still needs to be a lot more brain relief, so dont let up, if this is the results we get for what we have prayed already lets do more. We need to tell God that we need David here more than he needs him there, we must convince him of that. As always thank you all for rallying around David and his family. I am wanting nothing more than to keep bringing good news about David. As I know it so will you folks, I hope that our friend keeps coming back to us, God Bless all of you for believing. PS I almost forgot to mention it, they ended up having to shave Davids head. It appears it is a reverse mohawk so there's nothing in the center. His daughter Shannon said he looks like Bozo the clown
  18. Randy, This appears to be an isolated accident, David was not hit by another vehicle and no other vehicles were involved. The only witness stated that he saw David start to weave in the lane and then went down. Other than that we dont know if there was something in the road, or what. This is why in my last post, a couple of us have theorized, based purely on guessing, that perhaps David suffered some sort of medical condition, be it a stroke or anurizm or whatever. As I mentioned and I will state again this is not based on any facts but just a gut instinct that some of us have.
  19. If I was to buy one of these in the future I would finish it off myself with a custom fabricated diamond plate box on it. I would partition off the insides of the box and have several separate storage cubicles and then put some type of rhino liner spray to keep things from shifting. I really think it's a nice looking design.
  20. You sir are correct! Unfortunately I can't take credit for it, but I really like it myself. Rob Wynn (4T Valk) found it and is looking hard at possibly purchasing one. As much as I like building them I would seriously think about buying one of these as that's a pretty good price when you factor in all the materials and time to build it, it would basically be a wash.
  21. Nothing more to add.... Kathy showed up at our work this morning as she had to drop off some paperwork for the short term disability for David. I also forgot my drink holder in her car she knew I would feel naked without it and gave it back to me No change in David's condition really, he's still in critical condition, but he's stable. They have further cleaned him up and both Kathy and their daughter Shannon commented on how much better he looks from the previous day. He is responding to stimuli, verbal he is reacting slower, but if they poke and prod him the reactions are quicker. This is actually some good news as it appears that there isn't any paralasis. They are also trying to bring him out of the induced coma they put him in. He's not cooperating though gotta love him, still being a stubborn one! I know there are folks local that absolutely want to go down to the hospital, please dont. The only ones allowed in right now are immediate family. As soon as Kathy feels better about this we will get in to see him. They have been in the room with him, but have been instructed not to touch him as that would lead to possibly negative stimulation and create more brain activity which is not something they want a lot of right now until the brain swelling goes down. There are a couple of questions I saw in this thread and I want to address them. Rick, David was wearing a half helmet and unfortunately this is why there is so much damage to his face and jaw. I am seriously rethinking my wearing of a half helmet and very possibly might look into another full face helmet. Thank you for the offer of support and should we need it we will let you know. Art, We really have no clue on what caused this accident. The tires on the bike were still aired up when we saw it on the flatbed so as far as I could tell there was no tire issue. Davids bike is in very good shape as he's pretty meticulous about it mechanically, so unless this was a catastrofic failure of a component I'm having doubts about that. What I am about to say is purely speculative, but there are a few of us that believe it was something medical. I will say this again, this is a guess at best, we have no knowledge of this and we'll have to wait and see if there can be tests to confirm or deny this. As always Thank You All for keeping David and his family in your thoughts and prayers. I keep praying for the best in the hopes that I can have one of my best friends back. David....We LOVE you brother!
  22. What do you think of this?
  23. No additional news...just a little reflection I truly, and I mean this with all my heart, can't thank you all enough for your support during this time with Ponch. We often say on here how we are a family, and it's times like these that we truly are. I know many of you that know David and Kathy pain as I do over this. I'll be totally honest here, I am afraid, I'm afraid for David. This is a horrific thing to overcome and deal with, his battle has just begun as many of you know the road to recovery, god willing he makes that journey, will be as hard as the accident. It's times like these that I get a bit melancholy and realize how many lives are touched by any, and all of us. I appreciate my life more, and the people I choose to be in it. Thank you all again for sharing your lives here with all of us, and for those of you that have spent time with David, thank you for being there for him and with him. God bless all of us.....and especially you Ponch
  24. Thank you Jerry, we will get down there at some point in the near future and help you along with your Venture.
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