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Everything posted by bendtdj

  1. Don, I would be interested in one of these bags as well. Dave
  2. It is indeed blue! I have not really opened it up yet though. After reading that others have pulled the front end off the ground, I am not sure I want to try. I have gotten the front really light taking off solo. Don't DARE do it with wife on back. We are both really looking forward to warmer weather. I get so depressed walking into my garage and seeing the tarp over the bike. I HATE WINTER!!!!! Done ranting now. Dave
  3. Mike, It almost looks like you need more parts to the brackets. Do these swing down or swing out? I can not tell from the photos. I'm not normally the most reliable source of information, so don't quote me. I am trying to talk Doreen into a long weekend in Omaha this summer, I hope I can convince her to do this on the bike! Dave
  4. Snaggletooth, This is just what I am looking for! Doreen and I are new to the touring bikes and got in about 2500 miles on last summer after we bought the '84 last March. I think she would be up for some longer trips if she had the rests on the back. Dave
  5. Howdy all, I seem to remember a post about certain Gold Wing passenger arm rests that fit a First Gen MK 1. I can not find it now. Does anyone remember this or have any info an the idea? I think Doreen would like to have a set on the bike. I have seen a couple of GW sets on ebay, but I don't know if they would fit. Thanks, Dave
  6. During the first red flag, we started watching th new Star Trek movie. Very well done flick. When the movie was over, we turned back to the race and found we only missed about 40 laps. Was a great finish. Pleasantly surprised that the 88 came from tenth to second. Dave
  7. elmicko, I have a set of OEM mufflers that came with my bike. The previous owner had removed the baffles from them. I got a set with the baffles from AtlantaDragonslayer here on the forum. I you want to go that route, let me know. You could have them for shipping cost. Dave
  8. bendtdj


    News reports indicate that 49 of the 50 US states have snow on the gound today. Hawaii is the exception. I HATE WINTER! :bang head: I have between 3 and 4 feet on my front yard. Any Takers? Dave
  9. This was one of the most riviting games I can remeber. The only thing tht would have made it better would have been the Purple and Gold beating the Colts! Great job Saints! Dave :banana:
  10. Prayers sent form South Dakota.
  11. I am really excited about both games this weekend. As Bernie said, the South Dakota boys are an added attraction. My Brother-in-law taught Greenway in high school in Mt. Vernon and my nephew played against Leber in Jr. High. Nice to see somwhat locals making good. I was not sure about Favre joining the team, but he appears to be a TEAM player and nice to see an old gut still having fun out there. Would be great to finnally get the Super Bowl win after four losses. (Still not going to hold my breath though. All that will accomplish is to give me a headache.) Dave
  12. I will trade you approximately 20 inches we have here for what you got. I hate winter. We had quite a "fun" time over Christmas weekend, blizzard and very cold temps. I hate winter. We are forcasted to hit -25 F tonight with Wind Chill around -40F. I hate winter. Dave P.S., Have I mentioned that I HATE WINTER!
  13. bendtdj


    "I don't Care" "Oh, he's our shortstop!" I love Abbot & Costello
  14. Freebird, Thank you for doing this. I wish to add my thanks for all the other vets and active duty men & women for their service to freedon around the world. Dave
  15. Got our First Gen pins Monday. They look really great!!! Thanks for getting this together. Dave
  16. I hope someone here can steer me in the proper direction. I have a 2000 Ford Explorer Limited that I purchased about 2 years ago. It has the reverse sensing unit on it, where it beeps if you get close to anything backing up. I would like to find out how to set the darn thing so that the default is OFF. With cold weather setting in, the blankity thing is beeping at me from the exhaust steam. It is driving me nuts!!!!!!!! Any knowledge about these systems here? Thanks, Dave
  17. Holy handeling Batman! That is amazing. I don't think i would walk that course without knocking over at least one cone. Dave
  18. I waited too long to pull th trigger. Someone else got it 15 minutes berofe I had time to get to eBay today. Oh, well, I was not absolutly positive I would have liked it anyway. I hope it was someone here that did get it! Dave
  19. Does anyone here know of a Yamaha model called a "Vista"? I have seen on eBay a listing for a "1983 yamaha vista royal back rest", item number is 320435513668. I am wondering if this may fit a 1984 Venture? The back rest appears very similar to others I have seen listed for the First Gens. It is listed at an inexpensive price and I do not know if it will fit or not. I don't want to bid if it won't work. Also, How do others partners find sitting behind a driver's back rest. Is there enough room? Thanks. Dave
  20. Thanks for this link. I was stationed there from 1977 to 1978. I did a little surfing at work and discovered that I have some of the minor issues others were talking about. I need to do more research.
  21. Bob, I just got back from the Post Office. Money order sent for the 2 1st Gen pins I spoke for in your previous thread. Thanks again for getting these together. I have searched high and low for items like these for the first generation. Thanks, Dave Bendt
  22. My favorite Danny Kaye bit was in The Court Jester. The poison pill in the wine glass crack me up everytime i see it! Other funny people not mentioned yet: Carol Burnett Show - The whole cast was great. Doreen & I saw Viki Lawarence (Mama) last spring and I hurt for three days from laughing. Jackie Gleason Martin & Lewis The Marx Brothers Laurel & Hardy Abbot & Costello George Goeble Bob Newhart Flip Wilson And the list could go on for days. Dave
  23. I would like to order 2 of the First Generation pins. I will send payment where ever and when ever you want me to. Very impressive looking and thanks for getting this together. Dave
  24. Cinderella, I know I have not been a member here that long yet and I do not know the complete story, but I have read with interest the posts you and your other half have written regarding the trauma to your family. I can not imangine how you folks have felt through all this. The hearing date of 2021 is OUTSTANDING! This guy deserves to be in the general population. I used to work as a County correctional officer and deputy sheriff here in South Dakota. I had to deal with scum like this on a couple of occasions. I hope your daughter is doing O.K. Dave
  25. My old Army National Guard unit, 211th Engineer Companay (Sapper) deployed this morning. There was a convoy of busses taking them to Camp McCoy, WI for initial deployment training and then to Afganistan for a year. There was a good turnout of towns people along the route through main drag. I was impressed with the member of the Patriot Guard Riders and Rolling Thunder that led the busses for the guys. For members here that are PG Riders, Thanks for all you do! Please keep all the troops, from any where, that are in harms way in your thoughts and prayers. Dave
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