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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. Lol so true, never been much of a cat guy but in my old age Im getting soft I think, Buddy the cat in the photo is the best cat Ive ever come across, so I blame him mostly.
  2. Couple days ago I finally fired up the heater in the garage and began a project that I had put off for 2 weeks. Girls had asked me if I would build there cats a plaything. Well i just used mostly scrap wood I had in stock and let my imagination go wild. After I was done they helped me do the painting and added some cheap cat toys to it. Also If ya look close ya can see a fish light tube that was Nicoles that had been stored away years ago. Figured might as well put it to some use. Daughter Sarah arrived home just in time to help with final painting and attachments. Sarah Pam and I had a couple cold ones in celebrating her coming home, and finishing cat christmas present. Nicole, who ended up doing most of the painting had to settle for a non-acholic strawberry dakerie. All in all it was alot of fun and cats are luvin it. Vibrant color paint = $17.49 Misc. cat toys = $ 8.99 Happy cats = Priceless http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3665.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3660.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3652.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3655.jpg
  3. Well spent a couple nights searching craigslist in Raleigh,Durham area to find my daughter a decent car. I know alot of people might say tuff it out, your on your own or whatever for making such a dumb mistake, ( no comp on insur. policy) but she's still my lil girl. She was just promoted at work and life seems to be going good for her so I couldnt stand by and let this jeopardize her good job. Well I think we found her a good one, found a 2000 Chevy Impala in about mint condition. 129k miles on it for 2850.00 Only thing wrong with it is a small ding in door from a rampid shopping cart. Has new tires, regular maintaince, fresh oil change and service, even a full tank a gas. Tranny fluid looked good and engine purred like a kitten. My daughter called me yesterday as she was driving home and she was on cloud nine. Dad, she said, I thought you were crazy when you said it would work out for the better, there was no way I could see that then. I love you and your the best parents anyone could ask for. I just smiled to myself and thanked the big guy for pulling us out of another dilimma, and thank you guys for prayers and words of encouragement. Looks like Christmas is gonna be OK after all
  4. Great News! Congratzzz WTG! So glad to hear ya got it!
  5. Cowboy hat, six shooter and a bottle of Corona?
  6. Prayers sent from here too, I hope ya do great and may gods wisdom and strengh be with you. He'll help ya say the right things, just trust in him.
  7. :wel_4Wa:
  8. Thank you-- missed mine last year (
  9. Hazenson

    New imac

    Never ever ever buy a Dell. Dell designs there puters so that there really not upgradable. Sure you can add some memory and stuff but the mother board is designed so ya cant upgrade processor, therefore making it a disposable unit in 5 years or so. I will never Buy Dell again even if they changed this, and maybe they have cuz I havnt bought one in the last 5 years. But I seriously doubt it, Just my 2 cents
  10. wow rofl Glad I dont have a harley!
  11. Welcome back !!
  12. We were told once that ya actually get them from being a heavy soda (pop) (coke) (whatever ya wanna call it) user, not sure if its true, my buddie up the river from me gets them often and he drinks lots of pop (whiskey and pop drinker) heard this a couple of times now from a couple different people but like I said Ive no proof yet, but I dont drink much pop at all and Ive never had them, would be interesting to know tho
  13. Congrads man! Nice to see someone who truely deserves it to get something back in life, that is freakin awesome man!
  14. Thanks friends, Im gonna keep a postive attitude and just try to think about the longer riding season and the good things about moving. looks like my wife is already pretty excited just thinking about being closer to our girls
  15. Well I got the word, and Im laid off. Company says their gonna try again in the spring but then they never asked the supervisors for our phones and credit cards before. Rumers are that there closing the doors for good and lots of things are looking like that could be true. So wife and I are putting up the HOUSE For SALE sign and were looking south for work. Looking around Tenn, N or S carolina and W.V. I am a excavating supervisor and also have a Michigan builder's liacense that I plan to switch over to which ever state we move too. Wife still working at a local t.v. station and thank goodness we still have insurance but things look rough there too. I dont expect to start with a new company as a super or even close and willing to take anything decent. Anyone have any leads that may help , they sure would be appreciated. Asking for prayers too, to be honest im scared silly, been in this house for 22 years and raised our family here. I just cant imagine leaving it and moving away but ive been trying to get myself comfortable with the idea for the past few months. Thank you in advance
  16. We had this guy that worked with us that was just crazy, he'd go out and drink and just do crazy stuff. Almost every weekend he would come in on Monday with another crazy story. He actually was at a party once and driving his truck and sitting in the window and trying to steer while another friend operated the gas, he actually ran him self over. He fell out of the truck and it went over him. He was pretty boogered up for awhile but eventually was right back at the parties and doing similer stuff. This spring he got himself an old harley, I dont know what it was even tho he came to work a week ago and I talked to him about bikes and work for a half hour or so. I worried about him having a bike but said he was drinking less and knew they were dangerous. I got a call tonight from a mutual friend that told me he was at a party last night and died on his way home. He leaves behind a young wife and 2 small children, So sad and so hard to get these young people to understand how short life is and how fast we can make a mistake and end it.
  17. Very sad Indeed, my thoughts go out to his family
  18. I had the 750 triple, was a nice bike, actually I drove it around town and even to florida once from San Marcus Texas. Was my first street bike and I never had a problem with the ole girl
  19. Good luck and prayers sent from Pam and I
  20. also not only do ya have to buy the new parts for the warrenty to be valid but ya have to have it installed by a reputable garage,
  21. Yesterday we put about 300 miles on the bike, went to Traverse City Mi. to a corn maze- was kinda cool http://www.jacobs-corn-maze.com/corn_maze_fun.htm after that we went to the local Hooters for some wings. On the way we passed a giant field of pumkins. So we decided to try out our new trailer and went back up today for a few. actually this link has last years maze picture in it-- This year was 2 eagles http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3566.jpg Trailer handled flawlessly, even tho these are all pretty good size, and musta weighed a lil bit
  22. After work Wife and I rode to a small town about 30 miles from us to deliver a 9&10 shirt for my niece, local tv station my wife works at, and she been bugging pam for a shirt-- last night after work we drove 74 miles one way to grab a sandwich at this cool lil lake side restaurant weather here been great so were getting out every chance we can, weekend looking good too
  23. Congratulations!! very nice looking scoot!
  24. Hazenson


    I see the garmin has a mounting bracket for a bycycle, but I cant see how it mounts- is this what most are useing?
  25. Ill take 2:draming:
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