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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. My wife (Pam) works at a local Television station here in Mi. You'd be very surprised the power that they have. Bad publicity is a big thing for business'. I would give them a call and tell them your story, at the very least get the word out about these scum. If there's anything we can do as a team here may be a good idea too. I really feel for ya over this, this is just rotten.
  2. Hazenson


    Glad ya asked this, Ive been thinking about this too. But I know nothing about them.
  3. welcome
  4. Just got home from downstate. Went down to Marine city to Brad and Lonna's and picked up our new trailer. Brad and Lonna invited us to stay with them for the night and partake in a get together they were having with the family. After they reassured us that we were not intruding, we had a awesome time. Great food and a fun time, and I must say im very envious of there family. Absolutly some of the finest people I have ever met. Now it's easy to understand where Brad and Lonna get there great personality's from. The trailer is sweet, pulled like a dream all the way home and Im excited about customizing it even more to make it our own. Making plans for a color sceme and some tweaks to match the bike some. But this gives me a great jump start to the plan I had of building one this winter- and if it does work out that I can go to Tennessee this fall yet- well I have a trailer ready to roll ! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/100_3544.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/100_3551.jpg
  5. Nice lookin bike, gratzz thats got to be pretty cool for both of ya's to get your old bikes bake
  6. Welcome!!:welcome:welcome!!
  7. Pam and I send our prayers, glad you were wearing your helmit, I know after I hit that deer last year Ill never ride without one. Saved my life and theres no doubt about it.
  8. yep my face is red-- found it right after i posted
  9. :confused24: I looked in classifieds and nothin there either
  10. Last I knew still in southern Mich- but thats not that far for a venturer
  11. Custom paint job -- Blue flames-- sounds like Eddie (The shiny one)
  12. Gauges look most excellant! Nice job
  13. Credit union here too- for almost 20 years- wouldnt go anywhere else
  14. Just got out of work Looks like I missed it -- noone there
  15. Nipple pink is the fastest color- hands down!
  17. Hope it stays warm for a bit longer, I may get layed off in a couple weeks and If I do..... Why Im thinking of riding down to tennessee and hanging out with the daughter for a couple weeks. Would be a solo run but wife already ok'd it and daughter is homesick already and wants me to come down! Keepin fingers crossed
  18. Hazenson

    Good morning

    :wel_ani3Tay::wel_ani3Tay::wel_ani4Tay: Think that covers it!! P.S. Welcome
  19. prayers sent from here too, praying for a quick recovery
  20. Really wanted to be there too, but some things just cant be put off, was just bad timing for us. But you truely will be missed by us here left in Mich. You 2 were the first I met here on the site, you put me up and treated me like family, and dont matter how far you go- I will never forget that. You both will always mean more to me then I can explain. Texas will be a better place when you get there.
  21. Holy smokes! Both of those are crazy, its amazing that as many of us make it to old age as we do.
  22. Oh boy Charlie Hope ya feelin better, gonna need a lil of that dark beer to help ya get to sleep tonight, If i was closer Id buy ya a few
  23. Something wrong with that dog? Looks like he chase's alot of parked cars :starz:
  24. Good luck !!! have a safe trip:Venture:
  25. Thank you
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