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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. if your hazard switch is on I dont think blinker will work-- or at least mine dosnt- mine dosnt seem to work together- make sure both are off and just try one at a time
  2. hmmm Think ill moazzie on up that way and check that out, first chance I get Lets see cant do it this weekend-- going to richmond,, next weekend going over by ashville -- maybe the following weekend, so many roads and so little time!
  3. Thoughts and prayers sent from here too
  4. Happy Annaversary!! 10 years?? shucks ya'all still newly weds hehe
  5. I cant get anytime off work at the moment because we have a fella out on a eye injury. But I get weekends off so when ya have a plan and a route, Ill check it and see if I can meet up with ya and ride a ways.
  6. I can feel my arteries blocking up just looking at that
  7. Sorry to hear about your shoulder Rick, im having issues with my elbow, prolly should go get it checked out...eventually. Ive heard bad things about about Sta-bil-- I use only sea-foam.
  8. Congratzz! Great choice. Always loved that color, welcome aboard!
  9. So good to hear another also has an awesome wife, I belong to that lucky guy club too. I was just over there myself not that long ago. Not sure about the exact days but keep us informed, maybe if its on a weekend a couple of us can meet ya over there. Id even buy you 2 a meal to welcome ya to our great state!!
  10. quote... Nearby, a red-and-white 1963 Impala waits with 11.4 miles logged. Manufacturer's plastic covers the seats. The car was never titled. A yellowed, typewritten window sticker touts its original price: $3,254.70. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2013/08/20/vintage-chevy-auction-to-deal-in-low-mileage-gems/#ixzz2cf0qepoU WOW!! I like that vette in the first picture too, fella must of done really well to be able to let them sit like that
  11. Prayers and condolences to the family
  12. Quote> Couple people can't get their trunk lids to open to a full vertical position. Some lids won't go beyond a 60 degree angle (or so). I know some people have fixed this and hopefully they will post how Quote I know lots of folks have done this, but this will put stress on the corner of the trunk lid and may eventually crack. The fella that I bought my bike from did this and now its cracked, I put mine back on
  13. Prayers to his family and those that will miss him. Sad news
  14. One of my favorite areas to ride, I would definitly be there. And anything I can do to help just let me know. Im actually making a fresh batch of apple pie myself this weekend, Im sure there will be lots hehe
  15. I like to use the abs cement but I will take a small peice of thin metal and bend it to fit in the corner-or any way ya can over the break- then adding more abs cement- making sure that nothing added will interfeer with reattachinment. it makes it so strong that the area repaired will never break again!
  16. Welcome aboard!!
  17. Id like to try to make this one, when ya get it all ironed out-- just under 6 hours for me to that mcdonalds, and thats just a spit in the bucket
  18. Very glad also your both ok. Most important thing of all. Prayers for a speedy recovery for those sore muscles and bruises.
  19. Do you mean the little hole next to the tape deck-- thats the 1/8 inch jack to plug in your i-pod
  20. Buddy of mine used to use stabil for his bike every winter,, now his sits a long while as he puts its away early and wont ride till its good and warm out. But 2 years ago he had to have it taken apart and all cleaned becuz it wouldnt run. His bike machanic told him it was from the stabil being in there every winter for so long. He said it had gummed everything up pretty bad. He stopped useing it and Ive never used it. I always preferred sea foam, just thought id throw that out there
  21. congratzz!! ya both gonna love it!
  22. :Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday!!!
  23. Awesome, Pm sent and I want to make it right with ya so Let me know how :)
  24. Welcome,, bunch of great people here, if ya aint on 2 wheels, you can be here talkin bout 2 wheels, and everything else
  25. After a trip to the dragon last weekend I noticed I lost a bolt and small piece of chrome. Its the piece that bolts the chrome guards together that wrap around the bags. If anyone has a extra or knows how I can get one, please let me know. Happy to pay for one and shipping and anything else needed. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/07-30-13003.jpg
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