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Steve S

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Everything posted by Steve S

  1. OYSTERS??????? Now person would have to be totally out of thier mind to eat an oyster. That is so unsafe. Eating one oyster can lead to eating several oysters. Eating several oysters is expensive and can lead to drinking large quanities of beer. Drinking large quanities of beer causes a man to have a lapse in judgement:dancefool:. Couple that with the fact that oysters can make you amourous, and you will have a situation that can lead to chasing women ceaselessly:innocent:. Chasing women ceaselessly causes a man to be without enough funds to fully enjoy outfitting his bike:crying:. It will also create a problem with having enough time to ride as women want your undivided attention during the chasing phase. The chasing phase can lead to the marriage phase. And EVERY man knows that the marriage phase leads to the total loss of every freedom that man has ever known:bang head:. Therefore I feel that it is just totally insane to eat an oyster...... Boy do I LOVE oysters... EAT,,, er RIDE SAFE
  2. Who makes the TripMaster arm rests? Is this Diamond R's Trade name for thiers??
  3. Squidley, I'm just glad that you and Lona are OK from the wreck:thumbsup2:. It would have been awful if either of you had been seriously injured. I hope that you are around long enough that maybe some day we can compare scars. RIDE SAFE
  4. I am like most others on here, I want to get all I can out of my tires. That said, I tried having a patch "welded" in a tire with 4,000 miles on it. I got it home and just for kicks sprayed some windex on the area where the hole was. Sure enough, the sucker was leaking. That little experiment cost me 25 bucks so I will not try that again. One of the comments made earlier reminded me of a statement that one of my industry's leaders made. He said: "You will never know the cost of an accident that you never have". I firmly believe this to be as true as the Gospel. I would slowly ride a plugged tire to a spot I could get another, but not one mile farther. Whatever you ride on..... RIDE SAFE
  5. I know what you mean Frog Man. My wife is having to work more and more overtime to keep me in riding money. If things dont lighten up soon she will have to get a second full time job. Ride Safe
  6. flb_78,, you AINT RIGHT man:rotf:
  7. Steve S

    Car Tire ??

    Don your comments are right on. That is what makes this site so unique, we can agree to disagree without everyone getting too upset. There is one common theme in the threads that disagree about using car tires. The majority of reasons cited are safety issues. That means that we actually care about our fellow Venture riders. Having been in an accident that nearly took my life, safety has become paramout for me. I would just hate to see someone take a chance without hearing both sides of the issue. (Of course my opinions are the ones that are right:stirthepot:). Oldman, I would like to apologise if my comments upset you. I made my post as a word of caution, not to imply that you were not capable of making a rational decision. In the case of the others, we just love to debate an issue.. Whichever tire you use just be sure to RIDE SAFE.
  8. I did my first carb sinc according to the service manual. Boy did I screw up a good running bike. After that I went to the tech section and printed off Freebird's directions. After resyncing (is that a word?) using them my bike would scream. Of course I would too if I had 240 pounds on my back and someone twisted my tail. Thanks Don:thumbsup2: Now I need to go to NC and get a Colortune. Ride Safe
  9. I added the Air Balance Kit to my Venture and love it. Now I just need the pump to go with it.
  10. I'm sorry, but I firmly believe that putting a car tire on a motorcycle is the most dangerous thing that you could do. A radial car tire is made with soft sidewalls. When you get into a turn and the bike leans far enough to ride on the edge of the tire, the tire will shift to the side. This could cause some very dangerous rubbing against the frame or driveshaft. It would also make the bike unstable during the transition. I would not feel comfortable knowing that the tire is that unstable. I wish you luck with the experiment. I hope it works out for you. Ride Safe
  11. I would look real hard at the battery. It could be that the battery cells have seperated. It would still show voltage, but not have to the amprage to turn the engine over. Let us know what you find. Ride Safe
  12. After flushing the master cylinder, I would change out the rear brake hose. The hoses are subject to deterioration and the grunge that is stopping up the release hole is coming from somewhere. The brake hose is the most likely suspect. It's a small investment for the peace of mind it gives. Ride Safe
  13. Before and after pics will come as soon as I can get off work and clean it up. Work is sure interfering with my riding....
  14. I'm bumping this back up.
  15. I have to add a couple of things to this post since I got busted. My best friend and riding buddy, he rides a Roadstar:confused24:, read this post and got his feelings hurt. (I didn't know he had any!) It seems that I forgot to mention that he helped with the repairs in several major ways. He was there to laugh really hard at me when I forgot to let the air off the forks when I pulled the plug to drain the oil. (I didn't know that that little bit of oil could soak an entire set of clothes.) He was also around to help hide the one tool that I must have to put something back together. (There is no way I can finish a project without stopping for an hour to find that one special wrench.) Oh and I could never go without telling that he unplugged ALL of the electrical connections under the license plate to take the trunk off.(NONE of them had to be unplugged)(Well he didn't unplug em all, but this is my story and I will tell it like I want.) He did contribute in some minor ways. He made sure the luggage rack was set straight so we only had to drill one set of holes. And he was very helpfull in running the new brake lines. (I couldn't reach that rear one.) Also he provided some much needed comic relief and some very good encouragement when things started going bad. But I think the greatest contribution he made was to just be there when I needed him. I had to go in for some emergency surgery and he was able to help the wife take care of the pets and the house while I was in the hospital. So Johnny, this is my way of saying thanks man. After 4 months and several interuptions for some real strange reasons, I have finally managed to finish repairing my 04 Midnight that I wrecked in Nov. All that is left to do is get the license from the state and I am ready to roll again. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it rides now. I changed out the stock fork springs with some from Sonic Springs. I also changed the fork oil to 10 w. I hope that will stiffen the front end up enough to stop the diving I experience when I come down hard on the front brakes in a corner. I also took the risers out and changed the handle bars to a set from Flanders. They feel so much better and I dont have the rattle that the fairing was making. The only thing I am really concerned about is the removal of the rear lowering kit. It sure feels awful high with the stock shock links back in. I may make a set that is somewhere in between stock and Baron's size. Any ideas on this????? All that is left to do is replace the winshield with a Clearview shield. Hopefully that will be in when I return from work around the 15th of April. (Just why does work have to get in the way of riding??????) Thanks to everyone that was able to help through the Tech section. I was awful quick to go look up things that I was not sure of. Ride safe.
  16. You might try Diamond R, http://www.diamondraccessories.com/indexpage.php or Custom Dynamics, http://www.customdynamics.com/index.htm . Both companies have some great products for the Ventures. I believe one of them has the light strip you are thinking of, just cant remember which one. If you cant find the one that mounts behind the backrest, I would reccomend the LED light that mounts under the trunk. Both companies offer the same one. They mount very easily and are VERY bright.
  17. The Nomad is a wonderful ride. I bought an 01 Nomad from my son when he went back to school. If I had ridden a Nomad before I bought the Venture I would not have a Venture now. But now that I own one, I would not get rid of the Venture for anything but another Venture. The Warden and I LOVE touring and the Venture is perfect for us. Plenty of power to pull a trailer and quick enough for me in the twisties when I am solo. One thing I would do is find someone with a Venture and have a little race with you on the Nomad. I promise you that you will buy the Venture. There is just no comparison when it comes to the horsepower and pep of the Venture. Oh, the Nomad I have is for sale too. It's an 01 with 33,000 miles on it. It's a good, well maintained bike with lots of life left in it. I am going to post pics and list it when it gets warm enough to clean it up good. I can't seem to find time now. Whenever it gets warm enough to wash it, we go riding instead:whistling: Good luck with whichever one you buy. And always RIDE SAFELY.
  18. Buddy you are letting it set WAY too much. Good job on the fix though. Ride safe.
  19. I purchased a bike stand from Carbon One last fall but never had a chance to use it until this week. When I started rebuilding the Black Beast I put it on the stand. I soon realized that this was the best investment I have made since I started riding the Venture. With the bike sitting level It is much easier to work on. That is easy enough to figure out. The real advantage is just how sturdy the stand is. I could have never been able to do the work I have done with the bike on a jack. It is unbelievable how much difference it has made for me to have this stand. Larry, I want to thank you for not only making such a good product, But for making it available to everyone in here. Ride safe
  20. I'm rebuilding the Black Beast from the accident I had in November. While I have it down I am doing several mods. I will talk about those in another thread and reserve this one for the bar end weights. I wanted to keep the bar end weights to reduce vibration and have a place to rest my hand while I was using the cruise control. Once I got the handle bars stripped down here is what I came up with. The threaded plugs that the weights screw into are welded in with just a spot weld on the bottom side of the bar. I went out to my brother-in-law's shop and ground the weld out. (Since the stock bars were ruined I didn't get real creative about saving them). If you want to save the stock bars it would be easy to grind just the weld, then reweld the plugs back in later. I marked the new bars so I could drill a 3/8" hole in them to weld the plugs back in. Then I had my brother-in-law spot weld the plugs in. Now this is important. DONT PICK THE BAR UP BY THE HANDLE. IT'S HOT!!!!!! (Yeah I know. I knew better. But since the brain surgery in January my short term memory seems to be shot:whistling:.) I now have a set of Flander's bars with the option to use the bar weights or not. All it cost me was 30 minutes of my brother-in-law laughing at me cause I burnt my hand. The things we suffer through to ride:confused24:. I hope this can be of use to someone out there. Ride safe.
  21. This has probably been talked to death, but I'm a slow learner. I am getting ready to get my 04 Midnight RSV back together after my wreck in Nov. I want to make sure she is ready to go for the next 4 to 5 years so I am wondering about changing out the clutch. I only have 49K miles on it, but I am experiencing some slippage when I shift hard into second and third gears:whistling:. I'm a pretty agressive rider at times and hate to hear the clutch slipping. I grew up wrenching so I know it wont heal itself and will only get worse. I know several of you have changed out to the Barnett clutch and pressure plate. I am just wanting to hear your thoughts about the performance of the Barnett parts. The Warden travels with me a lot so we pull a trailer to haul her make-up and purse . I'm sure this puts a serious strain on the stock (and weak) diaphram pressure plate. Also, at some point we are thinking of gettin a camper. I would welcome any negative comments as well as the positive ones. Thanks to everyone.
  22. I'm bumping this up because my riding buddy CAN'T FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!! It's cause he rides a Roadstar...
  23. I would question a ticket like this very hard. What about the thousands of semis that go up and down the road with red turn signals??? And automobiles that have only red turn signals in the rear. This sounds like the "drive to stop illeagal bikers" that Tn was doing on The Tail of the Dragon. In order to defend ourselves while on the road we need to learn what the state laws are when we travel to other states. I know this is a pain in the butt, but it might save some time and money down the road.
  24. I use EHB brand for replacement pads. I believe they are a better pad with greater stopping power and longer life. I pick mine up at the local Yahama dealer.
  25. I am in need of a right hand saddlebag guard rail for a 04 RSV. I will buy a set if someone has one they will part with. Thanks
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