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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. Lol funny you picked on his spelling for dear, rolf l was gonna say ya lost me at 90% re-molded!! lol jk good luck man-- sounds like a great deal
  2. Wheel horse used to make a snowmobile too, was a freakin tank and ugly as hell, was a good runner but if ya got it stuck in deep snow, ya was in trouble, had one for one winter, best workout i ever got i think
  3. Prayers for fast healing, and full recovery I think for those that dont have the modulating headlight should try to get them when they can. I cant tell you how many times it seemed like someone was about to pull out and stopped. I think they really do catch the eye, and save lives.
  4. Dont miss it!! Saw him last summer and he still has it. His voice is still great and the whole band is awesome. One of my all time favorites, a great great song writer, and a big motorcycle enthusiast. I love to kick up some BOB and ride!! Bob Rocks!@!
  5. Hazenson

    Sad day

    wow man Im so sorry for your loss. very sad to hear,
  6. NIce! Yep some guys just know when to hold em, and when to fold em. Personally I think he's got a lil devine guidance.
  7. Big Congratzz!! Job well done, ya must be doing something right! Wishing ya anutter 50!
  8. wow! might be weird but I loved the TA's, id be tempted, but dont think I could go thru with it!
  9. lol cowpuc-- its ok I finally got rid of all my cassettes a couple years ago
  10. Was easy for me-- always been a GM kinda guy. I was a Pontiac nut when I was younger and very disappointed when the discontinued the trans am. But I got over it quick when I saw the 2010 Camaro. Been wanting one ever since. This is a 2013, has the 6 cylinder, 323 hp tho- plenty enuff for back and forth to work! 6 speed standard, makes it lots of fun too--
  11. http://http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/100_4522.jpgI think my Venture may get a little rest for a bit. Picked this up Yesterday and it is FUN to drive! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Hazenson/media/100_4522.jpg.html' target=_blank>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/100_4522.jpg
  12. Prayers sent, hope ya get feeling better quick! Stay positive, probably just affects and odors from the meth lab across the street!
  13. surprised where Alaska is! wouldn't have guessed it
  14. I was shocked to hear this too,, loved him-- funny funny man. Seems like I heard once he had a mild mental disorder. Hate to say it but Ill bet my bottom dollar they had him on some medicine that didnt agree with him. Dam doctors want us all doped up. My last physical the nurses couldnt hardly believe that I wasnt taking some kind of medicine. 50 years old and all you do is a vitimin?? They looked dam hard to try to get me on something. They failed
  15. I was kind of wondering this too, but running out of time so Im gonna book a room at the super 8 for saturday night. In black mountain
  16. Looking forward to this, I love that area and I think the wife is wanting to go too. Im still on the second shift tho so we're hoping to be there around noon on Saturday and just stay the night, and Head back sunday afternoon. Hoping to catch up with some of ya's saturday at the park.
  17. ooh Black cherry-- I like them
  18. Happy Birthday!!
  19. great story!, The world would be a much brighter place if we all lived like that!
  20. Happy Birthday!!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Happy Birthday!!!:080402gudl_prv:
  23. Ive seen this and its got me wondering if it beats the new Z-28. Camaro just came out with a Z-28 that is faster then the corvette. Its actually a souped up corvette in the camaro body. They quit making the Z-28 for awhile according to the artical I read. But just this spring IT was supposed to be the fastest of the big 3 auto makers. It was priced at about 84k! Maybe we could get some volinteers here to buy one each to really find out.
  24. Winds are picking up here, had to close all the garage doors here at work, blowing stuff all over. Hopefully it'll just mozy on by, and we can get on with our weekend
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