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Steve S

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Everything posted by Steve S

  1. You might take it to a Lowes or another hardware store and try to match it up. You could even swap it to a standard (US) thread bolt. Wait. I may be speaking out of turn. Does it have a nut on it or does it screw into a socket??
  2. GOOD GIRL????????? Youhavegottobekidding!!!!!! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :stickpoke:
  3. OK OK,, I'll stop with the lame jokes. I just hope he gets everything going OK.. I may have to ride down that way Saturday just to watch the fireworks...
  4. I'm not even gonna wonnder what he gets if he's bad... :stirthepot: :stirthepot:
  5. If the brakes still seem soft after you change the fluid, change the brake lines to stainless braided hose. You will be amazed at the difference in stopping power.
  6. Brad cause trouble???? Naaaaaaaaaaaa.
  7. We have and use the bag quite often. The rain cover is a nylon cover with elastic around the edges to keep it fitting snugly. The only problem with the cover is that it is NOT waterproof. In a real hard rain the clothes inside will get wet. I usually put a garbage bag over mine and then use a bunge net to secure the bag to the rack. Even though the bag has velcro strips to hold it on, I have had it to almost fall off going down the road. Now I just put the bunge net over it when I leave out. Hope this helps.
  8. Mini. If you want me to help, the offer still stands. Anyone with enough experience to change out a fuse or breaker box will be able to trace down the problem and fix it before or during the change out. It might be that the buss link in the box got hot and grounded. Without out pulling the cover and inspecting it, no one can tell. The main thing is that you be careful and don't get yourself hurt. You can run the 110 volt items that you NEED, on the circuit that is working properly. Just be careful not to over load it. You might unplug anything that is NOT VITAL to the operation of your house. That way you can run GOOD HEAVY extension cords to the things that you MUST have. Good luck. If you need anything, my phone number is listed. Feel free to call.
  9. Mini. You have a dead short somewhere. If it is blowing one of the mains, there has to be a serious problem in that side of the fusebox. Most likely a short in one of the 220 volt lines. That would be either the hot water heater, stove, AC unit or dryer circuit and somehow the fuse to that unit is not blowing. Take every fuse in the box out, look in the hole where the fuse came out and make sure someone did NOT put a penny behind it, then replace the mains. If the main blows, it is not one of the appliance circuits, it is in the box itself. If the main does not blow, replace the fuses one at a time and see what happens. I'm in St Louis now and won't be home until tomorrow night. If you cant get it fixed, you get the cherry pies mixed up and I will throw some tools in the truck Tuesday morning and come down. Once I get it fixed you can bake the pies while I pack up the tools. I'm serious about this. If you can't get it fixed by Tuesday, I will be glad to come down and see if I can help out. (I am actually a very competant electrician.)
  10. Is Venture Dad still making and selling the trailer hitches? If he isn't, does anyone out there have one for sale? Thanks
  11. Thanks jemorrisonjr.. I'll pass that on to him about Pinwall. Squidley.. I told him if he would take some of that money out of his wallet a regular seat would work fine for him.. :mo money:
  12. Hey Folks. I have a friend that is looking for a set of pillow top seats for his RSV. He would even take just a driver's seat if there is one out there. Thanks for the help.
  13. I refer to mine as the "Black Beast". However I think I may have stolen the name from someone else...
  14. Don. The only problem with camping in your yard is the open air, cold water "shower" that Mini runs.... That is way too rough on a man early in the morning...
  15. Mobile homes and modular homes have vastly different wiring codes than "stick built" houses and buildings have. (Some of these even vary from state to state.) I would bet, that somewhere, there is an explaination for the grounding method that is used in your home. (Whatever it may be.) I would love to see alumium wiring outlawed and the same standard of wiring code used for prebuilt homes as for constructed buildings. With the amount of aluminum wiring that is used, it is no wonder that mobile homes catch fire so often from electrical problems. But I guess the expense of copper wiring outweighs the safety concerns that arise from using cheap materials. :bang head:
  16. There may be a ground lead coming in to the top of the ground bar. I couldn't see the whole bar to tell.
  17. Mine is the Corbin seat and backrest. And the road pegs run a close second.
  18. My 2004 Midnight uses an 1157 base bulb for the front and an 1156 base bulb for the rear. I've purchased the LED clusters from Custom Dynamics for mine, but I need to get the flasher stabilizer so they will flash at the proper rate. :mo money:
  19. My vote is for South Dakota, but that is just cause it is on the way to Washington State. I am going out there next year if it hairlips the devil!!! . I vote for anywhere it can be held. If I can I will make it. If not, then I will try again the next year.
  20. I don't have near as much problem with the sweating issue since I switched to a Corbin seat, so the leather may help. Although, sometimes I do still have some sweating issues caused by the backrest, but then, the Warden is a hot bloded woman... :crackup:
  21. I'm wondering if he really knew just what he was in for when he started this site????
  22. Welcome aboard Alan. It's a pleasure to finally hear form you. We just love that Awesome Aussie that you are married to. She is one more fine woman, so you must be a mighty good man. Looking forward to actually getting to meet the two of you. (As soon as I can talk the Warden into letting me ride Australia:mo money:)
  23. Baron's www.baronscustom.com , has a couple of different water pump covers. I didn't see a ball milled listed, but it might be worth checking out.
  24. I ran a new ground wire, 10ga, from my battery to one of the mounting bolts for the electrical box under the fairing. That is what I use for all of my ground connections.
  25. Hey Steve W. I found those LED/Reflectors like the ones you have on your new ride that you stole. I found them in J&P Cycles and J.C. Whitney. J&P has the best price that I have found so far. Here is the link if you want to take a look. http://www.jpcycles.com/Search/ProductDetail?sku=ZZ33350&N=28004851%20275060&Ne=755118&Ntk=All&Ntt=&Ns=DefaultSort&results=25&No= If that doesn't work the part number is ZZ33350. I like the looks of them, but they are a little pricey. I may have to wait until the Warden starts getting a paycheck from her new job.
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