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Everything posted by bendtdj

  1. Sioux Falls got hit REAL hard. Madison is just 50 miles north and west of there. We got sleet, some rain, sleet, snow, snow and snow. Three day "official" total of around 17 inches. It is supposed to be 45 F today with rain this evening. I am sure glad I did not take the sandbags from the back of the pickup. Unfortunatly, I still can not test the Utopia back rest I installed. We bought it after a rare win at a casino while waiting to see .38 Special in concert in January. Stay warm, Dave
  2. Looks great there Snaggletooth! I have one of those on my '84 and I like the idea of some LED's on it. What are your planning to use? Please post photo's when you are done. By the way, is the light on the fender an OEM product or did you use something else? Dave
  3. Thanks for all the advice. I will try the heat gun tomorrow. Dave :fingers-crossed-emo
  4. This is a sticker witht he dealer's name. It remindes me of the decales on the model I built as a kid. (And build with my kids.) Dave
  5. Well, last December, we traded in a 2003 Chrysler Town & Country van with 112,000 miles on it for a 2000 Ford Ranger XLT Off Road with 77,000 miles on it for Doreen. We both decided that it was just too small and that if we needed to haul or tow anything, we would be using my 2002 Silverado. Two weeks ago we found Doreen a 2003 Toyota Highlander Limited with just 88,000 miles. This is a very clean vehicle, no signs of any rust on it. The ride is so much better and much more room. So far we get about 20 MPG combined. Much better that the 14 I get with the Chevy. My question for all you folks is, how can a person remove the dealer's advertising decal on the tailgate? I figure that if they want me to advertise for them, they can pay me for it and they won't do that. Thanks in advance, Dave
  6. Hey Marcarl, If you start making the wings, I will buy a set from you. I have seen these on Goldwings and have been trying in vain to find a set for my '84. Dave
  7. Elwood: "It's 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses." Jake: "Hit it." The Blues Brothers Akroyd and Belushi, funniest duo since Hope & Crosby! Dave
  8. The local high school wrestling team has had what they call "Madison Square Garden Night" for the last 27 years. The 2013 version occured this past Friday night, 1-18-13. During this event, they turn off the gym lights and have just a spotlight on the center of the mat. It is a great time for the wrestlers and the fans. This year, there occured what could have been a terrible accident. The light that was suspended from the ceiling fell on top of one of the wrestlers. Here is a link to an interview with the student that aired Tuesday on NBC's "The Today Show". http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50547663#50547663 I still am surprised that the kid was not hurt badly. Dave
  9. :rotf: I had not heard that one! Thanks a bunch for brightening the morning. Dave
  10. "I'm NOT crazy. My mother had me tested!" :stickinouttounge:
  11. How about I send you the 10 inches of the white stufffffffff we got this past Sunday? I will even find a way to deliver it! Dave
  12. I ordered a new helmet for myself (dropped the old one too many times) and a vest for my wife's birthday present last Tuesday. Recieved them this morning, quick service considering the Thanksgiving holiday. I have ordered from them before and have always been happy with them. They even went above and beyond with a visor for my last helmet. Stay safe, Dave
  13. I want to wish all my Marine brothers a very happy birthday. Semper Fi 237 years old and still going strong. Stay Safe, Dave
  14. I gotta admire the ingenuity (sp?). Not my style though. Dave
  15. Occured at the Fort Snelling National Cemetary in St. Paul, MN. Amazing photo. Dave
  16. I saw this yesterday and sent the link to my son at tech school. (He is attending Southeast Tech in Sioux Falls, SD for Auto Mechanics.) His reply, and my feelings exactly, "That's freakin sweet!" Dave
  17. Crystallized dihydrogen monoxide needs to be banned!!! That compound is just too dangerous to be allowed to exist in our world! Dave
  18. I just saw this on the new. http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/california-manufacturer-plans-move-to-sturgis/article_7b9f621f-a3e1-5b88-998b-adc3821fa7c7.html I wonder if there will be any discounts during the Rally. Dave
  19. Check out this place. Looks good. http://www.motorcycleseatcovers.com/order-item.asp?ColorID=1&Item=2798&Make=YAMAHA&HP= Dave
  20. Rick, Only if you if you had to reach out and kick old green teeth right in the knee. One of my favorites from Charlie Daniels. Dave
  21. WOW! I have always wondered how hard it is to get all that salt off the vehicles that run there. Dave
  22. On Wednesday, 8/22/12, our son Dan is moving out to attend Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls, SD to study auto mechanics. Doreen and I are both saddened by this and at the same time very happy. Dan has a good head on is shoulders and we did the best we could to prepare him for the "Real World" out there. Sioux Falls is only an hour drive from Madison and he will be coming back most weekends, if nothing else to see his girlfriend and do his laundry. Hope he has some time for a ride while the weather permits. I already have standing orders to ride his Nighthawk once in a while just to keep it limbered up. He has plans to eventually open his own shop and is thinking about calling it "BENDT RODS". Stay Safe, Dave
  23. Bob, I don't know how much longer the construction is going on, but check out this site: http://www.safetravelusa.com/sd/ I-90 in the the Siux Falls area and West is under construction again, yet, still again. One lane in spots and head-to-head. Hope to hear from you if you can. Stay Safe. Dave
  24. I grew up in Minnesota and I can think of only one thing to say about this, UFF-DA! Dave
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