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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. got my vote!
  2. Happy Birthday!!
  3. Met up with some old high school buddies- 2 from Michigan and another couple that live in Washington state now, at the old 2 wheel Inn, near the dragon. Had a most excellant weekend riding in the mountains, the dragons tail again and the blue ridge parkway. Bike ran like a champ as usuall and still smiling, even tho Im back at work now.
  4. Looks great! great pictures too!
  5. X = what your wife becomes, when you have to many of these as projects. V = valium. make sure plenty are on hand when bleeding brakes. Z = by the time the brakes are bled, youre ready for a nap I Think this one is the best- Dont get no truer then that! Think Red has hit this one square on the head!
  6. yep good points Florida-- just did my brakes too- front and back, cleaned everything up real nice-- but the biggest point you made is very important-- dont fill those master cylinders all the way up-- never past the line-- they need to have a lil room for the fluid to move and breath. If their too full the brake pad wont be able to move away from the disk
  7. Well said, and I agree. Sometimes my biggest fear is that she will loose interest and not wanna ride anymore. But I do know I sure would miss her.
  8. Congratzz on the new ride, beautiful bike-- love that color
  9. WOW! thats great, Congratzz!!
  10. Headed that way myself in about 11 days-- cant wait!!
  11. Didn't have the best family growing up, so for me being a great dad is tops, My granddad told me once to treat others as you'd like to be treated. Ive tried to live by that. And most important is to set a good example for my father in heaven.
  12. Yes I tried all of the above, I did much research on it, read all info I could find here and even watched some videos on utube. I tried every single thing that is known to mankind. Squidley even called me and we tried a couple other things. Thank you Squid, I appreciate the help. But nothing worked. Nothing. Ok here we go I have to tell ya all becuz even tho its a might bit embarrassing- I don't want anyone else to go thru this. I had a little L bracket, mounted on the top bolt of the caliper- that held a little road light. One on each side that shines low on the pavement. I took these off, and low and behold, instantly the handle was back at full pressure. Put it back on and again instantly handle is very soft. Apparently the brakes were wore enough to work fine before but not with new pads. Weirdest dam thing. So lights are now moved to lower bolt and they and the front brakes are in perfect working order. :confused24:
  14. Rebuilt both calipers and been bleeding now for a hour. Im getting very frustrated to say the least- If I had a stick of dynamite Id ................. . Now it started to rain on me- Maybe a strong mixed drink is in order and Ill retry. Just cant believe this is going so dam hard
  15. brake fluid wasnt real dark but i wanted to change it anyways, I know its at least 4 years old. The pistons in the calipers did have a little bit of gunk on them, so I cleaned them up nice and just waiting on the rebuilt kits. I had great pressure before so Im thinking that it may be due to the pistons in the calipers being sqeezed back in over the dirty part of the pistons ( the old brakes being very worn so the pistons were most of the way out-- now there most the way in with new pads)-- im hoping anyways.
  16. Ive been trying to get my front brakes to bleed for the last couple weekends. usually I dont break a line but decided too this time, because I wanted to change that lil bracket that the reflecter is on and paint my calipers. K back to the bleeding- Im pretty handy with a wrench and actually work on semi's for a living. But hehe this has been a bear. I have bled them the old fashion way- I have bought a mity vac and tryed that - I have done everything I can think of and still no luck. So last weekend I rebuilt the master, thought that it had to be the problem. No Luck, got fustrated and took it to the local shop, after about 90 minutes the machanic comes out and says he cant get any more pressure then I had. Funny thing is I have no leaks, but im thinking now it must be the calipers. So waiting on parts and I will rebuild them. Any ideas? I have friends coming for a big ride soon and were headed to the dragon, gonna need them brakes hehe
  17. Have a safe trip, actually headed that way myself on the 19!
  18. Yes be safe all. I usually make it every Other year and unfortunately this is my off year, but sure gonna miss not being there. Have a great time and we need lots of pictures!
  19. congratzz!! awesome!
  20. Workin the second shift, I get out about midnight and its great to ride thru the city. The roads are mostly bare and it just relaxes me before I get home. last night I rode for 2 hours after work. Tonight I came over a lil hill and saw about 40 police cars, they had the entire intersection locked down. It was pretty obvious it was a check point. As I worked my way thru it, one officer checked my liacence and asked where I was coming from. We talked and he told me I should be careful because of all the drunks out at that time. As we talked they pulled the guy out of the car ahead of me and handcuffed him. He was not gonna make it home tonight, ya never know just how close they are to ya.
  21. Happy Birthday!!:Crazy_139:
  22. wow that is crazy lookin pretty neat tho!
  23. Love it! Great job
  24. Happy Birthday!
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