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FJR Rider

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Everything posted by FJR Rider

  1. Not angry or anything...but I posted, or anyway I thought I did, a note in Cindy's thread about her neighbor and child. I made a reference of my own about getting a relative put in jail for abuse. Did my post not take, or did one of the moderators delete it because of what I said? Again, not angry, just curious....long, long day at work, so maybe I thought I posted it and didn't. Curt
  2. LA was with some of his friends at the Davis Rally this past weekend....Bob the Elder, Special Ed, Max1, ZMan, Bad Bob, Shorty, Yooper, Eagle Eye, Harold, Troy & Stacy, Elkhunt & Vicki, Big W, 8-Ball, Folio, Lumpy & Bev, Gary & Denise, Concours (aka FJR Rider) & (the other) Cathy, KC Paul, Not Ed & Still Kathy, Goose & Denise, Phil & Mary, George & friends, etc. LA joined his friends (16 bikes and two cars), for a ride from New Hampton IA up to New Richmond Friday morning so we could be at visitation for Cullen Bryant, age 7, who passed away last Monday, and provide support another LA's friends Jim Bryant (Cullen's father). LA led the ride back to New Hampton Monday afternoon. Curt
  3. You and me!
  4. It is Mackinac Island......"c" north of the Straits, "w" south of the Straits...but both pronounced "..naw" Yoopers can't spell anyway But they sure know how to live life! Curt
  5. I'm not sure if Jim has been on here lately, but I'll speak on his behalf and say thank you ... here's a link a little more information: http://www.newrichmond-news.com/obituaries/
  6. I thought I'd share some news regarding a close friend and family. Cullen Bryant, 7 year old son of Jim Bryant (v4more here, and Jimb on the Venturer site) passed away this afternoon after courageous battle with cancer. It's difficult enough for a mother and father (and one surviving brother) to lose one child to cancer, but they lost their oldest son to cancer as well about 10 years ago. Many of the Twin-Cities area VentureRider members may have crossed paths with Jim over the years as he lives in New Richmond WI. Curt
  7. Was at one of my stores today...visited the magazine rack...looking at new line of magazines for Baggers. One of them had a buyer's guide for 09 Baggers and it had a pix the RSV...didn't look any different, other than saying it had a integrated CD player (no kiddin').....1) bet it was an 08 and not an 09, and 2) bet it was a misprint on the CD player:( Curt
  8. Bill, It's great you apologized, but you DID NOT need to! Personally I loved your comment about not growing up...I hope you never grow up, you're having to much fun. My kids say the same thing to me, and I just tell them when they get to be my age they'll understand. Curt
  9. Lived in Albuquerque for 10 years....you're making me homesick! You knew fall was right around the corner the first time you got a wiff of roasting chili's. We have a friend send us some every year (packed in dry ice). When we can find up this way we buy some, but dang they're expensive here. But we get them anyway, fire up the grill, and roast away. Of course they do have a smell that somewhat similar to Willie's favorite weed and our neighbors were inclined to call the local LEOs...boy did he get a surprise when he walked around to our deck...and the neighbors were apologizing all over the place, but we haven't talked since. Curt
  10. Lived in Albuquerque for 10 years....you're making me homesick! You knew fall was right around the corner the first time you got a wiff of roasting chili's. We have a friend send us some every year (packed in dry ice). Curt
  11. Describe a an "improperly mounted license plate." So many inches off the ground? Lighted? Visible? Some sport bike guys like to move them up under the frame and seat...still lighted but difficult to see. Improperly mounted? Some sport bike guys simply move them up under the tail-light to clean up the appearance of the rear of the bike...still lighted, very visible, and unless you knew otherwise looks OEM, but it's been moved. Exactly what I did on first Concours and on FZ1. Improperly mounted? Some cruiser style riders like to go to "lay down" plates on the fender...still lighted but difficult to see. Improperly mounted? Some cruiser style riders like to go to license plate frames mounted on the side (in fact, many cruisers are coming this way now to keep the rear fender clean)....still lighted and visiable. Improperly mounted? Sounds all a little subjective ... how many times will this end up in court, wasting taxpayer's dollars, and get thrown out? And for the LEOs in attendance...do you ALWAYS drive 55 when the sign says 55? 65 when the sign says 65? 70 when the sign says 70? You've never ever passed on a double-yellow when driving/riding your POV? You've never rolled a stop sign? Curt
  12. I guess no more riding the FJR in Florida
  13. Anyone planning on going to BBB in Fayetteville, 24-27 Sep? http://www.bikesbluesandbbq.org/ We're riding down from Suamico (Green Bay) for a much more important reason than the rally, arriving in Lowell (just up the road) on Sun the 21st. We'll be in town until the 27th, and then riding back home. Since we're going to be in town for that MUCH MORE IMPORTANT reason and there with the RSV, might as well stop by the rally . Anyone interest in a M&E say Wed, Thurs, or Fri? In case you see more than one Black Cherry RSV with pinstriping and lots of chrome, and a WISCONSIN plate that week in the BBB area, the better looking one is mine! Curt
  14. 20 years in the Air Force (AF)...everything has an acronym We'll be over in your state here in a couple of weeks for the Davis Rally. If you're there, stop by the area of campers by the pool...you'll see a banner (for my other group)...friendly people, lot's of Ventures. Ask for Curt! We're getting in on Thursday,...doing the Sunset Ride Friday night, Bike'n for Bucks Saturday, and the parade Saturday night. Oh, speaking of Door County. We're some of the Wisconsinites who actually like going up to Door County...but we like to stay on the east side in Baileys Harbor and then ride over the west side when we feel like it. The east side is more laid back and quiet...make sure you take the lake road up on the east side from Sturgeon Bay. If you're looking for a great motorcycle friendly campground, check out Baileys Grove Campground...great campground, great people! Curt
  15. Buy the Hopnel Bib and do the studding yourself. You can get the studs from J&P for sure, but your local craft store (always fun for a bad ol' biker dude) may have them as well. Not that hard to do and it will look good. I did the seats, backrest, and bib on our 99, plus did a friend's 99 as well.
  16. Like this?
  17. Green Bay
  18. When are you passing through? We're out and about this coming weekend, but if you're coming through the GB area during the week, we'd be happy to let you camp in our backyard and give you bathroom and shower access...for free. A little Venturer...and VentureRider....hospitality. Curt & Cathy
  19. Enjoy...I grew up in Petoskey and my wife in Oden, so enjoy the area. Make sure you visit Harbor Springs and see the "cottages" along the lake...ride the "Tunnel of Trees" between Harbor Springs and Cross Village! From Mackinaw City/St Ignace, the Soo is an easy day ride, as are Paradise/Whitefish Point/TQ Falls...all UP. South, Cross Village, Harbor Springs, and Charlevoix are all easy day rides. If you're in Petoskey late afternoon/early evening, make sure you stop at Sunset Park (overlooking the bay); a great place for pictures of sunsets (and your bike if you want). Here's a few pictures from our vacation two weeks ago ... Curt
  20. Dan, I was on vacation last week when the trade went down....having too much fun in the UP . Not sure the Favre - Thompson hatefest is over yet though. Sure hope Brett retires as a Packer and then into the HoF as a Packer, but I think Thompson has other ideas. Lot's of PO'd people behind closed doors...to big of egos and too much money. IMMHO, this was a not so much about Brett playing another year as it was who weilded more power....Favre or Thompson. Thompson thinks he won for now, but we'll see. The new cage gets it's first real roadtrip this weekend (do wish I could make your meet & greet though) from GB down to Lowell AR and back. My 03 CTS was nice, but this one.... . Change of gears...are you guys going to the Davis Rally this year? Have you done the Davis Rally before? Curt
  21. Thanks...I like your line up! Nice to have options
  22. Just added another Black Cherry ride to the garage. Worked awhile to get myself where I could afford something like this (for the unbelievers, the drug money is good!) Curt http://www.venturers.org/Forum/memberuploads/012_135.jpg http://www.venturers.org/Forum/memberuploads/august_calendar_3_283.jpg http://www.venturers.org/Forum/memberuploads/p3240006_190.jpg
  23. My earlier post didn't take...hmmmm... Anyway, Lehman is doing the bikes for Harley. Harley sends bikes to Lehman, they convert them, and then ship out to the HD dealers. Sold as new HD trikes as HD trikes in their line...but done by Lehman. We were in the Lehman factory in Spearfish two years ago and the tour guide sort of spilled the beans about the project. Curt
  24. Pete Behm lives in Stillwater...rides either his Red 2d Gen (can't miss it, has "blind you" bright running lights on it) or his blue FJR....I'm sure you've seen him on the roads in the area. He doesn't frequent this site, but I'm sure if you bumped into him he'd be more than happy to help you. Curt
  25. Bad ass in the 60s and 70s didn't necessarily mean Harley. Those of us who've been around long enough know that many of the bad ass bikers of the 60s, 70s, and even the early 80s rode chopped Triumphs, BSAs, and when the Honda 750 came out, chopped Honda 750s. Yes there were some HD loyalists back then, but bad ass bikers rode what they could get cheap or steal,....HD didn't really become the "thing" until Regan put the tariffs on the Jap bikes and the HD Marketing group cranked up the volume. Don't believe me, start pulling out some of those old chopper rags from the 60 and 70s and see how many bad ass bikers wearing colors are astride something other than an HD. Curt
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