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Everything posted by stevel

  1. Wow way to pricey for a 6 inch cable. Anyone know a good salvage yard for parts?
  2. I need the piece with the pull out knob.
  3. Does any one have or know where I can find a choke cable for a 1997 Royal Star Tour Deluxe ?
  4. Anyone have a set of header pipes for sale ? I have a 97 RSTD and want to replace mufflers with later model Venture or RSTD 4 into 2 setup. I heard that I can keep the front headers and just replace the rears. Any one know if that is true? My RSTD has the rear header and muffler as a single unit. This was only manufactured that way one year that I know of. The previous owner removed the baffles and drilled holes in the bafflers. Thanks, Steve
  5. I noticed a lot of popping upon De cell on my 97 RSTD so i decided to check my intake boots. Of coarse they looked cracked so I sprayed carb cleaner on them and noticed RPM change. I then decided to spray at the base of the boot only where it joins to engine, and it really made the RPMs rise. Do I need to replace the boots or is there an O-Ring at the base of the boot?
  6. I am needing a set of stock mufflers for my 97 RSTD. Some one took the baffles out of the bike I just bought and I prefer the quiet ride. I think later year Venture pipes work as well. Thanks Steve
  7. Replaced front brake pads on my 97 RSTD about a month ago and now my right rotor has enough warp to cause bad brake pulsing. Torqued according to specs .Kinda strange.. Can anyone give me a good place to shop for rotors? If anyone has one for sale here I would consider buying it from ya. Thanks Steve
  8. Desperate need of a choke cable for my 97 RSTD. Any one know where I might find one? None on Ebay. None at Pinnwall salvage.
  9. Actually these are a direct copy of the Avon Air Cushion grip. I have a set and really enjoy the feel they give to my handling of the bike.Seems more responsive. They are smaller than Kurks and Star oem grips. I paid 45.00 for mine at a local Yamaha dealer so I know they are cheaper on line.
  10. I have my Stebel horn mounted where it is advised at the stock horn location on my 97RSTD. I have lost 2 horns due to mount failer. The mounts are my own as the first one was aluminum L bracket. The 2nd was a chrome steel L bracket.They both cracked and failed at about 1500 miles of hi speed driving. Has any one had this problem? I will buy the mount system that I see sold on this sight.My question is how can be sure to secure the horn.Vibration seems to be a major problem. Maybe I should look for a new location to mount it.
  11. Do you know where you purchased those ww tires.
  12. Dennis Kirk $205.00 delivered.Thanks for the input.Guess I,ll stay with the 404s.
  13. Really want Avons but I cant live without white walls on my beloved Tour Deluxe. Really don't want to go back to 404s but I guess I have no choices out their.
  14. I cant find Avon white wall Rear tires,(150/90/15) any one know who sells them?
  15. My 96 RSTD needs new rear tire.It currently has the Dunlop 404.However I am looking for different makes of tire in White Wall. I know the 404s have a low mi. issue .Any suggestions? My front tire looks great .
  16. I am in need of a choke cable for my 96 RSTD. If any one has one layin around I will gladly buy it from you. Not having any luck finding one used.
  17. Yea That is what puzzles me. Don,t see an oil trail so I don,t think the major loss of oil is from a leak. Noticed one time a slight amount of white smoke on the left side when I started it this morning. Guess I need to start running compression check and leak down tests to see about issues with valve guides and rings. Just cant believe with so little miles on engine it would have any of these kind of problems. Any advise from the pros out their on where to start ?
  18. Coolant looks good. The plugs look very clean as well.I,m a little confused as the bike only has 35000 mi on it.
  19. Hello to all. Just returned from a 3800 mi trip. I noticed some spots of oil on the floor on the floor this morning.Not sure where is is coming from but it looks like around the back of the engine on the drive shaft side. Upon further inspection I see I have used about 2 quarts of oil on the trip. It seems to have dropped very quickly as I looked at the oil window a couple of times on the trip and never noticed it being very low. I was driving hi speeds the whole trip. One thing I did do before the trip was to change to Amsoil Synthetic oil .Wondering if any one has ever had this issue. One other thing I noticed was after removing the air cleaner lid I see a lot of oil in the housing. I do know about over filling can cause oil to accumulate in the housing, but I was very careful not to over fill.
  20. Am looking at buying some Road King Pipes the # is 65547-09 can some one tell me if this is a non catalytic type pipe? I am within a couple of hours of the sale and cant find any info on the numbers.
  21. OK I am going to do mine,Wish I had read about this before I had removed my carbs the first time. With that said is their a thread on this somewhere with procedure and proper float levels. I have a 98 RSTD with poor mialage.
  22. I have a 97 RSTD and don't see any washers on the needles. Any one know why?
  23. Yes I have done that as well but it seems to put alot of strain on the rest of the pipes. They move with it and I am afraid of breaking seals in the pipe joints.
  24. Yes I want to keep them as they are very nice pipes. Was thinking of looking at the baffles once I took them off as I may want to replace them if the other slip-ons don't work out.They are just to loud for me.
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