Yes I tried all of the above, I did much research on it, read all info I could find here and even watched some videos on utube. I tried every single thing that is known to mankind. Squidley even called me and we tried a couple other things. Thank you Squid, I appreciate the help. But nothing worked. Nothing. Ok here we go I have to tell ya all becuz even tho its a might bit embarrassing- I don't want anyone else to go thru this.
I had a little L bracket, mounted on the top bolt of the caliper- that held a little road light. One on each side that shines low on the pavement. I took these off, and low and behold, instantly the handle was back at full pressure. Put it back on and again instantly handle is very soft. Apparently the brakes were wore enough to work fine before but not with new pads. Weirdest dam thing. So lights are now moved to lower bolt and they and the front brakes are in perfect working order. :confused24: