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Steve S

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Steve S last won the day on October 20 2024

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169 Excellent


About Steve S

  • Birthday 08/14/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    Steve Stewart


  • Location
    Hopkinsville Kentucky, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2010 Midnight RSV 2007 RSV Trike


  • Occupation

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    Trailer, repair and storage.

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  1. Happy Birthday Freebird. I pray you have a wonderful day and many more to follow.
  2. Yep. its too cold and way too much snow to ride in Western Kentucky. I have headed for Daytona at 28 degrees, but the high today is 22 with snow everywhere. So, I will wait a couple of weeks before I brave a ride.
  3. If the trailer is well built it should handle the Venture well. I have hauled mine on a 10 foot trailer without any problems. Actually I have hauled 2 Ventures on this trailer. If you don't have a front wheel chock, you may want to put a couple of 2X4s on each side of the front tire when you load the bike. I have Condor Chocks I use for hauling mine.
  4. Good morning Venture Riders. It's a brisk sunny 9 degrees in Hopkinsville Kentucky this morning. I do believe it would be a wonderful idea to fire the bike up and go for a ride. Oh WAIT, I still have a broken ankle, and I can't ride yet. ๐Ÿ˜ข I guess I will have to wait a few more weeks so I can put my boots on and ride. ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Steve S


    Oh yes. I've been over it several times and under it a few times.
  6. Hello VentureRiders. It's been snowing in Western Kentucky most of the day. It got pretty heavy after lunch for a few hours, but it's about stopped. We may have 3 inches around my house. What's happening in your town?
  7. Happy New Year to all of my Venture Rider friends.
  8. I'm sorry but it's not. Everything has been disposed of.
  9. It's been a wonderful day kicked back in the recliner with my foot propped up on pillows while my beautiful wife made a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for us. I pray everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Ronnie check out the pictures I posted on My Ride post.
  10. Update on the broken leg. I had surgery Wednesday, and it was a very simple short surgery. The doc made to small pokes and put 2 screws in the broken part of the leg bone. Thankfully it wasn't part of the weight bearing bone and I am still able to hobble around in a boot without having to use a wheelchair. It looks like I may be back to walking in 6 or 8 weeks. Evidently the foot got under the saddlebag and the saddlebag rail impacted the ankle. When the bike fell, it came down hard and I hit the concrete pretty solidly. I was stunned and it took me a minute to even think about getting up. My biggest concern was my back due to the surgery I had back in January. Thankfully I have not had any pain from my back after this fall. My biggest problem is having to sit in a recliner with my foot above my waist all day. I got really bored after the first day of this. ๐Ÿ™„ If you will look closely at the lower right side of the leg bone, you will see the fracture of the extended part of the bone. That is what he screwed down. On the left side, there is a crack in the other bone that was not totally fractured, so they didn't do anything to it feeling it will heal properly on it own.
  11. I am looking forward to a ride and lunch with you once I get moving again. The Ortho doctor says the break needs to be pinned so I am having surgery next Wednesday for him to put 2 screws in it. When we meet, we can compare scars and see who has the worst. ๐Ÿ˜
  12. Hello Venture friends. I had serious back surgery in January and February and haven't been able to ride this year. I rode about an hour yesterday and today my buddy and I rode to another town to have lunch, getting about 100 miles in today. The back is feeling great so that won't be a problem riding the Venture. The bad news is that after I got home, I was moving the bike around in the shop with the engine off and I got off balance and it fell over pinning my right foot under the rear floorboard. My buddy got the bike off me and up, then helped me up. I walked around some and kicked around in the shop about 30 minutes. The pain got bad enough that I decided to go to the urgent clinic for an exam. Sure enough, the Xray showed two small fractures on each side of the ankle. So now I am sidelined for another 6 weeks. HOWEVER, if I do what the doctor says, I will be up and running in time for the spring thaw.
  13. After 9 months of recovery from an extensive back surgery and several weeks of moving into a new home, I finally got a chance to ride my Venture today. I am still having some issues with lifting my right leg, but I climbed on the Venture and made the 5 mile ride to our new home. Thinking about getting my bro in law to ride with me tomorrow afternoon. I feel I really need to get away from the house so my wife can have some quiet time without me bugging her about where she has put everything that was in a different place in the other house. ๐Ÿ˜ At least that is the story I am going to use after lunch tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜‡
  14. Congratulations on your retirement. It was a huge change for me, and I am loving every day of it. I retired in 2018 after working on towboats for 43 years with a schedule that took me from home every trip. I worked several different rotations, 20 on, 10 off, 30, 15, 28, 28 and 30, 30. 28, 28 was my favorite because we changed the same day of the week every 4 weeks. I never knew when the phone rang if it would be a boss that needed someone to catch a boat to relieve a crew member that needed to get for an emergency. Or when crew change day came, my relief didn't show up for the crew change. I feel I have been blessed with a life that I can sleep as late as I want, stay home when I want to, or go on a trip when I want to. Yep, I'm spoiled. ๐Ÿ˜
  15. Steve S

    Vogel 2025

    I had a Venture Trike with a Hannigan kit on it. Awesome ride, but it was geared too low to get much speed and fuel milage. I could only get to 65 mph and about 24 mpg. I've ridden a Can Am spyder and really like it, BUT, I really want to stay on a motorcycle even if I have to go to a cruiser.
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