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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. speechless, gonna need some time to recover from that. :think:
  2. Helped a work friend today put a bearing in his rear axle on his truck today. he actually took it to a local auto shop here and he watched in horror as a young man began to beat the bearing back in ........... backwards he had done this job before and knew it only went in one way. he got very fustrated and took his truck home immediatly. Personally Im to the point I dont wanna take me vehicle and espacally my bike anywhere. WE dont have a decent bike shop up around us so were forced to do more on our own, maybe thats not so bad in the long run
  3. ROFL
  4. Hiya Vinny,Wb and good to hear from ya, Pam says to tell Sam Hi Its been a bit ruff for alot of us, but hopefully things will look up. Good luck with the wisdom teeth- I had 4 removed in a afternoon. surgeon just wanted to do 2 and then have me come back in 2 weeks and do the other 2, I decided I didnt wanna take twice as long to heal up so I asked to git-r-done. its a day I wont ever forget Ill tell ya. Pam and I have been mia also, she lost her dad, then her mom lost the will to live and I hit a deer on our bike. Been a tuff year for us but things are looking up and really hopin to see ya all again soon. our thoughts and prayers with your family as always Hazen & Pam
  5. Glad it wasnt too bad at the end of the day and ya still managed to look on the bright side. 72 degrees?? man I still have a foot of snow on the ground here lol
  6. Well Squidley, after the accident, I was lost man. To be honest I waited a long time to ride again and waited even longer to get the bike I wanted. You know how I was with this bike hehe she was my baby. And wife and I had so many plans that just went south and we knew wasnt gonna happen. So I kinda fell off the riding plane for awhile and concintrated on work. Sure is good to know I got friends here, and I am glad to be back among friends. Thank you all for the posts here, after searching the internet for a couple days I wasnt finding much, but now I have some new web sites to go look at thanks to all your posts. I may even buy a complete bike if I can find one at a decent price, The big pieces if bought new are gonna run 3 k at minimum so thinking may be better to go that route.
  7. Im lookin for parts and watching e-bay close. But ill prolly be buying parts and painting them to match the color I want. I was thinking that most parts for a second gen are interchangable. Is this true? and is it true from 1999 thru 2009? So if I find a front cowl (looking for both pieces) would any year from 99 thru 09 fit my 2000? These parts are $900 to $1100 from the dealer. If i can find them used and paint em I could save some money.
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