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Everything posted by jfoster

  1. My wife loves the airhawk cushion on top of the factory seat. Cheaper than a new seat and removable. But, my wife does not like a firm seat and with the adjustability of the airhawk she could adjust to her liken.
  2. I've got a full face modular that I hate...it amplifies the engine noise and has alot of wind noise. Does this helmet have the same characteristics?
  3. One thing I do like about the HD's is their fuel mileage...On our last outing my 06 RSTD avg 37 mpg and an 02 HD RK avg 47 mpg and an 06 HD EG avg 40 mpg.
  4. I've been blessed with an 06 RSTD with the traditional whine. Here's what I've noticed and maybe its been around and I got left out. I put the 21" clearview on for a week of riding and I began to notice halfway into the trip that the whining became very loud. After returning home I put my stock windshield on that has been cut down 4" and noticed that about 60% of the whine went away. Not that the windshield had anything mechanically to do with it but, I suppose the sound was echoing off the taller windshield. Maybe I'm crazy, but, it sure is alot quiter with the shorter windshield.
  5. My 06 RSTD definitely does not like the 10% ethanol...not only does it cost the same as gas with no ethanol but, I got on average of 5 mpg less fuel economy. I personally hope they all don't go to it or atleast give us the option to purchase high octane instead.
  6. On your fuel mileage...With my large clearview windshield I'm around 37 mpg and with my shortened 4" stock windshield I'm around 40 mpg...06 RSTD. The only backrest I found for the stock seat was Utopia, I also found the comfort-cruise seat really comfortable from yamaha, which the Utopia backrest works with also. I tried the mustang seat and to me it was to shallow and wide at the tank.
  7. I appreciate all the info...I've got the highway pegs, had the mustang seat and swapped it for the comfort cruise from yamaha, which seems to be alittle softer than the corbin. Got the utopia backrest. Its a pretty nice setup. Most likely we tried to do to much at one time. At 38 yoa, there aint no tellin. All I know is it felt like I had just left the principle's office in high school after getting 3 hard licks with a wooden paddle, that wouldn't stop stinging. Didn't help none my buddy's HD RK was getting 47 mpg. Its all good, thanks guys.
  8. After a 2200 mile last week on my 06 RSTD, I realized either I got the wrong bike or I can't do long rides. Primarily my hind-end got the best of me...I hate to give in to defeat but, I think I'm only good for two tanks of gas. One to get there and one to get back. My hat is off to you guys that can ride all day, everyday. As far as seating, I've tried the mustang and currently riding on the comfort-cruise with a utopia back rest. I made the mistake of telling my wife I wanted to try a goldwing next and she said I was in denial, lol.
  9. I switched out of my factory windshield that was cut down 4" for the 21" clearview with the vent and light tint. Much smoother ride! I read a post where someone had stated that the taller the windshield equaled less buffeting. It definitely cut the buffeting by 75% at 70mph. I can now ride at 75 mph (correct speedometer) and not have the buffeting as before. The main reason I cut my factor shield down 4" was I felt like I was either trying to look over or under it. With the 21" I have no problem looking thru it. I would definitely recomment the vent, it allows alittle bit of air to come thru to damper the vacumm effect. Not sure what it'll do to my fuel mileage, but so far I'm very pleased with their product and craftmanship.
  10. Curious, cause I run Rotella 15-40 in mine. What does Rotella oil do that other oils don't do to clean your site glass?
  11. I've had mine a month or so now and have not had any issues with it backing off.
  12. Same here, that seems to be the best question to ask. How long or whats invovled in doing a carb sync? My local dealer said the same thing. Its a long job, you'll have to leave it and will have to tear it down to work on it. Everything I read on this forum, seems to take about 15 minutes, 30 tops. That was my que to never let them work on mine.
  13. I have the RSTD '06...I really like it. The cons I've had is that the speedometer is slow. Mine was about 6 mph slow, easily fixed with the speedohealer, the gearbox whine, and there is not alot of aftermarket accessories. Pros, 5 Year warranty, very smooth ride, plenty of power for two up riding at 70 mph, alot of metal (for those that don't like plastic), and I think Yamaha has a lower hourly service rate than what I've heard from HD dealers. I've sat on the Ventures and was not to sure about the factory seat, other than that I wished now I would have went with the Venture for the fairing, radio, intercom, trunk, etc. I had the fever for an electra glide and rode an 06 for about 10-15 minutes on an open highway and was not really impressed and was happy to get back on my RSTD. The ride was rougher on the HD, but it did like the lower RPM range at highway speeds.
  14. I agree with dynodon even though I currently don't run synthetic, not sure why. From what I understand, synthetic is very good for engines that sit up alot. Its suppose to adhere to the cylinder walls, etc reducing dry starting and its supposedly runs cooler.
  15. Rotella 15-40...I've read that the 10-40 was to thin and 20-50 is to thick (my fuel mileage dropped avg 3-4 mpg). I ride regularly and don't see the need for sythetic. If it sat up alot, I probably would. If I did run sythetic, I'd have to extend my oil services to 8k to 10k miles. At 4k mile intervals, it would be a waste of money to me.
  16. If your only putting 3500-4k miles on year on it...I would change it once a year. As stated before, the manual recommends every 4k miles. But, from everything I've read. I would stay with the synthetic. It's suppose to keep the cylinders and other internal parts lubricated longer than conventional oils especially if the bike sets up alot. Me personally, I ride on average 11k miles a year and use rotella, to me synthetics aren't worth the money if I'm gonna drain it every 3-4 months.
  17. My bad, not sure why I was thinking 20k miles. Still don't understand why yamaha would recommend it (spark plugs) unless they plan on you taking it to them to have it done for an hours worth of shop time.
  18. Forgive my ignorance. But, why would you need to replace the plugs after 20k miles? A valve adjustment, maybe.
  19. On the up-side, a new 07 RSTD in '08 for $9k...I wish I'd found mine that cheap. But, from what my dealer told me, the warranty started on the sale date regardless of model year.
  20. Stupid question....can the lower plastic fairing and saddle bags be painted and not chip or peel?
  21. I like the Rotella 15-40...I've read that the 10-40 is to thin and the 20-50 is to thick (hurts fuel mileage) the 15-40 is somewhere in between. Other than that with recommended oil changes must will say it doesn't matter what kind of oil you use. As posted before look at the circle on the back of the bottle for one that does not have "energy conserving" on it. Most of you synthetics will have it. Also, if your lookin for a backrest, try utopia back rests. I wish I'd known about them when I bought my RSTD.
  22. I read in a previous post that the 09's do not have the clutch whine. Is this true?
  23. Correction..I went with the 21". I figured I already had a short windshield and that I'd go with the tall one. If I don't like it, I've still got my short one instead of two short ones...not sure what I was thinking when I ordered it. Clearview was very kind and not started with my order and didn't mind the change. We're planning a 1500 mile ride at the end of June to test it out. Thanks for all the input.
  24. I did mine in increments. I took to my local glass shop and did 2 inches and tried it for awhile then decided to go back and take off 2 more and have been really happy with its height. Its low enough I can see over it without the distortion, glare, bugs, etc. But, after cutting 2 inches off and at 4 inches I couldn't tell any difference in high speed buffeting.
  25. I cut mine down about 4 inches...as stated in previous posts, I'm comfortable at 65 mph, at 70 it's so so depending on the wind, etc. Above 70mph, I get alot of buffeting. This is based on riding 3-5 hours. I'm 6'1.
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