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Everything posted by SkyKing

  1. Maintenance Day in Houston was a blast.........as well as a blast of HOT air. Typical Texas summer weather. Despite the heat, MD was fun and educational. You have read the posts of what was done by so many in attendance. OWEN and MARGARET were terrific. They opened up their home and were perfects hosts. The ladies had a great time visiting and their covered dishes were enjoy by all. (you probably saw some of the pics) I want to say THANKS to Thom, Jerry W., Brad, Ponch, Kreg and many others who helped me get the following done on my 2000 MM. An oil change, air filter change, new Polk speakers, radiator fan assembly, passing lights fixed, installation of a fuse block under the the front seat for passing lights and Steble horn as well as installation of a spacer between the front fairing and passing lights. Folks who did not make it to Houston nor have been to a MD event really should do so. The information, educational instruction, hands-on work under the supervision of a seasoned Venture owner/mechanic and the fellowship is hard to beat. I made new friends who share a love for a great bike. You will too. Note, if you are coming to a MD event during a Texas summer, bring plenty of water and shade. Thanks again to Owen and Margaret!
  2. We are so very sorry for the family's loss. Our prayers and thoughts are out to Joyce, family and friends.
  3. Since I have already changed out the cassette player with Ponch gauges, I will use both the old stock speakers and cassette on my next local fishing trip out in Corpus Christi Bay.
  4. I noticed my stock speakers on the 2000 MM were distorted when I bought it a year ago....now with this thread, I just ordered a pair of Polk Audio db401 with 150 Bass HZ bass blockers and baffles. I am going to change the front pair for right now. Can't wait to try them out.
  5. Jerry, I put a bid on it. By the way, the seller has a Harley light bar and lights. Bidding is up to around $175 or so. Will this fit the Venture too? Thanks. Mike
  6. Rick, Thanks for getting my front and rear seats to me. They arrived on Friday, July 3rd, just in time for me to ride my Venture MM over to Thom's in Rockport. Yesterday we lowered the front and rear ends, put on a shortened kickstand and spacers to bring back the handle bars to a more comfortable level. I could tell a difference in the ride over to Rockport and the ride since the other modifications to the bike. I am looking forward to a long ride to enjoy the feel of the seat even more. Thanks for the quick turnaround time. You got back from your trip on Sunday and had my seats delivered to Corpus as promised by Friday. I appreciate the quick service and excellent product. Mike SkyKing Portland, Texas 2000 Venture MM
  7. I cannot express how powerful the fraternity of VentureRider.org is when it comes to guys who bond together in sharing information, fellowship and even hard to get parts. I want to thank Jerry W. in Amarillo, Thom in Rockport, Rick Butler in Wylie and out of state participant BlackPearl (Big Tony) for all of the above. Friday and yesterday (July 4th), all the parts and labor came together when my 2000 Venture MM Limited was LOWERED. The front end, rear end, spacers on the handle bars, shortened kickstand and Rick's modified front and rear seats were installed. Guys, the bike rides different and met the expectations posted previously on this site. Thom worked his ass off. He was gracious to offer his garage, tools and mechanical skills and experience to get the projects done using pictures and instructions from Jerry W. Last night.....hours after finishing.....we took our ladies to the beach on our bikes and watched a terrific fireworks show. What a way to end the project. This was a team effort and results are rewarding. The Palimino runs great on the road....tracks true and very responsive at lower speeds. I can tell a major difference in how the bike sits. It is easier to get on and off as well as it is for my passenger. I have more solid footing when stopped and other benefits that I am sure will come to light later. There are some other projects in the future...... a better windshield, passing lights, more rear lighting, beefed up stereo system, etc.. But right now, I am looking forward to spending countless hours and miles on my revised machine. Thanks again to the great folks listed above and others who have posted comments and information gleaned from this site. Fraternally, Mike SkyKing
  8. Thanks for the response. Have a great Fourth.
  9. Happy Fourth of July everyone. I am spending mine lowering my bike and installing the new seats modified by Rick Butler. Quick question. Thom and I separated the front fairings on my 2000 Venture. In order to continue lowering the front, does anyone know the steering nut size? That is the large nut in the center of the triple tree assembly. Thanks for in advance for the your input. Mike Corpus Christi, Texas
  10. The Black Pearl My friend Jerry in Amarillo just called and said you will have a lowering kit available soon. He has been a great help to me and we have ridden together recently. Jerry is helping me lowering both the front and rear of my 2000 Venture Limited Edition. He said he and another friend are sending free parts your way. I would like to use your lowering parts. I am 5'10" and lowering my bike would make it easier to control. Please let me know what you want in return. Here is my contact info: Mike King Portland, Texas (Corpus Christi area) 361 946-0685 mikek120@mindspring.com Thanks
  11. Thanks Boo. Jerry was kind enough to offer to sync the carbs when he and his friend arrive next week. Thom who lives in Rockport is also going to join us as well. We should have some fun along the Texas Gulf Coast. Many thanks again to everyone who has come to the rescue. I deeply appreciate it. Mike
  12. I was told by Thom this web site would be a great resource of knowledge and experience and I want to thank each one of you who responded to my carburator question. As a result, I feel much better about what to do to get the bike running properly. Thank you again for the help. It is greatly appreciated. Mike
  13. The bike was purchased from a private individual and not a dealer. The owner's brother-in-law was kind enough to ride it from Las Cruces, New Mexico to Corpus Christi, Texas. He noticed the same thing, a slight backfire after the engine is reduced from high to low RPMs. I was just wondering if the quote I received from the local Corpus Yamaha service department was fair. I am not a mechanic, but it sure seemed high......6 hours to replace the jets on four carburators......at $70 per hour. But if that is the rate and the time spent on the project is correct, then maybe that is a fair quote. Mike
  14. I just bought my 2000 Venture MM from a gentleman in Las Cruces, New Mexico (elevation over 3,000 feet) and it was riden to Corpus Christi, Texas for delivery. When I rev up the engine and back off the throttle, there is a slight backfire. Someone suggested that the carburators have to be adjusted to sea level. I called the service department of the local Yamaha dealer and was told that the carburators (4 of them) have to be adjusted and/or the jets have to be changed out. He said if it is just an adjustment, it would take an hour and a half to adjust all four. If the jets have to be changed out, it would take an hour and a half per carburator..... all of the above at $70 PER HOUR. The carburator change out would take 6 hours to complete. Is this a reasonable quote or is there something else I should do? There are some intercom and a few small issues....but I will save that for some other time. Right now I just want to get my new Venture running smooth at sea level. Thanks for any advise... Mike
  15. Glad to hear Tom is recovering from what could have easily been a more serious condition. Now the material issues can be addressed and it seems Tom will be on the road again on a new bike. It is times like this when fine folks like Chuck and Linda exemplify what Texas hospitality is all about and makes you feel proud to be a Texan. If the trip is still on, it will be an honor to personally meet both Tom and Goose when they near the Texas Gulf of Mexico. I will have my 2000 Venture MM this Sunday and will have a chance to ride a few miles with them. Take care boys and thanks again Chuck and Linda for the hospitality.
  16. It is an after market CORBIN PASSENGER BACKREST. He still has the original backrest that came with the bike. Hope that helps. Mike
  17. After considering a few Ventures scattered across the country, I finally bought a 2000 Venture MM. The Palimino has 35k and fitted with a few extras. Below are some pics from its current home in Las Cruces. The bike will be delivered to Corpus Christi next Sunday. I will upate with more pics then. This would not have been possible without the great folks on this site.....Thom, Harry, Goose, John and others. Now if you are still looking for a bike, check out www.re-cycles.com in Dallas. I was seriously considering buying a beautiful 2000 red Venture with 33k miles for $6995. It should arrive in Dallas tomorrow. He also has a 1981 SECA 750 with 4000 miles for $2,595, a 1988 V-MAX 1200 for $3995 and a 2005 Road Star 1700 with 3,425 miles on it for $7,395. Pictures of all of the above are on his site. Ask for Brian. Again, thanks everybody for making me feel at home. I am looking forward to riding with you very soon. Come to Corpus. Mike
  18. Are there any members in Las Cruces that can check out a 2000 Venture for me? I am ready to move on this bike but would prefer an opinion from one of the members who can check it out first hand. I have been told by a long time member of this group that fellow guys and ladies can be trusted for their experience and willingness to help. I am ready to buy this bike and start riding with the group. I will figure out how to get it back to Corpus Christi, Texas once I determine this is the bike for me. PM me or feel free to call at 361.946-0685 Thanks in advance for your help. Mike
  19. Thom, I plan on buying this one. It is to arrive in Dallas in the next few days and I will fly up there to get it or trailer it back with my truck. I have met so many great people on this forum and can't wait to ride with them and you in the near future. By the way, I just got back from the Fulton Oysterfest with a couple of my Dallas Shrine buddies and we had a good time. The winner of this year's mens raw oyster eating contest......178 oysters in five minutes. Number two winner downed 175. The record for this 30 year old event is 370 raw oysters in five minutes. We left some oysters for you. Mike
  20. Say Gang, I joined this group less than a week ago and am learning alot about Yamahas and have made several friends along the way. A few days ago I was seriously considering a 2000 Venture MM with 103,000 miles for $5k. While many of you helped with pro and con comments regarding a high mileage bike, the owner notified me that he has been sold the bike. Today, I found a 2000 Royal Star Venture with 33k miles in excellent condition for $6995. It is red with black seating. Now just to be sure, there is a difference between the looks of a Venture and Venture MM Limited Edition. Do both have the rear seat with stereo speakers, front fairing, etc.... On the web site, www.totalmotorcycle.com while looking at 2000 Yamahas, the site shows both the Road Star and Royal Star bikes with pics and specs. I would like to know from the pros, if the above bike is a good deal or not. It is much closer to home and I would not have to spring for out of state expenses to get the bike back to Texas. Thanks again everyone and have a great weekend. I hope to join you on the road soon. Best regards, Mike
  21. Goose, the trip sounds like a lot of fun. I might even ride a few miles with you boys if you don't mind a 1975 Honda 750 FOUR Supersport joining the crowd. The trip around Texas is a great idea. It reminds me of the time the Texas Department of Transportation - Aviation Division sponsored such a tour......but it was in airplanes. Flying the five main regions of the state.......from the piney woods of East Texas, down to the Gulf Coast, Davis Mountains of West Texas, the plains region and the Texas Hill Country. Took a week stopping off in town all over the state that made you feel welcome. Great idea on bikes too. Let me know when you outlaws make it down this way. Who knows, I might even have a Yamaha Venture by then.....LOL. Take care my friend. Mike
  22. I want to thank all those who responded to my question about a high mileage Venture 2000 MM I was considering. The bike has over 100,000 miles but has been kept in great shape by its original owner. Many of you repsonded with excellent suggestions as to what to look for before purchasing the bike. The owner has notified me today that someone else will be buying the bike. However, this has been a great experience for me. Thom in Texas told me about this site last weekend and since I enrolled, I feel I have made many new friends. I thank each of you in making me feel welcome. I still would like to get a 2000 Venture MM and hopefully one day ride with a member of this great group. If you run across such a bike, please let me know. Thanks again. Mike Corpus Christi, Texas
  23. Hello from Texas. I am new (2nd day) to this site and am seriously considering buying a road bike. I have a classic 1975 Honda 750 FOUR Supersport with just over 9,000 original miles, but I would like to move up to a larger road bike. There is one I am considering.....a 2000 Venture with just over 100,000 miles. My question is about mileage. Although the bike is nearly 10 years old how does 100,000 miles on a Venture standup? I understand a well maintained bike can run for several miles but is there anything I need to know or ask the owner? Thanks in advance. I am looking forward to meeting some you on the road someday.
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