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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. Having a nice thaw here too but noway I can make it to the closest paved road. Its a half mile from the house and gravel roads here are still covered in packed snow and ice. BUT I need to hear it run so Today I will fire it up and hear that sweet sound and dream of spring!
  2. LOL Ya gotta be quick here or someone will catch ya! Im surprised that noone asked if ya have a good looking sister or extra chrome ? rofl:innocent:
  3. BACK!! Glad your back and On the road to recovery, prayers continued here also. Hope the hubby can keep up with taking good care of ya. Maybe we better keep him in the prayers too.
  4. My neighbor got laid off from his job and began to draw unemployment, company called him back and told him he had to take a urin test to start and flunked it. Company fired him and cut off his unemployment. Shortly after the goverment put him on the welfare, so no more tests and now he gets his checks.
  5. I have to agree with royalstarjac. I may need friends to do a intervention on me. Ive been getting all jacked up on Spinach lately. Now before ya judge me-- I know that its dangerous and just plain weird, but it feels so good!! :rotfl::rotfl: Told the doctor I was on a diet, he said what have ya ate today? I said nothin but a can of spinach. He looked at me a lil weird and said Is that the Popeye Diet??
  6. What is this Nap thing?-- Ive heard it mentioned before but
  7. I feel your pain, they took all our bonas's, raises and didnt even get a turkey or ham for Christmas or thanksgiving. Took away our optical and no longer match any 401k at my wifes shop. Im laid off now but hearing this week that the company may stop doing excavating all together and just sell heavy equipment. Guess the boss feels that if he does that he'll need 1 machanic and the rest of us can get lost. Started there 17 years ago and Im fustrated that I worked so hard to end up with nothin in the end. If Im not working in the spring Im jumping on my bike and going south looking for work- my wife says she cant take another winter like this. Us folks between 45 and 65 are the ones being pushed out- they no longer want experiance- they just want people that will work for less, No matter what the quality of work- just my 2 cents---- /rant off:thumbdown:
  8. job security may be a thing of the past for alot of us. But hang in there, hopefully she'll find something even better.
  9. Was that green grass and leaves on the trees in those pics?? wow! havnt seen that in awhile.
  10. Congratzz!! and welcome to the family!!
  11. Im with ya on that IC23B:bang head:
  12. Ya know this seems to be getting more common, more concerned about not getting in trouble then they are with someones life. Glad to hear shes ok, hopefully the dumba$$ will get caught.
  13. Congratzz!! This be me if I come crusin thru ===>
  14. Hang in there Lonna-- Prayers sent from here too
  15. Summed up nicely Dragon --
  16. Hazenson

    ATV 4x4

    We got a suzuki king quad, i never pushed snow with it but darn thing is hard to stop-- got 4x4 and also has a low range. definatly get the winch, ive used mine a couple of times when I got stuck crossing a river or when Im out using it as a snowmobile. Suzuki actually made the first quad according to what I read
  17. Pam and I at Machinaw Island this past summer http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/100_1518.jpg?t=1262654746 One with the bike (this summer also) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3565.jpg
  18. Wow topV That is excellant, ya working out at all or just doing the weight watchers plan? My wife is doing it with me but I have a few more pounds to loose then she does so maybe it'll work out, as long as I remind her of that, Thanks for the advice hehe
  19. Anyone that made new Years resalutions still sticking to em? I know some of us do this every year but Im determined to see it thru this time. My goal in to drop 35 or 40 pounds and get back into shape. I usta always stay in pretty good shape when I was younger and Im just surprised to feel how fast the body goes south when I dont. Been walking 5 miles a day on a treadmill and riding 5 on a stationary bike. Ive had this plan since thanksgiving so I used the time between then and christmas to build myself up to it. Didnt do it every day but Im glad I did it some cuz it's getting alot easier now. Also throwing in some weight lifting and eating better. (much better) And Im feeling alot better already, matter of fact I just finished my 5 on the treadmill and I even jogged a lil part of it- (very Little) but was wondering if anyone else has similer goals?
  20. More snow here in northern Mich-- about to go out and fire up the snowblower- 9 more inches the last 2 days--on a even sadder note, my snowmobile broke down-- got a yamaha exciter 88, 570 liquid cooled-- blew a piston- Id like to change both pistons and rings and of course I need a top end gasket kit-- but just priced it- and they want $256 for the complete kit. Thats a nice chunk of chrome for the bike so Im thinking Im done snowmobiling for the winter. So gonna put it all back in the polebarn and maybe rebuild it this summer. meanwhile I guess I got more time to work on my new years resalution to getting back into shape before MD at Dons! and dream about riding
  21. Prayers sent from here also, Get well quick, we miss you already
  22. Sounds good to me - Ill try to be there:big-grin-emoticon:
  23. Congratzz!! Wishes for many many more!
  24. RofL hmmm ya got me thinking now-- need to check my inventory lol
  25. Wow bro Im so sorry, thats a heavy load for anyone to go thru. I know words cant do much at a time like this but know that we are here for you. You do need to talk and find comfort in friends and family. This is too much to go thru alone. if there is anything i can do please let me know. Im sorry for your loss and my heart go out to you.
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