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Everything posted by marke

  1. Jonas Wow! What a quick and thorough reply - thanks for your help. Mark
  2. I need to remove the trunk lid on a 2006 RSV. Could someone help me on how to remove the plastic hinge covers. Do they just pop off? The seem very tight and I don't want to force them.
  3. My 06 does it as well (with Avon tyres) but only at low speed if you take the hands off the bars when decellerating. Seems to be mostly as the tyres near the end of their life. I don't believe it dangerous as it is not excessive and quickly snaps back into line as soon as you touch the bars. Other than this the bike is amazingly rock solid at all speeds including bumpy corners and is a pleasure to ride compared to other bikes I have owned.
  4. My shock has just started leaking oil at 60,000 km (36,000 miles). I have decided to order the Works Shock. I notice on their e-bay add they want to know "Length of shock you require". Anyone know what they are after - free length when shock removed? Length when still attached to bike - this would be difficult to measure and would vary with load etc. How have others who have ordered this shock dealt with this question. I don't want to remove the shock just to measure the free length and have to go through the removal process again when the replacement arrives.
  5. Like others have mentioned I suspect it might be the tyres. I have been riding for over 30 years and never heard a set of tyres whine like the Dunlops do when you lean the bike. At first I thought I had a problem somewhere in the drive train. Changed to the Venoms and now the bike runs silent.
  6. Thanks everyone for your advice. I picked the bike up from Yamaha yesterday and it is now fixed. Clicking noise gone. The drive pins in the rear hub appear not to have been the problem (this time) and my dealer/mechanic was aware of the drive pins potential to create noise. Initially they replaced the rear wheel bearings as Yamaha has some experience with a problem in this area but this did not stop the noise. Next they replaced the Collar associated with the left hand side wheel bearing. Noise gone.
  7. Hey ediddy What turned out to be the problem with yours? Rear Diff? Splines? Drive Shaft? Drive Pins? Were they able to tell you?
  8. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem. Yamaha does not seem to be able to fix it so far. I have an 06 RSV with 30,000km that has just developed a clicking noise in the rear end. It only occurs when the bike is rolled backwards and only when the components are hot. Yamaha has dismantled the differential (rear end) replaced a suspect bearing, checked all the clearances but can not find anything wrong. I told them about the drive pin clearance/lubrication issues (discussed on this web site) however they believe the noise is coming from the differential. They are reluctant to replace the differential becauase they have already replaced two correcting another problem. This problem was not evident until the new differential had done over 1,000km. Has anyone heard of this problem?
  9. Yes count me in for maybe 2 - as long as they don't have the "chirp"
  10. How do I place images on the Right Hand Side where the "Join Date" & "location" appears. I notice other members have their country and state flags blowing in the breeze. My seems to have a static Australian Flag however I notice a flapping one is available under Avitars. How do I get it on the right hand side.
  11. Hey Ventureblue - what is the latest on the noise problem with your bike. I am also going down the path with my dealer of attempting to identify what sounds like drivetrain/transmission noises on my 2006 RSV. I have read all the information here and elsewhere regarding chirps, whines, I-baskets, wheel noises etc. From what I have read the I-basket is not always the answer (or the problem on the later models) so I am very interested it what the outcome is for your bike. My bike goes to the dealer next week for a Yamaha Technical Rep to come and have a listen. Yamaha's response towards identifying the problem is positive however I am aware these things can take time. The noise drives me crazy but I can't think what else I would prefer to ride so I am prepared to be patient on this one for a while. I also have two bikes so whilst dissapointing it is not so inconvenient.
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