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FJR Rider

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Everything posted by FJR Rider

  1. Not if you go "two for one" with replacement chrome!
  2. Left one is in case gas drips down if you're filling the tank .. took it off the 06 on delivery day
  3. Accountant? Close, but no, but I do spend quite a bit of time with the Controller. No, I manage two usually unrelated areas .. I'm the Compensation Manager and Payroll Manager for $2B a year company. Just finished up year end and W2 processing on the Payroll side, and now it's fiscal year end and year begin work on the Comp side. I've got great teams in both areas, but there are days I'm not sure which way I'm going . My boss told me when she gave me Payroll I'd have one big job .. she lied, I already had one big job and now I have two .. plus because I also have a little bit of an HR systems background, I have to help out there occasionally as well. Nice to be employed, but sometimes the hours don't justify the end. It was nice to have the mental health day today!
  4. I put in an aux fuse box ... this one is a 5 position, I usually use a 6 position, but this one works well and it's half the size plus a cover at the same price -- $11.00. I moved some of the OEM rear lighting wiring around to make a little room and then put in four relays, one each tail, brake, right and left turnsignals for the trailer harness. You'll only see three relays in the pix, the fourth one is tucked in elsewhere. I also relocated a couple items under the fairing and put in two Wolo horns, ran power up from the 5 spot in the new fuse box, and put a relay in as well. I ran the switch wires up from the right side OEM horn ... normally I go off the lower left OEM horn, but thought I'd try it this way and I actually like it better. I also cleaned up some of the other wiring my friend had in there .. nothing wrong with his, I just like it a little "cleaner". I still have a side of very nice adhesive LED strip lights to add to the side of his trunk, but I need to wait for a little warmer weather to install those to ensure good adhesion of the tape. Then I get to do add some LED side marker lights to my RSV and put an aux fuse box in and new horns on my FJR. And yes .. it was a fun day It was just nice to have a day to myself, no regular work (if you don't count checking e-mail and two calls from my office), no baskett-ball tournaments for my grandson, and no errands with Cathy. Work is an absolute pain for me this time of year, starting in December and going through April. Even getting a day off is unusual...as it is, I'm leaving several days of vacation on the table because I can't use them by the end of our fiscal year (next week).
  5. Vacation "Burn" Day .. nice day to spend in the cave. A little work a friend's 99 RSV.
  6. Next to Bloomington
  7. 2008 Cadillac CTS 3.6DI RWD with the HP suspension package (minus the summer tires). Very happy with it. Very comfortable (even though I'd say the front seats in my 03 CTS were more comfortable), roomy inside, large trunk, lots of power, and great gas mileage for the size of the car .. winter, 20/21 mpg to/from work and around town, 25/26 mpg highway; summer 23/25 mpg to/from work and around town, 27/28 mpg highway. I have gotten 30 mpg with it on a trip; opposite of the RSV, the CTS gets BETTER mpg at higher speeds). I've put a little over 20,000 miles on the car in just under 2 years with no major problems and what I'd call typical new car warranty fixes (piece of interior trim, side window adjustments, and a headlight washer replaced). However, what might be a negative for some...this is not your father or grandfather's Caddy. It's a sport sedan, not a luxury boat. With the suspension package that's on my car the ride is pretty harsh...if I were recommending a CTS for someone else, I'd recommend one with either the F1 or F2 suspension packages, and I'd also say get the AWD version and not the RWD like mine. Cathy's car is an 01 Pontiac Grand AM GT .. she loves that car, and it's still low mileage (85k) .. good grandma car for her with 4 doors, but still enough power to have some fun with, great sound system, great gas mileage, etc. As it's hitting the 10 year mark though since we got it, we'll be replacing it this summer. Cathy likes having a car, but lately has been talking a lot about smaller SUVs .. I know which one we both like, just need to wait for one to hit certified used lot (right now GM can't make enough of 'em new to satisfy customers) as I can't afford two Caddy's in the garage.
  8. veteran
  9. Oldgoat .. from one who knows EXACTLY how you feel , hang in there, it ain't that bad .. THEY will get over it
  10. A couple miles from the house ... I plan on being there.
  11. One other place to ask your question: http://goprouser.freeforums.org/
  12. :-)
  13. Besides as many camping weekends as Cathy and I can squeeze in, the following rides are on the calendar for 2010: Ride-In (tentative) at our place (Suamico WI) or Door County WI (east side), Memorial Day weekend Bourbon Run, based out of Scottsburg IN, Jun 25 - 28 10th Anniversary Ride-In, Richmond KY, Jun 28 to Jul 2 Tentative, but may come back over to North Liberty for the International Rally ... oldest of my two brothers lives there as well as my mom and husband, plus one of my sisters is just up the road in Lakeville, with the rest in South Bend "Family Reunion" (not the relatives, but REAL family), 16-18 Jul, ???? WI Yooper Ride-In, Ishpeming MI, Aug 5 - 8 Davis Rally, New Hampton IA, Sep 10 -12 WI (VentureRider) Maintenance Day (if it's not one of the above weekends) ....sometime in June, either a Lake Superior Saddlesore or a Bun Burner 1500 on the FJR ....Central Region FJR get together sometime late summer or September, not sure on location Octoberfest, LaCrosse WI, Sep 24 - 26 Apple Orchard Get Together, Richland Center WI, Oct 1 - 3 Was planning on going to the NASCAR night race at Bristol TN again in August, but our source of tickets are getting a divorce and the friends are paying the price So camping in the UP or the Northwoods will just have to do (personally, other than the race, I'd rather be camping up this way anyway)
  14. First we'll hit the Leine Lodge .. the first couple of rounds are on them! Then we'll head to the Point, and get a couple free rounds there. Third, we'll switch over to the "grapes" ... I've got unlimited places in my neck of the woods where I can drink for free ! p.s. Cougar .. it's still broke. Marshall (ol' Hug Bear here) is working it along with the Webmaster. The 'can of worms' is more like a 'bed of snakes', so not much I can say or want to say about how long it's taking and why....host fixes something, hacker breaks it, etc, etc, etc. Move to "new" site supposed to be any day, but then again they've been telling us that for months now. Positive note for some (maybe some who haven't been back in a while) .. memberships will be extended for four months for those who want it (many have turned it down). Whether or not you care for the Venturers organization (or some of the people there), good people there just like here, a lot of very close friends and "family" (cliques went the way of the dinasaur many many moons ago) .. whoever the hacker is, he/she has done significant damage to the site, its membership, and the organization's viability as it enters its 10 Anniversary Year p.s.s. I'm speaking for myself, not for the Venturers (Don can explain for those who might not understand)
  15. The beverages will still be on me.
  16. Don, "Pulling ... hair out..." doesn't even come close. Other than Boomer, I won't respond to the other comments...nothing that I can say that would make them feel better or worse. Now for Boomer... Boomer, if our paths cross next year, whether it be at a Venturers or a VentureRider get together, I'll personally make sure you're taken care of. Maybe nothing more than a couple of beverages, but I'll take care of you. Or if our paths won't cross, I'm sure you'll run into one of the "frequent" travelers who have a strong presence on both sites....I'll send something along with one of them, as our paths typically cross fairly early in the year. Curt "Who hates to see a Navy guy treading water"
  17. Best present was a great day with our two daughters, their husbands, and 4 of 5 grandkids....everything is secondary after that. But, material-wise, I did get a GoPro Motorsports Hero Wide camera, Ghost Rider by Neil Peart, and some odds and ends (music, gift cards, etc).
  18. 1) 1 pound Ring Sausage (Hilshire Farms, Johnsonville, etc) - grill and then chop up in to small cubes 2) three or four large potatos - cubed (small) and fryed 3) when the potatos are done, mix in the grilled sauage, mix in 1 can black beans or pinto beans mix in Salsa or Pincante sauce (how much is up to you) simmer until all is HOT 4) serve with sour cream, guacamole, and shredded cheese. I love this recipe .. I made it up one night when Cathy was mad at me because she'd worked all day and we couldn't figure out what to have for dinner (admit guys, you've BEEN THERE!). So in moment of needing to get out of the doghouse, this recipe was born. It's been a favorite of ours for the last 15 years. Curt
  19. AGREE!!! Best trailer out there.
  20. Come up to GB .. you can have all the snow you want
  21. Pretty big problem .. but getting close with the host on getting it resolved. The interim fixes worked for a while, but whomever is messing with the site manages to get the bugs back in after a few days. Don't worry about ruffling feathers..most of the people have had their tail feathers singed before You're all right! Good people here, there, and on Delphi!
  22. Cathy and I've been going to the Davis Rally since 2002 .. there are rallys that are bigger, there are rallys that are smaller, but none that compare to Davis Might be nice to see the VentureRider banner hanging next to the Venturer banner ... the Irregulars don't bite Some of the stuff they consume might, but they don't. Curt
  23. How about these http://www.marinebeam.com/41sebereledb.html ?
  24. Isn't that the truth!! Lived in Albuquerque 10 years (late 70s and again late 80s)...loved skiing on Saturday and playing golf on Sundays in the winter time Curt
  25. I know of a Yamaha Star cover for the RSV that's for sale if you're interested. Can't link you to the ad from here, but I can get you the contact information if you're interested...just let me know. Curt "I have my Star Motorcycle Cover For Sale. I have used it about ten times but I just don't care for the feel of the material. No problems with it at all, I just found an after market one that feels better and fits better. I can post a picture if someone wants it. It is like new. I think my wife said it was $90 or something like that new. I will sell for $55 including shipping to the lower 48 States. This is the black one in the Star catalog. Non smoking home. Includes the carry bag. Thanks, Wayne"
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