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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. For the 1st time in 6 weeks, I finally got to see one of my best friends. I am going to be honest here, David is obviously looking much better that he 1st did. That being said, he has a long, long way to go. It was a very bittersweet moment for me personally, I am so grateful that he is still here with us. In the same breath, David will more than likely never be the same. I know that sounds a bit gloomy, and I still hold out great hope for him, but until the bleeding on his brain completely stops. We wont know how much damage there is. He is currently in speech therapy, and was able to talk to us. I dont honestly know if he could differentiate Kenny, from Boomer or myself, I'd like to think he can, but the brain bleeding is really hampering his ability to communicate on his own. I can't tell you how much I love David, he is every bit a mentor to me and I value his friendship more everyday. I am amazed at the miraculous recovery he has made thus far. I hold out hope as while I was there I held his hand the entire time. He initiated different holding positions with me with both hands. This was very encouraging for me and several times he looked in my direction and said "Thank You" I just really want to be able to have a conversation with him. That is what my prayers are going to be angled towards from now on. Keep thinking of him, keep talking to God about him, keep praying for him. He has come so far and we can't let up now, I miss my Buddy....and I want him to come back to us
  2. We are planning to head directly down to the boat launch. I didn't want to get up that early to be in Waller at 9am Perry, we might give you a call and meet up with you folks at Fuddruckers, I'll talk with the Louisiana contingency and see what they feel up to. This will be a fun day....I guarantee it
  3. Happy Birthday Randy!!!
  4. Whats this I hear, you have some sort of outfit for me Pop!? Just remember folks, be careful, 6 1/2 years in the yacht club was nothing compared to growing up on a river in Michigan
  5. Dont waste your time on it, if you absolutely need to go with 110 buy a Lincoln or a Miller. The HF is junk, plain and simple, and if you dont have a lot of welding experience you will not have a solid weld. If you are going to use one and can afford it, go with a 220 volt setup. Both Lincoln and Miller offer great small welders up to 175 amps and you'll get much better welds You can also get the basics on how to use the machine on the internet or by the multitude of books available. Welding is all setting the machine up correctly and practicing your technique.
  6. Now I know folks are more than will'in to "Help" with the dunkin. Iffin your gonna be dunkin me you have to be a TEXAN, not a transplant. Iffin you are a transplant, say from....oh, Montana, your gonna have to bring your Texas Passport with you to prove that you are a Texan and have gone through the baptism yourself. Of course all the full blood Texans are welcome to join in the festivities. I think that raising some monies for St. Judes would be good also.....I'm ready for my baptism....are you
  7. Good to hear that they are starting to get a handle on it. Some very brave folks out there fighting this stuff, kudo's to all involved!
  8. Have a safe trip Annie!
  9. Interesting, with the radar dome on the bottom and I see a torpedo on the side it looks like it's used as a submarine hunter in addition to a troop carrier. I did ASW when I was in the Navy with the Kaman SH2F Seasprite, I have always loved Helo's
  10. That a big ole helicopter, perhaps a prototype of sorts?
  11. Sad to say but we need a direct hit from a tropical depression with a whole boatload of rain. It's right here by us too, FM 1488 has been shut down for a few days and they haven't hardly been able to contain it. This is very sad to hear of all the folks that are loosing everything.
  12. Nice job Perry....and no DNF this year!
  13. All the best to the family Bobbie, hoping for a good turn around.
  14. Just got this email and thought I would pas it along, keep David in your prayers still.... "Hello everyone sorry about the writing it is late and I have not used the lap top for all David's hospital stay. I have been learning how to use Shannon's ipad and her uptown phone, I have felt so smart until I got on the laptop, it takes too much time to find all the right keys. Ok, I will get serious, Shannon wanted me to write the update on David. Emotionally we have had our ups and downs, Shannon is always think on the positive side. We just want him back home with us. Of course at this time, since he is still in what the doctors call the responsive state. We just have to pray harder that the bleeding in his brain will start subsiding . He is still getting a drug the doctors hope will help stimulate the brain. Since he has bleeding all in his brain, not just in a few areas, that is why it is taking him time to become fully alert. Still only opens his eyes when stimulated. That consist of moving him in bed, pt ot speech and myself have been doing things to him to get him to open eyes. I want tell you what all I do to him, I'm sure he may want to get me back one day. We have been very pleased in how fast his wounds have healed. His right eye looks a lot better and does not droop as much as it did. His mouth is not infected anymore of couse still does not look pretty. Still will need surgery to reconstruct his bottom right side of lip. We were able to see inside of his mouth one day. Looks like on right side from the front to back all top teeth are missing. So saying that, hge wil, have to be fed through a tube that was put in his abdomen, Shannon and I have got to feed him. He will probably have to be fed this way when he leaves tirr. Until he becomes fully alert we have to wait. We do not know what we are going to be dealing with, only god knows. He does open his eyes sometimes on his on, he does recognize voices. He knows Shannon and I are there, has open eyes for other family members,and friend. He does squeze my hands and is still moving his left arm more than his right. When given a command its a delay, it may take a second for him or longer to think to give a thumbs up for example. He has had a few little problems, but changing the meds fixed the problem. He is getting the best care. I thank god everyday he is at TIRR as the threapy going well. They all tease each other when David does more for one of the therapists than the others. Had an exciting day Monday 9-5-11 they but him on a tilt table and stood him up 60 degrees. It was so exciting to see him standing even though he had 4 straps on him. They ask him to give a thumbs up, it took a few seconds but he did it on both hands, but more so on the left. He held his head up for a second or so. They ask him how he is and he mouthed something, the therapist thinks he said good Only opened his eyes a few times for a second during therapy. He did all commands with eyes closed. Speech is putting a speaking valve over his treach to see if he will make any sounds, he did make a couple. I was saying goodnight to him today and he moved his mouth to say goodnight, that was so exciting. Wait until I see all the therapist Tuesday. We are taking one day at a time, praising God that David is still with. It is hard to find the right words to thank the many people who are lifting David, myself and Shannon up to in prayer. We give God the glory and thanks for respecting Shannon and my wishes. We feel people would not want to see David in this state. Our healing is taking one day at a time. I know God is by our side every second of the day. God bless to all of you, thanks also for the phone calls and cards. Love to all Shannon and Kathy"
  15. Sorry folks about the delays, been at school all week and it's just nuts right now. Here is the text Monkey Boy got from Shannon.... "All is well. Been busy with OT Physical Therapy speech and doctors coming in. He is moving more, not opening his eyes much. PT (?) dressed him and had him sitting on the side of the bed while holding him. He can't support himself or hold his head up. We will have a special chair for him tomorrow. The regular therapy schedule starts for him tomorrow. God is good, Thank you all for lifting us up to God in prayers....Love Kathy and Shannon" This is all I have right now for us, sorry it's not more. I still have not been able to see David, but I'm at a point that I am going to show up and see about getting in. Keep David in your thoughts and prayers and as soon as I have more info I will pass it on....
  16. Loved the pic of you and Dana with your mouths open like that "Oh Crap" Moment!!!
  17. Thanks for the info Terry!!
  18. I used to make them, but retired from it a few years back. I dont think anyone is making them these days, I might have to look into starting them up again as I have seen a few thread about folks wanting them.
  19. Very sorry to hear of this Ray, too, too many accidents were hearing about here lately. All the best to the families involved.
  20. I totally agree with Walt here, make sure that the lights have their own dedicated wire with a fuse in it. I always run them into a relay and use heavy enough wire to feed the lights all they want. If it was wired by the dealer it is wrong and it will fail.
  21. I have run 55 watt bulbs on several Ventures with no issues. Now what I will say is if your trying to get more light in a specific place then you should look at the Degree angle of the actual lens. They can start at 15 Degree and go up from there. This will throw the light at different intensities and depending upon what you want, you might need to address that. I will also add, and this is just my personal observation with my eyeballs that you will still see everything on a 30 watt light as you will on a 55 watt pretty fairly close....
  22. Thank you to all of you involved with helping Tom out. I would like to say that I am surprised at what has happened here with the members, but I'm not. This is a VERY different place, and I have made lifelong friends here and have seen just this several times. It still warms my heart to see folks do this, gives me some faith back in humanity. Tom, All the best in your recovery, I can only imagine the broken ribs and such. I helped my wife when we had our accident as she also broke her collar bone and it wasn't fun. I would say to let us know what you need, but it's apparent that several of our members are doing a great job with helping you out. God speed in your recovery and if there is something that we can do for you, please dont hesitate to ask. ....and for your guardian angels helping you in Georgia, Bravo Zulu!
  23. Ken, I'll be totally honest here, a 2nd gen Venture can be as much as 900 lbs. They are an extreme handful to an inexperienced rider. I dont mean to get personal, and my statements aren't aimed at everyone. I am a big guy right at 6 ft and 290 lbs, I can still find the RSV a handful and I have been riding for 30 years. I would absolutely get something smaller and learn how to drive with the clutch. It's not hard, but it does take practice, and you surely dont want to get you and momma on a bike and NOT have the experience to be able to make it do what you want or NEED it to do in any given situation. Plenty of cruisers out there that can comfortably ride 2 folks and have some storage. My advice to you is, NO dont jump right into a Venture. We'd love to see you on one, but we also want you to be able to safely ride it, for your sake and ours should any of us meet up
  24. Yessir, and Rob is going to help and find places to stay both camping and motels along the route
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