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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. I live in Durham, and am always ready for a ride. I work second shift, but have almost ever weekend off. Let me know too, always look forward to meeting new folks.
  2. Looks great!
  3. I grew up with a boat, used to love to get out there and ski, and was darn good at it. Later after my girls got into there teens we got another, we had a lot of fun with it- camping every chance we got and tubing skiing or just fishing from it. Great memories, kids all grown up now but they sometimes still bring up stories about camping and boating!
  4. Prayers sent, thinking of you and all involved
  5. I ride to work almost everyday! Unless its almost fer sure gonna rain. Gives me a chance to shine a lil chrome if things get slow
  6. Where abouts are ya going- wife and I moved to Durham N.C. 2 years ago ourselves and was the best move I ever did. Things are really looking up. Sent a prayer and a donation too. God bless you both and pray that life gets a little easier for you both!
  7. Hazenson

    Sad News

    very sad, prayers sent from here too
  8. This is a great upgrade and probably should be everyones first. I think that alot more folks see me because of this!
  9. Nice pictures! wish I could have been there
  10. yea thats pretty! Congratzz!!
  11. That might be just a tad past my ....Pucker factor!
  12. Hope you have a safe and Very Awesome Ad venture!!!!!!!!
  13. Been there, done that, its not fun-- prayers going out for him
  14. Lol good so far but she hasn't read her facebook yet either:cool10:
  15. Yep 27 th anniversary today for the wife and I. And for those of you who know me-- yep your right, It was mostly all me! Rofl !! na I got a good one and got lucky-- But I figured Id try that Line out here before I posted it to her facebook. If for any reason I go missing, you all will probably know why.
  16. wife and I may go down to but we will be just going down for one night on the weekend, dont wanna take any time off as I have it all my days planned out already hehe
  17. The best advice ever! I agree with ya there Big Lenny, I try to do the same, and looking back even just recently-- its really paying off
  18. rofl great stuff!
  19. Holy Cat crap batman! Thats a long time!.... Congratzz you two. Thats very awesome. Im kinda imagining her keeping ya straight with thee ole rollin pin for the first 25, and then the rest was all down hill lol Heres too wishing you many many more to come!
  20. My mother n law isnt doing very well, and my wife is planning to go to michigan when she passes. I cant get as much time off as she can and so I told her that I would ride my bike up so I could leave and make it back to work. Ummm apparntly it didnt sound as good out loud as it did in my head, cuz she looked at me and asked if I was serious, and then crazy. I think she's still mad at me!
  21. My dad had one like it too - bayonet n all, when I was a kid Ill never forget the one time we shot it. My dad somehow mounted it on this table with some padding behind it, the stock was resting against some padding and a big maple tree we had in our back yard. Wow when that ole girl fired it was incrediable, blew this water jug to kingdom come and very very loud. The first thing he said to me after the smoke cleared was, it musta took quit a man to fire those things back in the day rofl. Ill never forget that!
  22. very nice Congratzz!!
  23. Got mine, thank you!! Just about to install them now
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