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Everything posted by Hazenson

  1. Happy Birthday!!
  2. wow big congratzz!- wtg!
  3. You may be getting close then too! hehe we actually started thinking this about 5 years ago too. Takes time- I have 25 years of stuff to go thru- and gotta get rid of alot. Weve lived in this house that long and just amazing the stuff ya accumalate. Not even looking forward to peekin in the attick yet. On a side note-- if anyone lives around the Durham area and knows of a place to rent we''re looking. Been searching here (online) and daughter down there looking too, was hoping to find a place with atleast a one car garage, for my 2 bikes and big ole tool box. But so far they seem hard to find. Were hoping to find something out of town for 7 or 800 a month. Anyone have any leads would love to hear him Thanks again
  4. I agree- Michigan is beautifull- theres no doubt about it. But Ive riden thru almost all of it multiple times. looking for some new adventures. The trip to outer banks a couple of years ago convinced us we just had to get closer, and explore more hehe
  5. Welcome back Wonderer!, and thank you. As far as the nuts go- it seems their everywhere anymore lol Were really excited about it and think we will enjoy it much much more hehe Daughter been filling me in on the weather and I still have snow on the ground here.
  6. Woot Good to hear- Congratzz!
  7. Hazenson

    Hey all

    Hey everyone! Ive been M.I.A. for awhile but happy to say Im back. Missed the website and those of you i have gotten to know over the last few years. Happy to say that Pam and I are finally getting out of this frozen tundra we call Michigan. We are planning to Move to Durham, N.C. at the end of the month. Our oldest daughter lives there and we are excited to be near her again. And we are surely lookin forward to a longer riding season. Also lookin forward to meeting some of you that live around that area.
  8. Were in !This is a fantastic idea!
  9. Heres a couple of us http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3877.jpg?t=1277686668 Pam my wife and Nicole our daughter http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3876.jpg?t=1277687052 Daughter and myself
  10. Prayers for a speedy recovery from here as well.
  11. Pam and I and daughter too (Nicole) want to thank Don & Eileen too. Was a awesome time, was very cool to meet so many of the members and get to talk to ya's too. Thank you Goose for having a look at my bike and all your help and advice. Gonna follow it to a tee and get it straightened up. Was nice to see the Michigan / Canadian group again too, with Brad and Lonna there it was like old times. And Thank you Charlie, for the shade I borrowed at your tent and cold brewskies. Had a Most Excellant AdVenture.
  12. After talking to wife and daughter, unfortunatly we wont be able to be there that early. But we'll catch up to ya eventually at Dons. We'll prolly go get our rooms and be at Dons around 5 or 6 pm. Be safe and we'll see ya there.
  13. Ill talk to the wife and see when were leaving maybe we can meet up with ya there. Ill post back in the mornimg
  14. 3 more here- daughter riding with me and wife is caging it, count us in if still room
  15. we'll be headed that way to fri in the am- but im 4 hrs north- I think we will take 23 down tho cuz 75 around detroit is just crazy. so well be a lil behind ya
  16. Hit one at about 10:30 - 11:00 am, one bright summer morning. Had the radio loud and even had chrome deer whistlers mounted on the bike. Was traveling about 65 mph when I saw it, didnt get a chance to slow down hardly at all. Needless to say I was not as lucky as you. Killed the deer- totaled my Venture My point is they dont only come out at night, here michigan ya can hit one almost anytime.
  17. Well added another light to the back of the trailer, made a toolbox, & cooler holder for the front. And got everything all shiny clean. Were almost packed and we're heading out in the morning. Headed to North carolina for a week and half. Visiting daughter and camp a few days on the outer banks. Planning on swinging thru the dragon on the way back. & Happy Memorial day everyone! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/2010/th_100_3751.jpg?t=1274997671 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/2010/th_100_3754.jpg?t=1274997671
  18. Planning on swinging thru around june 9 or so- headed to N.C. tomarow and coming thru on the way home-- looking forward to it.
  19. Congratzz, That looks like a clean bike. I think ya went with the better choice myself. and Like Bongobob said Welcome Aboard!
  20. That sux, had mine all apart too but I got it back together enuff for a couple hour ride Sounds like weather may be decent for awhile, good luck
  21. Figured it out, with a tester I found I was getting juice to the trailer modulator brown line-(running lights) but not coming out the other side. I musta fried it inside. So I added a short wire and bypassed it. Everything seems to be working fine now.
  22. I figured that ground must be ok- cuz they ground right to the frame and the other lights run off that ground
  23. Im adding another light to the trailer and as I was hooking it up my running lights on the trailer went out. All lights work on the bike and trailer- except trailer running lights. Just figured I blew a fuse but when checked they all are good. So I got my tester out and there is no power coming out of pigtail for the running lights. I have the trailer light assembly (wiring box) with the extra fuse box. I checked all fuses except main- i know its not that one cuz everything else works. Is it possible I fried something in that trailer wiring block? Anyone have any other ideas? Thanx for the help in advance
  24. A very inexpensive idea is a round piece of black felt like cloth and a womans hair bungy (tye) or whatever ya call it.. Thats what Ive had for awhile. BUT, I like that one and he could sell a bunch id bet
  25. Praying all looks great, The Force is with you!
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