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Everything posted by jfoster

  1. There's two ways, but I found it easier to take the lower fairing off to easily get access to the bolts that holds the filter cover on. Once you remove those bolts the filter assembly comes right off. You don't have to try to undo the clamps on the rear.
  2. A brief history...had a new 06 RSTD midnight for 3 yrs and got the urge to try an '07 ST1300. Which the wife stated she would not ride it...looked to Tokyo. Which led to another m/c. Looking for either a good used RSV or a HD Glide, RK, I found an '08 RK near Beaumont with 4700 miles before I could find a RSV within 200 miles for the right price. Needs some TLC from sitting up, but other than that all checks out. Still gonna hang out here, don't post to much or do any meets, but I do enjoy reading all the goings on. Yes, it does have the factory mufflers and yes I'm keeping them...I'm not into loud. [ATTACH]68736[/ATTACH]
  3. I had a fulmer 3/4 with the shield on matt black and had never felt any heat here in La. The only down side I found is that they're extremely noisy in direct wind. I even filled the vents with hot glue to reduce the wind noice and it still wasnt hot. When I sold my ST1300 I let it go with the new owner. I tried a HJC 3/4 in glossy black and it was very hot...gave it away.
  4. Typically the gas stations around here are a lot higher for it, what very few we have. But for the past few months the bulk plant has stayed. 02 cheaper.
  5. I can't really say the e10 affects our mileage on my 09 Tahoe (state vehicle) or on the wife's 08 Edge and my recently sold ST1300. Now on my '98 1500 Chevy, I can tell a big difference in 2-3 mpg loss. Thankfully we have a bulk plant selling pure gas .02 a gallon cheaper than the gas stations with e10.
  6. I agree, custom dynamics 100 led is worth it!
  7. I agree too on running on three cylinders. I too went from a vtx1300 to a rstd, to me the power difference was noticeably better than the vtx. Fuel mileage reports vary like opinions, but on my old 06 rstd it avg 32 to 37 mpg for 29k miles with the stock windshield. Fwi, I rode mine in 5th gear from 55 mph and up and never had an issue.
  8. Dave, hope you guys the best with this. Never meet you, but always enjoyed reading your posts and comments on Roxie and all.
  9. Had our home a/c serviced yesterday and was told the price of freon was gonna ski rocket next year. Anyone in this line of work have any insight.
  10. Some people hate loud obnoxious vehicles...I personally dislike loud music and straight pipes. Just because crimes exist doesn't excuse inconsiderate people to disturb the general public. But, I agree pulling a gun on someone is a good way to get shoot or jail time.
  11. Makes a lot of sense...especially since most people seldom drain their tank or tanks and the amount of water in the public coin operated air pumps. I've never studied their product or if they mention anything about water contamination. They used to say equal in semi tires didn't mix well with water or moisture.
  12. The way I took it is if you can safely balance it then great, but if your dropping it in the middle of an intersection then its a hazard and something needs to be addressed. Lower seat height, thicker soles, trike or a totally different mc.
  13. They say gas with ethanol will dissolve all the rust. One of the few benefits...
  14. I traded my rstd last year on an '07 ST1300A. So far I've been very pleased with it. I added some air deflectors under the mirrors from Cal Sci which made a world of distance in air management. I love how smooth they are in the wind and how well designed they are. The fjr and concord may be same, but cant say. I added a speedohealer, which was a pain compared to installing one on a rstd, but other than that very easy to maintain.
  15. ta Talk to your local bulk plant. One of ours started selling it in 87 octane and they aren't listed.
  16. I agree with riders choice...my wife once told me not to expect her to change my diapers if I suffer from a brain injury for not wearing mine.
  17. I agree the price is really good. Nada retail is $13k and some change. I had a VTX1300S prior to getting an '06 RSTD. My only complaint with the VTX was to me it was geared to low. Other than that it was a really comfortable ride. The RSTD/RSV are geared alittle higher and with the increased hp do much better at interstate speeds. I think you'll be really happy with the change. On the gear whine, make sure to test ride it and really observe it at different rpms in each gear, especially around 55-65 mph. Some are BAD, others are tolerable, which may be a clue to the low price. I think the quality is equivalent with the Honda, Yamaha has really good chrome work and very little plastic minus the fairing, saddle bags, and trunk. The three years I had the RSTD, I never had any pitting or rusting (garaged keep, but high humidity). Ease of riding is pretty close. It is heavier, but I never could tell the difference. Like anything, the main thing is to ride it and check the gear whine. If it's bad, Yamaha will change it once under warranty for another gear basket which helped mine out alot. Just need to check with a dealer to see if its already been done. Good luck.
  18. He's asking full retail for it and if your willing to travel you could find a better deal. But, he may come off a 1k or more. A local dealer here has a used 09 s model for 12999 with around 20k miles which is real close full retail. There was a member with an 07 rsv for around $8500 in Fl. Not sure if he sold it or not. If you find one out if your area, some of us don't mind looking at a m/c for another member if its close by.
  19. Yamaha is aware of the whine, they will replace the clutch basket once under warranty. It helped mine a lot and made it very tolerable. I would have a dealer look it up, but most likely its never been done. Don't lose hope, I would give the dealer a chance to fix it and if they won't, find another dealer. If the dealer isn't aware of the clutch basket swap, tell him to contact his Yamaha rep. I personally didn't trust my dealer and requested to see the one that came out of mine and it had "G" stamped on it. The replacement should be the "I" basket. Also, thick oil like 20w50 will make it worse.
  20. The rear shocks have a history of failure, so it's good he's already addressed it and had it replaced. Others have noted the replacement costs being pretty high. When you test ride it, you will notice pretty quick how severe or minor the gear whine is. It usually shows up at 25, 35, 45, 55 mph +- and on deceleration when downshifting.
  21. Don't go to Austin, Tx. They got em on every corner. Should be illegal. Oh, saw one in Ga., said he had been attacked by a polar beer in Alaska....God love em.
  22. Before spend a bunch of money, send it to Rick Butler (classifieds, butler mood). The best $40 plus shipping you will ever spend. Unless your of small stature don't get a Mustang. Their very shallow.
  23. That happened to Logansport, too.
  24. Second that, my '06 read 70 mph at 64 mph. The faster you go the farther the spread. The speedohealer is fairly easy to install and accurate. I think I set mine at 6.7 or 6.9.
  25. I see it alittle different. There were atleast four variables that came together at one given point in time. Its things like this that make believe things sometimes happen for a greater reason, good or bad. The road conditions. Driver error, when he initially drifted to the left into the slush. Tires...maybe (5th variable) Vehicle two (box truck) in the exact spot to stop vehicle one from going off the right side and directing it across the center line. The semi.... No disrespect, just how I see things.
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