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Everything posted by marty03

  1. Just came back from tourtanks. Yep thats where i'll go when it's time. I've checked around and they seem to be the best design. thanks.
  2. thanks i saw the post of a fella that had pictures. I can see what i need from them. Thanks for the help.
  3. Thanks i saw the post of the fella that hooked one up. The pictures show everything i need, thaks for your help.
  4. Looking to install a auxilary fuel tank and was wondering if we can install fuel line directly to existing line from tank or do we have to install another peckcock then add lines to that? I know that the rsv's are not fuel injected but with the fuel pump set up i'm wondering if it's the same.
  5. You guys are AWESOME! V7Goose thank you for the info, I put seafoam in it yesterday and then ran the full tank out. This morning went to start and she fired the first time. I'm putting the rest of the seafoam in and will run another full tank. I will also check the carb chock tabs, and anything else just to go thru everything. You all know that when buying used you don't know where you are at when it comes to maintenance and previous usage. This bike with the low mileage probably sat most of the time which is never good. Again thanks to all and if ever in Iowa look me up. marty
  6. Yes using chock all parts are moving so i believe the chock is working.
  7. Just purchased an 03 RSV with 13300 miles. Takes forever to start when cold runs great when warmed up. It take me 5 to 10 minutes to get it going with the temp in garage around 45.Any tricks or suggestions?
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