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Everything posted by wes0778

  1. Dale, What's Archie Campbell say? If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all!!! That's all about to change when you meet the "Texas Bunch", especially if Gunboat brings his HAMMER!!!
  2. Add me to the list, for 1.
  3. Check out this thread... http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=46271
  4. You might try Pinwall Cycles and look for a Venture trunk mount bracket. It won't be a quick disconnect, though. Kinda wish I had gone that way.
  5. Works the gas cap too!!!
  6. If they are different, Maybe the locksmith could re-key the luggage to match the ignition. If not, once you get a key for the luggage, cut another key with the ignition on one side and the luggage on the other. Both my bikes have different locks and with a key cut that way, I only have to carry one key, to work either lock set.
  7. It will take adapter brackets, as the R/K brackets are well aft of the RSV mounting holes. One of the POs put R/K up slash mufflers on mine, but just welded tabs on the braces under the saddlebags. Another approach (suggested by Squidley) is to use the proper size rubber lined electrical conduit "P" clamp.
  8. March 21st and there is falling out of the sky in Jackson, Mississippi!!! :Im not listening to
  9. First off, :welcome1:to the asylum!!! If I could increase my 27" inseam to 30, I could get both heels down at the same time!!! Don't get me wrong, these bikes are tall and DO weigh close to 900lbs. AND yes they will occasionally remind you of that! All of us who ride one have had it on the crash bars once or twice, or several times. If not they will, but not a big deal, just keep your feet out from under it! They are not THAT hard to pick up. All kidding aside you should be good to go. I have lowered the front of mine one inch, by pushing the fork tubes up in the triple tree. This helped me get more off my toes on the ground and really helped the slow speed handling. With the navigator on board I can put both heels down, now. There is always the option to lower the rear as well, but I don't wanna do that and lose the slow speed handling. I think you and your navigator will like, uh love, the bike. Just remind her no posture readjustments below 10 mph, or you may get the opportunity for her to help you learn the proper procedure for up righting your steed. Again Welcome!!! Walter
  10. Being a somewhat rookie here too, I can give my thoughts on how I added a relay to my passing lights.
  11. AND looks like he got a tape player TOO!!!
  12. we had an O'Cajun feast!!! Those that know what it is know it was GOOOOOD!!! Those that don't, don't know what they missed!!! (suck the heads and pinch the tails!!!)
  13. Didn't see where anyone mentioned carb sync. If this is off it will vibrate, 'cause it may be trying to run on one cylinder harder than the others. Just some info about speeds and gears. 1st will hit the rev limiter about 45, 2nd around 66 3rd about 96. Cannot help you on 4th and 5th, but I've been told that 120 in 4th is nowhere near the rev limit. Mine will run very smoothly at 45 in 5th, on level ground, and will accelerate if you don't give it too much throttle, otherwise it WILL protest. From 45 if you really need to get after it, kick it down to 3rd, and hang on!
  14. Just curious, by back fire are you talking back through the carbs or out the exhaust during decelleration? If it is the exhaust, do you mean a single loud bang, or a rumble/gurgle when you close the throttle? do you have stock mufflers, or after market exhaust. Mufflers other than stock tend to rumble more than stock. If they are stock as precious post have stated, look for exhaust leaks. When, if ever, has the carb sync been done? This will definately help!
  15. Shameless Bump
  16. :sign yeah that: Ya put a 150 in that thing and you'll have to let the air out to get the tire out of it. Been there done that!!!:mad: Bolt this one to a 4' 2X8 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=96349
  17. Pictures??? Miles on the bike??? Been sitting up for a while???
  18. Johnson outboard and Bridgestone M/C mechanic - summer and after school 1963-64 Shop foreman (only guy in the shop) for Honda M/C dealer one summer 1965 Mercury outboard and Yamaha mechanic - College summer 1966 Spent 33 years working for 2 different Caterpillar dealers. Cat dealer shop foreman Cat dealer service manager Cat dealer training instructor (certified Caterpillar instructor on several non-current machine and engine families) Now semi retired.
  19. Yesterday riding 2-up on 65mph and 55mph highways GPS said I had run 187 miles when I had to switch to reserve. (Speedo said 201) A few miles later I filled up and figured the mileage and it was just a bit over 41mpg, using the GPS mileage.
  20. :sign yeah that: Got everything I needed at Flying J truck stop store
  21. Hope not, 'cause it doesn't say so on the bottle and I've had it in my RSV for 1000+ miles, with no problems so far. I've made three 2-up, 200+ mile trips, one "loaded" and no slippage noticed. Notice it does meet JASO DH-2 and JASO MA requirements
  22. Just don't forget to scuff those new Avons up good, before you REALLY lay then over in the twisties!!!
  23. Not sure how or why, but the audio controller housing is cracked and the bottom edge has fallen off. It still works but I think only the wires are holding it on. Does anybody have a "dud" controller with a good housing???
  24. I put the synthetic Rotella in my '98 RSTC (22,000 miles) when I bought it last February, hasn't leaked a drop! PO had been using a Suzuki dealer for service and had been using Suzuki dino oil in it. Personal preference is Purolator Pure One PL14612 oil filter.
  25. They are 4-legged children!!! Prayers go out for a successful outcome!!! We spent around $800.00 on my grandaughter's "free" kitten when something beat her up. We got the best end of that deal, kept the cat and sent the granddaughter back to live with Mama, but I digress!!!
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