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Al Bates

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About Al Bates

  • Birthday 10/15/1950

Personal Information

  • Name
    AL Bates


  • Location
    Manchester, MI, MI, United States


  • City
    Manchester, MI


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Patriot Guard Rider, Astronomy, Taking care of Diane
  • Bike Year and Model
    2002 Midnight Venture


  • Occupation

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  1. Uncledj Thanks for helping. The handle bar controller lights up. But nothing. I have checked everything possible. Even replace the controller under the front cowling. Everything is leading me to the Handle bar controller. Even though the one you have the Volume control is missed up, Is it possible you can mail it to me. If not do you know where I can get one. I've tried ebay. Thank You. Al Bates
  2. Would anyone know where I can get a yamaha venture xvz13 (Second gen) Radio handler bar radio CB controller. Thanks for looking/ helping. AL BATES
  3. Would anyone know where I can get a yamaha venture xvz13 (Second gen) Radio/ CB handle bar rcontroller. Thanks everyone..
  4. Would anyone know where I can get a yamaha venture xvz13 (Second gen) Radio handler bar radio CB controller.
  5. Thanks for getting back.👍✌️
  6. Don do you still have that radio controller.? AL Bates
  7. Just want to take the time to think everyone that helped. Especially Thanks to Larry Skeels (Carbon One) for coming forward and offering the tool to me and Larry I will get that tool back to you soon... once again thank you. Especially Thanks to Dion (dih3) he happen to have the last valve shim I need (yes a 282) he found the time and came forward and offered to mail me the 282 valve shim ASAP and with that valve shim I completed the job. Dion PM or text me your PayPal info so I can send you the postage and something for the valve shim... once again thank you. Especially Thanks to Don Nelson his tool was out but he got hot on the case to track it down and get me the tool if I needed it. Its the little things that matter sometimes and just go's to show that there are good people out there that do take the time and want to help and not out for the almighty buck, But let me tell you they are hard to fine anymore. I do have a lot of these valve shims left over and mostly will never use them again so if anyone needs the valve shims let me know and I will get them to you ASAP. Thanks to Everyone, Greatly Appreciated... AL Bates
  8. Dion the 282 sounds great.. you have my address .. I can send you 3 shims back for the one. Thanks for getting back. Al Bates
  9. HELP... Would any one have a valve shim laying around, please let me know.. Valve adjustment all most done on both bikes ... we need just one 282 or 283 or 284, if not any of these odd numbers a 285 should work. Thanks every one. AL BAtes
  10. Al Bates

    rear tire

    *Avon Cobras used to be Avon Venom Great Tire... Especially if you are a aggressive rider, I have tried everything still with Avon cobras now.. outstanding traction.
  11. Thank You Dan for looking... Do I have to come over there and fine it for you...LOL
  12. Want to THANK you all for all your help with this valve tool.. it did become a real problem for us, but we did get a solution to the story. We place 4 different orders and 2 of them cancel and said the tool was no longer available the other 2 sent us the wrong tool. Come to fine out just saying that Frank D and Clive that posted was right. The valve tool is still available. Yamaha VMAX XVZ12 XVZ13 Venture V-MAX Valve Shim Tool -04105 will work and is the right tool $47.99 ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-VMAX-XVZ12-XVZ13-Venture-V-MAX-Valve-Shim-Tool-04105-/192042659944?hash=item2cb6a27068:m:mCXpbmtQrhNEaPcSUWIhcKg&vxp=mtr&rmvSB=true We ended up borrow the tool from Larry Skeels he was kind to lend it to us. I picked it up yesterday with some shims, thank you Larry so much greatly appreciated, Larry I owe you one..LOL There are 2 post one from my brother and one from myself. Once again thanks so much for the help. AL Bates
  13. Want to THANK you all for all your help with this valve tool.. it did become a real problem for us, but we did get a solution to the story. We place 4 different orders and 2 of them cancel and said the tool was no longer available the other 2 sent us the wrong tool. Come to fine out just saying that Frank D and Clive that posted was right. The valve tool is still available. Yamaha VMAX XVZ12 XVZ13 Venture V-MAX Valve Shim Tool -04105 will work and is the right tool $47.99 ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-VMAX-XVZ12-XVZ13-Venture-V-MAX-Valve-Shim-Tool-04105-/192042659944?hash=item2cb6a27068:m:mCXpbmtQrhNEaPcSUWIhcKg&vxp=mtr&rmvSB=true We ended up borrow the tool from Larry Skeels he was kind to lend it to us. I picked it up yesterday with some shims, thank you Larry so much greatly appreciated, Larry I owe you one..LOL There are 2 post one from my brother and one from myself. Once again thanks so much for the help. AL Bates
  14. Yes vzuden I sent flyinfool a pm yesterday waiting for a response.. Thank you Al Bates
  15. Wow that sounds great Larry... Ill text you in the morning. Thank You so much. Al Bates
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