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FJR Rider

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Everything posted by FJR Rider

  1. Check out the Zumo Forum www.zumoforums.com
  2. I use this one.
  3. You might want to check with them again....Corbin makes the aftermarket seat and backrest for the 2d Gen that are shown in the 2008 STAR catalog on page 76 . They should already have seat pans available for the 2d Gen.
  4. We used to live in Bentonville, and our youngest daughter and husband still in Lowell, so we're down there quite a bit. If you're looking for a fun ride, take 23 north out of Eureka Springs up to Eagle Rock Mo...I don't remember the number or letter of the road, but take the road from Eagle Rock to the Roaring River State Park...make sure you stop at the fish hatchery at Roaring River...then take MO 112 back to the southwest/west to Seligman MO, then 36 south to Gateway, and back on 62 east to Eureka Springs (you can divert a 2/3s of the way back and take a right out go out over the Beaver Lake Dam and back around to 62 and into Eureka Springs). Makes for a nice ride, not a lot a miles, but beautiful scenery and great roads (and you'll definitely get your twistie fix in). We used to ride most of that route just for dinner rides out Bentonville (which is 35 miles from Eureka Springs). You might also want to take 23 south Eureka Springs and then take 12 east to Rogers. A great road ... gets really twisty to the end end (near Beaver Lake and Rogers)...I'd suggest a stop at War Eagle to visit the working water driven mill...the traffic gets a little heavier when you get to Rogers. Turn back to the north, and then pick up 62 out of Rogers back toward Eureka Springs. Another good place to stop and visit is the Civil War site at Pea Ridge. Enjoy your time down there. We'll be going down there a couple of times this year...sadly the first time or two we won't have time to take either of the bikes since they'll be out Friday night from GB and back home on Sunday...but in the fall we have another grandbaby due late September/early October so we'll be riding down then. Curt
  5. ROTFLMAO ! Rumor has it Al was invited up to Green Bay several weeks ago to give a speech, but it decline because he said it was too cold for him here! Curt
  6. The following was sent to me by one of my former commanders and very close friend. The words are those of the AF Academy Cadet is in regards to the AF Academy, but I believe his sentiment holds true to the majority of men and women who wear a military uniform regardless of branch of service, guard, reserve, or active duty. Curt Master Sergeant (Retired) United States Air Force Why Return to the Academy? ….thought you might enjoy a fresh prospective, unbiased and 'completely fettered' by the experience of his present day life...God bless him. With young men and women like this willing to serve our country, I am not worried about America's future. First year cadets at the Air Force Academy are allowed to leave the Academy without penalty up through the end of first-year Christmas break. Those who came back were assigned to write a paper on why they chose to return. Here is one young cadet's masterpiece, which has begun to be widely publicized... “Why return to the Air Force Academy after Winter Break? So after our sunburns have faded and the memories of our winter break have been reduced to pictures we've pinned on our desk boards, and once again we've exchanged T-shirts and swim suits for flight suits and camouflage, there still remains the question that every cadet at U.S.Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs has asked themselves at some point: Why did we come back? Why, after spending two weeks with our family would we return to one of the most demanding lifestyles in the country? After listening to our 'friends' who are home from State or Ivy League schools chock full of wisdom about how our war in Iraq is unjust and unworldly, why would we return? And after watching the news and reading the papers which only seem to condemn the military's every mistake and shadow every victory, why would we continue to think it is worth the sacrifice of a normal college life? Is it because the institution to which we belong is tuition- free? Anyone who claims this has forgotten that we will, by the time we graduate, repay the US taxpayer many times over in blood, sweat, and tears. Is it because the schooling we are receiving is one of the best undergraduate educations in the country? While the quality of the education is second to none, anyone who provides this as a main reason has lost sight of the awesome responsibility that awaits those who are tough enough to graduate and become commissioned officers in the U.S. Air Force. I come back to the Academy because I want to have the training necessary so that one day I'll have the incredible responsibility of leading the sons and daughters of America in combat. These men and women will never ask about my Academy grade point average, their only concern will be that I have the ability to lead them expertly; I will be humbled to earn their respect. I come back to the Academy because I want to be the commander who saves lives by negotiating with Arab leaders... in their own language. I come back to the Academy because, if called upon, I want to be the pilot who flies half way around the world with three mid-air refuelings to send a bomb from 30,000 feet into a basement housing the enemy...; through a ventilation shaft two feet wide. Becoming an officer in today's modern Air Force is so much more than just command; it is being a diplomat, a strategist, a communicator, a moral compass, but always a warrior first, when necessary. I come back to the Air Force Academy because, right now, the United States is fighting a global war that is an 'away game' in Iraq - taking the fight to the terrorists. Whether or not we think the terrorists were in Iraq before our invasion, they are unquestionably there now. And if there is any doubt as to whether this is a global war, just ask the people in Amman, in London, in Madrid, in Casablanca, in Riyadh, and in Bali. This war must remain an 'away game' because we have seen what happens when it becomes a home game... I come back to the Academy because I want to be a part of that fight. I come back to the Academy because I don't want my vacationing family to board a bus in Paris that gets blown away by someone who thinks that it would be a good idea to convert the Western world to Islam. I come back to the Academy because I don't want the woman I love to be the one who dials her last frantic cell phone call while huddled in the back of an airliner with a hundred other people seconds away from slamming into the Capitol building. I come back to the Academy because during my freshman year of high school I sat in a geometry class and watched nineteen terrorists change the course of history live on television. For the first time, every class currently at a U.S. Service Academy made the decision to join after the 2001 terror attacks. Some have said that the U.S. invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan only created more terrorists... I say that the attacks of September 11th, 2001 created an untold more number of American soldiers; I go to school with 4,000 of them. And that's worth more than missing a few frat parties. Joseph R. Tomczak Cadet, Fourth Class United States Air Force Academy (U.S. Senator Wayne Allard (R-Colorado) had Cadet Tomczak's essay read into the Congressional Record, and at a meeting of the Air Force Academy Board of Visitors he presented Cadet Tomczak with a framed copy of the essay.) “ "If you want to kick the tiger in his ~behind~, you'd better have a plan for dealing with his teeth." . . Tom Clancy
  7. No. I've been by it quite a few times, even stayed in a motel on the east side of the freeway just across from it, but I've never visited the museum....I was afraid I'd drool to much! Guess I'll just suck it up this time and go.
  8. Looking forward to riding it again later this spring....a friend and I are doing an Iron Butt out of Eau Claire WI to Pigeon Forge TN in mid-May or mid-June. Working it out so we have the one day run down, two days to play in the area, and then two days to get home; including a stop at the Corvette Musuem in Bowling Green. I've ridden most the roads in the area there on either a Concours or a RSV; my friend has never been there and I'm looking forward to showing him around. I'm planning taking the FJR and he'll be on his RSV...we made an agreement already...I'll show him on the map where I'll stop and wait for him! Curt
  9. Between 70 and 75 indicated on the RSV...I won't mention where on the FJR, police departments are monitoring the web these days! Curt
  10. And who were the original two Venture riding individuals who got channel 29 started as the channel for all Venture riding individuals? I know, do you? Others might take credit, but we know don't we?
  11. Depending on my July work schedule...might be able to make it down. If we do, we'll stay with our daughter and son-in-law in Lowell. Curt
  12. I've done way more in my life so far than I ever thought I would, but there's stil a few things left, so here's mine: Share my love of motorcycling with my grandchildren (working on this one already) Hotlap a 410 race-legal World of Outlaws Sprint Car Finish putting the yellow highlights on my map for roads ridden in Wisconsin Curt
  13. I've been watching for years. Looking forward to Saturday when the Monkeymobile and the Batmobile go across. Anybody catch up much Jesse James' Pikes Peak Hill Climb Blazer went for last night? It looks like either he or the Discovery Channel sent most of the Moster Garage cars across last night. Interested in the Blazer though as that was probably the best build of all the ones they did.
  14. Guys, Thanks for the responses. I do want to say again my post wasn't about the sites, it was simply to say what gets under my skin and makes me occasionally insert foot in mouth. Yes I used to ride a Concours. It was one the biggest mistakes of my riding life selling that bike (a 95), but losing a job and having a daughter in college sort of set my priorities back in 2003. That bike was my wife's gift to me when I retired from the Air Force (well, 7 months after I retired), and between January 96 and June 2003 I put just under 40,000 miles on the bike, including a 12 hour 950 mile ride from Acworth GA to Sun Prairie WI. The bike would run all day on the freeway and just has easily tear up the tight twisties on the backroads of Arkansas and later GA, TN, & NC, and finally WI. I did several track days on that bike...talk about taking a SuperTanker to a (fighter) dogfight! I'd done pretty everthing you could do to a Connie to improve it including a fork brace, braided brake and clutch lines, intercom, etc. It didn't get ridden as much after we purchased our first RSV in early 99, but I still managed to get 5,000 to 6,000 miles a year riding it even while putting 10-12,000 on the RSV. That bike was one of the main reasons I decided to buy the FJR last spring. The FJR is a sport bike on steroids! My FZ1, which I sold just before buying the FJR, was fast and actually had a couple of more horses, but didn't offer (at least for me) the day-long comfort the FJR does. Like the FJR it will cruise all day long on the highway, or tear up the twisty backroads...it just does it better than the Concours did. I know some of the 1st Gen Venture guys like to compare the FJR to their bikes...I say different in most ways, but at the same time somewhat similar. I like the seating position and handlebars just like they are, but add a set of risers for the bars, a taller shield, a rider backrest, and you've got a 21st century 1st Gen Venture. There are some things coming up this year and I'll post them when I've got some of the dates and locations confirmed. Two though that I think some of you, especially up this way, might enjoy are the Get Goosed get together in June near LaCrosse, and (dates to be determined) a get together in Door County. I hope some of you will join Cathy and I...along with another couple Cathy and I will be hosting the Door County ride-in. Maybe I'll see some of you at the Flood Run later this spring! Don't worry about Don and me...my apology to him was meant in the most sincere way. I'd like to enjoy my time here, and as mentioned earlier it's really about the bikes, the rides, and the people for me...I'll do my best to keep my foot out of my mouth, or at least until I can put some good bratwurst mustard on it! Curt p.s. Don..thanks posting the Venturers website...it wasn't necessary as that's not what my post was about..appreciated yes, but not necessary.
  15. Just before New Years I had sat myself down to write a note to the members of the VentureRiders, mainly to do two things 1) explain myself for some of my posts over the last couple of years, and 2) apologize for a couple of those posts. But after writing the note and reading it a couple of times I decided that it probably wasn't worth posting...why, I'm not sure. Moving forward to today I saw the following in the "Long Winter" thread and after reading these words rethought my decision to write a note or not. Red1 from just down the road from me here in Wisconsin said: "Too often, we allow ourselves to be polarized by our differences and fail to see the bigger picture. We gather here because of what we have in common - a joy of riding a great bike, a need for a little information and a desire to associate with people that share our passion. Perhaps if we kept the focus on that and had a little more tolerance for those that don't think exactly like we do, or express themselves precisely right - posts like this would no longer be necessary." Even though Don would probably tell you I'm not one of the people he was initially talking about, I'm pretty sure there are some of you who definitely believe I am one of those people. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, but I would like to explain myself a little bit. As Don pointed out in another post recently, yes, I am a director on the Venturer site. I'm biased regarding sites? Yes, a true statement. But this post isn't about the sites, it's about the people who frequent all the Venture related sites. Do I believe the people that frequent any of the sites are any different? No! And there's the basis for much of the grumpiness I sometimes come across with when I infrequently post here on the VentureRider site. As I said I'm not talking about the sites or their merits or shortcomings, I'm talking about the people. It's always been about the ride and the people for me. That's why I come to this site as well...if it was about the site alone, I'd never be here. What it comes down to is when I read posts here, or elsewhere, that include the words "better people here" it angers me. The riders, the people, we're all the same. Some of personalities or traits of some people on the other sites you may not care for, but the same can be said for some of the people here. Earlier this year I posted a rather extensive list of events for the upper Midwest, many of those were Venturers sponsored events but not all. At first there were quite a few thank yous for posting, but then one member here got angry about the posts and said I was doing a recruiting campaign for the Venturers. I wasn't, I thought I was simply providing information for riders. Don did come to my rescue and let everyone know I was simply posting events, but it didn't seem to appease that particular member. Since then, while I have posted a couple of things, I haven't specifically posted anything Venturer related out of courtesy for this site and the member angered by the event posts. Bottom-line. I ride a Venture (and an FJR) and I hope that's enough for us to share some common ground. I'd like to be able to walk up to another rider with a Venture, talk about our rides, and maybe start a friendship. I hope that because I call another Venture site my first internet home doesn't keep that from happening. Now for the apologies. Don...no detail for the masses, but I am sorry I PO'd you in early in 2007. We used to share some common ground (other than the bike we ride)...I know that's no longer true, but I would hope the bumps in the road are behind us. To the other VentureRiders I've managed to anger at one time or another, I apologize. I hope our paths cross someday and we can get to know each other....my home north of Green Bay (and more importantly my garage and tools) are always open to anyone riding a Venture (or FJR, or Concours, or Gold Wing, or....). Here's to a great 2008. Curt p.s. I would like to say thank you to the creators of the VentureRider calendar for using some of my pictures. Other than me providing pictures of Ventures, you didn't ask nor did you care where they came from...they were pictures of Ventures and the people who ride them. A bigger thank you for making myself and my wife Cathy (crossing Big Mac) the opening picture for the 24-month calendar.
  16. You're welcome. "I can see that I am really going to like living here in "VentureVille". Please note I said "another site" for where the info came from...VentureVille is fairly broad with at least three other great locations to find info and meet Venture owners. Out of courtesy to the members here though on the VentureRider site I won't post the names or locations of the other sites. But if you should stop by the other sites, my user names are Concours on one and Curt_Suamico on the other. The bike I posted a picture of is in fantastic condition. Randy and Laura have choosen to move on to a Gold Wing trike. Good luck in your search, and when you call Randy, let him know Curt sent you. Curt
  17. The following is a post from another site. I know Randy very well and his bike is in like new condition. Located a day trip away from you. Curt "I have a very nice MM Limited with 18,905 miles for sale. (0478/1500). It is a one owner bike and serviced totally by a Yamaha dealer. It includes trailer hitch, 2 flag holders, RAM mount system for Ipod or MP3 player and Butler cup holder. New tires and new stock RK mufflers. Both installed late this year. (I have the stock Yamaha muffs in a box also). Asking $8800.00/BO Had some trouble attaching photos, but will send as many as you need in an e-mail. For additional information e-mail me at ran.rwl@gmail.com or call 651-464-4233. Forest Lake, Minnesota location. I would be happy to store in my heated garage until spring. Randy Little/Rascal _________________ Rascal" http://www.venturers.org/Forum/memberuploads/dsc00061_193.jpg
  18. A rider on another site just picked his new Vision up a couple of weeks ago (had it on order most of the year)...so far he really likes it...likes it considerably better than the LT1200 he also has in his arsenal of bikes. Curt
  19. Great looking calendars. I see some of shots made both the 12 and the 24 month. I really like the first pix on the 24 month calendar ... Considering my history, I feel a little bit like Sally Field Happy New Year to all my riding friends. Curt
  20. My car has them both for the inside mirror and the outside mirrors...really like them...but haven't seen them for bikes yet
  21. Waiting on the grandkids to get here to open their presents .. having them live so close with their mom (our oldest daughter) and dad, plus having our youngest daughter and our new son-in-law here from NW Arkansas to share their first Christmas together with us...well nothing else can beat either of those for us today. Of course...on the material side of things, I am getting ready to set up my new Duo Core Quad processor PC Santa left under the tree. Curt
  22. Merry Christmas to the VentureRiders and everyone who rides a Venture (or a Gold Wing, a BMW, a HD, a sport bike, a sport tourer......) Curt (Concours / FJR Rider)
  23. At least you don't have to drop and give him 20! Curt
  24. Didn't some wise internet moderator once say that "one man's treasure is another man's junk?" or was it "one man's junk is another man's treasure?" Might be good time to go back to thread about being a long winter and read through all the posts there, and then come back to this subject! Curt
  25. Try here as well http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCcamping/start You'll have to set up a login and password, but basic Delphi is free....and they've got a great Venture forum as well.
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