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FJR Rider

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Everything posted by FJR Rider

  1. I guess I better do 20 or so.
  2. Kit, No harm no foul. Just a little something for Don and I to work on. Curt
  3. Okay, I'll buy that one Don:thumbsup2:. I edited my original post to ensure no possibility of bias. I definitely was not trying to start anything with you or the VentureRiders who aren't fans of the Venturers site and/or some of the members there...I was simply saying there's good people and good knowledge in all the Venture-related groups. Curt
  4. Where do you see bias in what I wrote? PM your way. Curt
  5. There are friendly people in all the groups, with many being well-informed as well. GREAT people on ALL the Venture sites...VentureRiders, Delphi (Venture and Royal Star sections), and Venturers..and STAR too. Living in the upper Midwest I can tell you that both the VentureRiders and the Ventures are pretty active with Ride-Ins and Meet & Greets....make sure you check both the Rides and Other Clubs sections on this site (several of the other sites have similiar sections has well). Enjoy you new Venture and the Venture people you meet. Curt 06 RSV & 07 FJR
  6. Go with the epoxy...my wife and I did our oversized garage a little over 3 years ago, and other than a little discoloring from the winter time gunk, the floor looks as good today as when we painted it. I'd done a previous floor with floor paint and after about a year it was coming up in various spots. Definitely go with the epoxy, it's worth the few extra dollars up front. Curt
  7. Pretty much what our 06 RSV looked like as well
  8. I don't wave to anyone who has a website displayed on their motorcycleanywhere.
  9. Since Guardian Bells have to be given to someone to be any good....three cheers for Don giving everyone in the VentureRiders one!!!
  10. Probably the huge snake that a buzzard dropped that almost fell in friend's lap while riding. Scared the crap out of him, and I almost died laughing!! Curt
  11. Why? So he can get even less MPG than he already did?
  12. Is the one you're looking for? Belonged to Jim (aka Elkhunt) and Vicki Simpson...sold it about 2 months back. Curt
  13. Do you mean retired completely...as in work no more? Cause I retired once at 39, but that retirement check only pays the house payment...be another 11 years before I can retire again, then I'll have to figure out what to do for another 15 years.
  14. As somebody earlier said, the ability to stop is the key. The RSV, two up, will pull 325 lb camper (full of gear, so about 425-450 lbs) just fine. I keep the tongue weight less than 30 lbs...while you can feel the weight pulling away from a stop, and you definitely know it's there slowing down, at most times it's hard to tell the trailer is back there. One pix is our 99 with the Bunkhouse, and the other picture is our friends 01 with their Hannigan sidecar and their bunkhouse...they typically have 3 people riding (two adults and their 16 year old daughter). Gas mileage isn't that good, but the RSV has no problem with the weight. Curt
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